LEDA AND THE SWAN... Leda was the fascinating queen of Sparta, - TopicsExpress


LEDA AND THE SWAN... Leda was the fascinating queen of Sparta, daughter of Thestius. She was the wife of King Tyndareus of Sparta, and he had two daughters: Clytemnestra, who was then the wife of Agamemnon and Aegisthus, and Helen, for whose beauty took place the Trojan War. Zeus fell in love and got to see her, he descended from heaven in a guise of a swan, and reached the summit of Mount Taygetos. while Leda was sleeping on the banks of a small lake, she was awakened by the squawking of the wings of a snow-white swan; around there was the scent of ambrosia that stunned her, and the swan with its sinuous neck lovingly stroked her face, her hair and her arms. He was Zeus turned into a swan to approach her, and as soon as the young queen woke up, made himself known and predicted that their love would be born twins, the Dioscuri: Castor, a great tamer of horses, and Pollux, invincible boxer. Both would be to defend the country and guide of the sailors, who considered as a sign of their protection the St. Elmos fire. Since Castor was mortal and Pollux immortal, the latter wanted to be mortak for love of his brother.. Zeus, pitied, decided that each of them lived a day, live, in Olympus Mount, and the next day, dead, in Erebus, thus giving themselves the change.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 02:11:14 +0000

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