LET MUSLIMS AND THEIR SYMPATHIZERS CHOKE ON THIS: What if … -- the 12 journalists murdered in Paris in today’s massacre had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the December 2014 execution of 150 women had been for refusing to marry Christian crusaders instead of Islamic fighters, and… -- the 500 school girls kidnapped, raped, and sold into slavery by Boko Haram in Nigeria in 2014 had been raped and enslaved in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 121 people murdered in the 2014 Borno massacre had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2014 shootings at Parliament Hill, Ottawa had been carried out in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2014 stabbings in Endeavour Hills, Australia had been in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 59 people murdered by the 2013 shooters at the Westgate Mall had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 127 people murdered during a worship service at the church in Peshawar in 2013 had been murdered as “enemies of Christianity” instead of “enemies of Islam,” and… -- the 3 people murdered by the 2013 Boston bombers had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the two men who killed British soldier Lee Rigby with cleavers in Woolwich, England, had been shouting “Jesus akbar!” instead of “Allahu akbar!”, and… -- the 2012 murder of the US Ambassador in Benghazi had been in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2012 Toulouse and Montauban (France) shootings had been carried out by someone describing himself as a “crusader” (as opposed to a “mujahid”), and… -- the 2011 Christmas Day bombings of 4 churches in Nigeria, leaving 41 dead, had instead been bombings of mosques during Ramadan, and… -- the 2011 knife attacks in Hotan, China, had been carried out instead by 18 Christian men shouting Christian slogans instead of Muslim men shouting Islamic slogans, and… -- the 2011 firebombing of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo had been in response to an insult against Jesus instead of Mohammed, and… -- the 2011 Frankfurt Airport (Germany) shooting, which killed two US airmen, had been carried out by someone shouting “Jesus akbar” instead of “Allahu akbar!”, and… -- the 2010 Times Square bomber had been acting in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2010 Stockholm, Sweden bombings had been in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- Christians, rather than Muslims, had claimed responsibility for the 2010 Varanasi, India bombings, and… -- the 2009 Ft. Hood shooter had been acting in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2009 bombing of the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta had been for the purposes of establishing a “Christian state” instead of an “Islamic state,” and… -- the 2006 murder of 209 people on the train in Mumbai had been in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 52 people murdered by the 2005 London subway bombers had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2005 plots to kill the Danish cartoonist Jyllands-Postern were because he had drawn a picture of Jesus instead of Mohammed, and… -- the 385 school children murdered in Beslan in 2004 had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 191 people murdered by the 2004 Madrid train bombers had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2004 Uzbekistan Embassy bombers had been acting in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2004 massacre in the US diplomatic compound in Saudi Arabia had been in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2004 murder of Dutch film director Theo van Gogh had been by a Christian in response to a film criticizing the treatment of women in Christianity (instead of Islam), and… -- the 2004 bombing of the Australian Embassy in Jakarta had been, as claimed in a confession by the perpetrators, to “settle accounts with Australia, one of the worst enemies of Jesus and Christianity” (as opposed to “one of the worst enemies of God and Islam”), and… -- the 10 people murdered by the Beltway sniper in 2002 had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2002 Calcutta, India Cultural Center shooters had been acting -- in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2002 Karachi, Pakistan Consulate bombers had been acting in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2002 Denpasar Indonesia Consulate bombers had been acting in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 202 people murdered by the 2002 Bali bombers had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 17 US sailors murdered by the 2000 USS Cole bombers had been murdered in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 1998 RPG attack on the US Embassy in Beirut had been in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 1998 Nairobi Kenya Embassy bombers had been acting in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 1998 Dar es Salaam Embassy bombers had been acting in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the 2977 people murdered on Sept. 11, 2001 had been murdered in -- the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the (at least) 18 churches bombed in Indonesia on Christmas Eve, 2000 had instead been mosques at Ramadan, and… -- the 19 people murdered and 498 people injured in the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing had been murdered or injured in the name of Christianity instead of Islam, and… -- the death sentence pronounced on Salman Rushdie in 1989 had been issued instead by a Christian “supreme leader” for insulting Christ, and… I will stop here. If all of these things had been done by Christians in the name of Christianity, would we define Christianity as a “peaceful religion”? Would I be a bigot if I started to believe that this religion itself just might be a problem? What if all these things had been done by, let’s say, Mormons? Would we hesitate to acknowledge that we have a “Mormon Problem”? ... But these acts were NOT perpetrated in the name of Christianity, Buddhism, Mormonism, or any other religion – aside from Islam. The fact is that every one of the heinous acts listed above was committed EXPLICITLY IN THE NAME OF ISLAM, by supporters of Islam, in defense of Islam, and/or in part of an attempt to bring about an Islamic state. - (mychal-massie/premium/; forwarded to me by a friend from Gates of Vienna)
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 17:20:18 +0000

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