LE TAMAMLAMA İLE İLGİLİ TEST SORULARI (29) (FIND THE BEST COMPLETION) (İNGİLİZCE DERSİ İLE İLGİLİ TEST SORULARI, SORU BANKASI, ENGLISH EXAMS) BOŞLUĞA UYGUN DÜŞEN İFADEYİ BULUNUZ. 201-My uncle is a very unpleasant person, …………… . A) as his wife was one of the sweetest people I have ever met B) so no one seems eager to invite him to the family reunion C) that the whole family feel obliged to visit him in the hospital D) than anyone else in the family, as far as I know E) though no one could ever remember him having any friends 202- While few people have ever seen one, ………… . A) they will never forget their first encounter with a shark B) nearly everyone knows what a polar bear looks like C) it is, therefore, unlikely that UFOs actually exist D) many other people live in snow for most of the year E) not many people would recognise a pelican though 203-…….......in order not to lose our way, it was obvious we would have to hire a guide. A) We had to spend a lot of extra money B) Because it had seemed so interesting to everyone in the party C) We should make sure that we know a lot about the terrain D) As we had a good map and a compass E) Though it was an expense that we hadnt counted on 204-I feel that I now have much more energy…………… . A) until I began a full-time job again B) ever since I began exercise classes at the local gym C) when l began to walk my dog in the mornings D) because of the exercise Ive been taking recently E) just after I began to practise meditation 205-……….., despite owning hundreds of them himself. A) The prophet, Jesus of Nazareth was well-known as a carpenter B) Pauls never actually liked the taste of yoghurt or cheese C) Thomas Jefferson was opposed to the idea of keeping slaves D) Ross Perot has an enormous collection of automobiles E) Frank has never been very good at making new friends 206-In spite of being dangerous and feared fish, ………. . A) sharks attack over a hundred people annually B) piranhas usually attack their prey in large numbers C) Stephen Speilbergs film Jaws gave them a powerful reputation D) more than thirty-five people have been killed by sharks this year E) piranhas are caught for food by South Americans 207-Research carried out recently suggests………….. . A) which involved many well-known doctors and nutritionists B) that one or two glasses of red wine every day is good for your heart C) to eat five small meals a day instead of three big ones D) so we can be sure that grape juice is the best nutrient for the brain E) as some people do not believe there can be any benefit in eating vegetables raw 208-He is hoping to be able to earn a lot of money…………… . A) when he started his own business five years ago B) as soon as he graduates from university C) which turned out great as he was able to buy the boat D) if he had taken the opportunity when it presented itself E) but the stock market crashed at a very bad time for him 209-……………, yet I have hardly been so disappointed by anything in life. A) I know that I am going to be the happiest man alive after we get married B) We were looking forward to seeing one of the world’s most beautiful sights C) My father has warned me about failing if I dont study hard D) I have never seen anything so beautiful as the Taj Mahal by moonlight E) We were told that it was one of the worst restaurants in town 210-……….,which are ground, mixed with spices and fried in oil. A) Köfte recipes vary from place to place B) Pumpernickel is a tough and close-textured loaf C) Lahmacun is enjoyed by many people D) Pasta is a speciality of Italy E) Falafel is made from chickpeas 211-Though there can be many parties in a general election, ………… . A) the majority of the hosts acquaintances will be attending B) a few parties would gain too much power C) only a few of them can win seats in Parliament D) nobody actually votes for him anyway E) they failed to win any seats in the new government 212-………..; otherwise, theres no way he would have known the time and place. A) Felix must have been told about the picnic B) Stan arrived late for his own wedding C) You should ask Paul to come to the dance D) Jim was aware of the staff meeting E) Gerald cant have been invited to the party 213-Despite the fact that everyone thinks the bosss plan is not practical, ……….. . A) he himself would be among the first to agree B) many others think his ideas have quite a bit of merit C) there is no way it can be effectively implemented D) he is generally rather useless at such things E) he owns the company and thus makes the decisions 214- ………….., it would be more enjoyable to do it over a week or so, and stop to enjoy the sights. A) While the trip generally takes about seven or eight days B) I think I