LESSONS FOR THE HEARING WORLD! Stereotypes and Misconceptions - TopicsExpress


LESSONS FOR THE HEARING WORLD! Stereotypes and Misconceptions about Deafness 1. All deaf people sign The ability and desire to sign is also different from person to person. It all depends how the individual was raised and whether or not they were ever encouraged/discouraged to sign. It’s about preference and how the deaf individual is most comfortable communicating. 2. Hearing aids make you hear normally Hearing aids can help some deaf and hard of hearing people, but it depends on the person and their specific type and severity of hearing loss. In addition, how well a person can hear with Hearing Aids depends on the environment, the situation, background noise, among many other factors. Hearing Aids cannot and do not restore hearing or fix hearing loss. The only amplify sound and assist with Hearing. It’s a Hearing AID, not a Hearing FIX. 3. The majority of deaf people cannot speak Not all deaf people are the same. Some Deaf speak very well and clearly; others choose not to use their voice if they think that they are difficult to understand or have problems gauging their pitch or volume. 4. A cochlear implant restores hearing Cochlear implants can help some deaf people, but it depends on the person and their specific type and severity of hearing loss. Not all deaf individuals want or are a qualified candidate for cochlear implants. Cochlear implants don’t “cure” hearing loss. 5. All deaf people speak funny Deaf people are not all the same. Some speak well and clearly and others do not. It depends on their hearing loss type, if they have had or needed speech therapy, etc. And deaf people don’t “talk funny or weird.” What you are hearing is called a Deaf Accent. Not everyone who is deaf or hard of hearing has a deaf accent. 6. Deaf people cannot drive Deaf people can drive. In fact, it has been proven that deaf or hard of hearing people are better drivers that Hearing people and have fewer accidents or mishaps. Deaf people are more visually aware of their surrounding while driving than Hearing people. A Hearing test is not required for getting a license to drive. We see the flashing lights on ambulances or police cars, etc. 7. All deaf people lipread Some Deaf people are very skilled lip readers, but many are not. Only about 30% of spoken English is visible on the lips. This is because many speech sounds have identical mouth movements. For example: p and b look exactly alike on the lips. 8. If you shout, it helps a deaf person understand Usually this is not the case. It is better to speak naturally and at a comfortable pace. Not too fast and not too slow. Exagerating mouth movements also does not help a deaf person understand what you are saying. Just speak normally. 9. Deaf people are not as intelligent as Hearing people Hearing loss is not representative of intelligence or ability. Deaf people can do everything a Hearing person can do, expect hear as well. There are many famous deaf individuals who are known for their brilliance. To think that deaf people are less intelligent than Hearing people just because they’re deaf is extremely offensive. 10. All deaf people are completely and totally deaf There are ranges of hearing loss. Some people who are legally deaf prefer to be called Hard of Hearing. Some people who are legally deaf prefer to be called deaf. It depends on the individual and their type of hearing loss and what the individual themselves prefers to be called. 11. All deaf people understand and participate in Deaf Culture Not all deaf people choose to participate in deaf culture. Deaf culture requires a common language and shared values, beliefs, norms, behaviors, etc. Not all deaf people use sign language. And besides that, some deaf people prefer to use technology only and do not sign and want to fit into the Hearing World as much as possible not not connect with other deaf individuals. 12. Deaf people read braille This is a common question and assumption, but I’m not quite sure why. Some blind people use braille. Deaf people have problems with their ears, not their eyes. So there would be no reason that a deaf person would read braille unless they were Deaf-Blind (both blind and deaf). 13. Deaf people cannot have children This is a common assumption, but I’m not quite sure why. Deaf people can have children. There is no reason why they would not be able to or why they would not be allowed to have children. 14. Deaf people only have “lowly” jobs Some do, but some don’t. Not everyone is the same. Deaf people can do anything Hearing people can do, except hear as well. There are hundreds upon thousands of famous and influencial deaf individuals.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:31:33 +0000

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