LEGAL ENGLISH Words like hereof, thereof, and whereof (and - TopicsExpress


LEGAL ENGLISH Words like hereof, thereof, and whereof (and further derivatives ending in -at, -in, -after, -before, -with, -by, -above, -on, -upon, etc.) are not often used in ordinary English. They are still sometimes used in legal English, primarily as a way of avoiding the repetition of names of things in the document – very often, the document itself. 1)Hereafter means ‘from now on or at some time in the future’. For example, ‘the contract is effective hereafter’. 2)Hereat means (1) ‘at this place or point’ or (2) ‘on account of or after this’. For example, ‘hereat the stream divided’. 3)Hereby means ‘by this means; as a result of this’. For example, ‘the parties hereby declare’. 4)Herefrom means ‘from this place or point’. For example, ‘the goods shall be collected herefrom’. 5)Herein means ‘in this document or matter’. For example, ‘the terms referred to herein’. 6)Hereinabove means ‘previously in this document or matter’. For example, ‘the products hereinabove described’. 7)Hereinafter means ‘later referred to in this matter or document’. For example, ‘hereinafter referred to as the Company’). 8)Hereinbefore means ‘previously in this document or matter’. For example, ‘the products hereinbefore described’. 9)Hereof means ‘of this matter or document’. For example, ‘the parties hereof’. 10)Hereto means ‘to this place or to this matter or document’. For example, ‘the parties hereto’. 11)Heretofore means ‘before now’. For example, ‘the parties have had no business dealings heretofore’. 12)Hereunder means ‘later referred to in this matter or document’. For example, ‘the exemptions referred to hereunder’. 13)Herewith means ‘with this letter or document’. For example, ‘I enclose herewith the plan’. 14)Thereof means ‘of the thing just mentioned’. For example, ‘The contract was signed on 1 May 1999. The parties thereof . . .’ 14)Thereafter means ‘after that time’. For example, ‘The products shall be transported to The Grange. Thereafter, they shall be stored in a warehouse.’ 15)Thereat means (1) at that place or (2) on account of or after that. For example, ‘thereat, payments shall cease’. 16)Thereby means ‘by that means; as a result of that’. For example, ’the parties thereby agree’. 17)Therein means ‘in that place, document or respect’. For example, ‘The parties shall refer to the contract dated 1 May 1999. It is agreed therein that . . .’ 18)Thereinafter means ‘later referred to in that matter or document’. For example, ‘thereinafter, it is agreed that . . .’ 19)Thereof means ‘of the thing just mentioned’. For example, ‘Reference is made in paragraph 5 to the contract dated 1 May 1999. The parties thereof agreed that . . .’ 20)Thereon means ‘on or following from the thing just mentioned’. For example, ‘The machine rests on a wooden block. There is placed thereon a metal bracket . . .’ 21)Thereto means ‘to that place or to that matter or document’. For example, ‘the parties thereto’. 22)Therefor means ‘for that’. For example, ‘the equipment shall be delivered on 13 September 2003. The Company agrees to pay therefor the sum of $150,000’. Therefor should not be confused with ‘therefore’ which means ‘for that reason’. 23)Thereupon means ‘immediately or shortly after that’. For example, ‘delivery shall take place on 13 September 2003. Thereupon the equipment shall be stored in the Company’s warehouse’. 24)Whereabouts means ‘the place where someone or something is’. For example, ‘the Company shall be kept informed as to the whereabouts of the products’. 25)Whereat means ‘at which’. For example, ‘The seller attempted to charge extra interest on late payment, whereat the buyer objected’. 26)Whereby means ‘by which’. For example, ‘the contract dated 1 May 1999, whereby the Company agreed to purchase the products’. 27)Wherefore means ‘as a result of which’. For example, ‘the buyer breached the contract, wherefore the seller suffered damage’. 28)Wherein means (1) in which, or (2) in which place or respect. For example, ‘the contract dated 1 May 1999, wherein it is stated that . . .’ 29)Whereof means ‘of what or of which’. For example, ‘the Company one of the directors whereof is a foreign national’. 30)Whereupon means ‘immediately after which’. For example, ‘The sum of $15,000 shall be paid by the buyer to the seller on 13 September 2003, whereupon the buyer’s liability to the seller shall be discharged’.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 18:50:01 +0000

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