can manage to finish painting the house in a day C) We were planning to spend a fortnight driving to California D) Though its possible to drive across America in two days E) The train journey across Siberia is a very long one indeed 215-……….,as it looks as if its going to be raining for a while. A) The rivers and streams are already flooding B) Theres no point in buying a new umbrella C) I had no idea that rain had been forecast D) I wish Id taken advantage of the nice weather E) The weather in March can be quite changeable 216-After your plane lands at Sky Harbour Airport, …… . A) the flight is scheduled to arrive at 9.15 am. B) your connection to Texas had been delayed C) youll be taken to the Baltimore Hotel by taxi D) the plane to Mexico was about to arrive E) the trip has only taken about two hours 217-Harold is the director of a large company and supervises many people at work, ……….. . A) although he has been working with the firm for twenty years B) but at home his wife is the boss and tells him what to do C) however, he hasnt missed a day for illness in a decade D) as long as hes a hard worker and completely reliable E) considering what an important position hes got there 218-Before going to Africa to teach English, …………….. . A) Tom lives in Singapore with his four children B) Dennis had been an employee of the British government for 30years C) Scott would have been better off staying in France, serving diners D) the rest of Joes family thought he should have become a lawyer E) Steve has discovered that he can make much more money by selling cars 219-…………, you must subtract 32, multiply by 5 and divide by 9. A) Though you may not be too keen on mathematics B) A persons weight can be recorded in either pounds or kilos C) In order to convert Fahrenheit temperatures to Celsius D) The metric system has all but replaced the old imperial one E) The weather report said that todays average would be 86F 220- Though the Dutch Reformed Church is the largest religious groups in Holland, …………. . A) Roman Catholicism has been losing popularity in France B) who follow a belief established by a former king of the Netherlands C) the majority of the (bilgi yelpazesi.net) population are Shiite Muslims D) the fact that there are very few of them in America E) there are more atheists than followers of this religion there 221-……………, Ill let you know the minute I find out anything. A) If 1 had been told what we were supposed to do B) Since youll probably find out before I do C) Where were going to meet is up to you D) Although now I have no idea when the party is E) As Ive known about the examination for ages 222- Upon overhearing the name of the new manager mentioned, ………… . A) I think Kylie is a really dreadful name B) it was a group of employees from the sales department C) he was, obviously not well-liked among the staff D) I became curious about what they were talking about E) I dont think they should have promoted him really 223-………..but in the past few years, hes developed a taste for it. A) I dont know what they use to make spaghetti B) Steves always loved the flavour of Coca-Cola C) Lance used to think that ayran was repulsive D) While Karl cant stand his own mothers cooking E) Bill will never get used to eating olives at breakfast 224- The children were screaming so loudly upstairs in their bedroom…………. . A) that nobody heard the burglars enter the house through the back door B) even though their mother was punishing them for their terrible behaviour C) because of the neighbours, who are always complaining about the noise D) so there was nothing at all anybody could do to get them to be quiet E) until their father calls a baby-sitter and leaves to go to the supermarket 225-………..yet to be honest, at such a young age, I cant tell the difference. A) I saw our neighbours baby this morning and I think shes had a boy B) When Joey was a baby, she would only eat one kind of biscuit C) The seeds that I planted last month have finally begun to sprout D) Both of the twin sisters wore exactly the same dress and hat E) In America, children start school when theyre about five 226-……………., theres no way youll understand my grandmother. A) Even though she bas an impossible northern accent B) As you can speak Ukrainian as fluently as I can C) of course shes a very nice old woman D) Unless you pay great attention to what shes saying E) Ever since she became senile a few years ago CEVAP ANAHTARI (ANSWER KEY) 201B 202B 203E 204D 205C 206E 207B 208B 209B 210E 211C 212A 213E 214D 215D 216C 217B 218B 219C 220E 221D 222D 223C 224A 225A 226D
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 12:00:55 +0000

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