LEMME SPLAIN SUMPIN I am not an exorcist, evangelist or minister. - TopicsExpress


LEMME SPLAIN SUMPIN I am not an exorcist, evangelist or minister. I am just a Christian who has spent a lot of time reading and trying to understand the reality of life. Heres the reality - There is a war in heaven that has been going on for millennia. As mere mortals we have no idea what the protocols of this heavenly war entail. Were only told in the Bible it is a reality but only few details. The one major detail being Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels attempted to overthrow the Kingdom of God and were thrown out of Heaven. Many of us let it go at that and fail to remind ourselves both the old and new testaments are filled with the then present day worldly effects of that Heavenly war. That war continues to this day. It is as real as my fingers on this keyboard. One of the realities of that war is Lucifer is outnumbered 2:1 in this war and he is gathering an army. As in the days of Noah mankind is once again worshiping Satan/Lucifer. And if not him then other religions contrary to the teachings in the Bible. Men and women are distancing themselves from God in a variety of ways. Im not preaching here. This is fact. Look around and see what is happening on Earth and listen to what the leaders of the people are professing. Yes, even our own president is a phoney. His actions do not match his words. That is only one leader. Look at all of them all the way down to your own community. Not to judge them but to see who, or what, you are following. I am no better than anyone reading this. I am a sinner not worthy of the grace of God. If Christ had not gave his life for me on that cross I would be doomed. I cant do this alone and I fall short in my efforts every single day. But he didnt die for the saints. He died for me and for you. Only the one true God who knows the beginning from the end and the end from the beginning could have seen and accepted us as we are today. May he send his son Jesus back soon. I am ready to go home. thinking out loud ...
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 20:42:14 +0000

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