LET THEM TALK..... When you have a vision, when you have a - TopicsExpress


LET THEM TALK..... When you have a vision, when you have a purpose and you are pursuing that purpose, not everyone is going to understand that. Some people are even going to hate you for pursuing that purpose. You may even lose friends the more you get committed to pursuing your life purpose, because, well, thats their nature. Misery loves company. When you get a step ahead, the former company you kept will try to pull you down. Its called the CRAB-mentality. Crabs always pull down other crabs that try to climb a step higher. What am I saying? Forget about pleasing everyone if you are to achieve your purpose in life. Forget about conformity if you are to do something in this life. No person who conformed ever changed this world. Rebels changed this world, conformists have never, and will never change this world. LET THEM TALK.... One of my mentors told me years back; Ian, set yourself on the course you should go and no matter what happens, no matter who says otherwise, commit to following that course to its natural end. At the time he told me that, I was trying to make some changes in my life. I was a teenager in an existential crisis of sorts. You know those moments when you are asking yourself; What do I really want to do with my life? Whats the meaning of life? And my mentor told me; If you choose that path with a heart, and really feel a calling for that path, commit to it, get married to that calling. A few days afterwards I discovered my life purpose. It was simple yet everyday, it has continued to make more sense to me. To grow consciously to greatness and to help other people grow consciously to their own greatness. Thats my life purpose. I am committed to growth. Every day, every minute, every second, I have to keep growing, even if by only 1%. Now my mentor also told me. When you begin to make changes in your life, some people are going to feel threatened. It may be your boss, it may be your friends, your co-workers, your family or even your partner. He told me that people may even try to sabotage you. Some people may even stop talking to you, others may even abandon you altogether. And I think, that was one of the greatest pieces of advice I ever received as a teenager. That in life, you are the one driving your bus, its up to the other people to get on the bus, and if they cant take it no more, they can get off the bus. The bus is headed towards your life purpose. See, if you have been over-weight and then you begin to hit the gym, begin to lose that weight, some people are going to make fun of you. Others are going to discourage you, tell you it wont work out. Most likely, it will be your fellow over-weight friends who feel threatened about your new commitment to get better. When you decide to advance your education, go for that Masters degree, some of your peers will feel threatened. They will even stop communicating with you. Because you stir up all the anger in them. The anger that you are doing the things theyve always wanted to do but somehow theyve always shied away from doing those things. Many stupid people evaluate themselves in comparison with others. If they see you getting better than them, theyre going to feel worthless about themselves and feel guilty for not taking the same steps as you are. Those who failed will feel bad to see that you are succeeding at the very things at which they failed. But I also have to say, when you become a better you, your own circle of friends will slowly begin to change. Because a better you signifies a person of better values, and a better you attracts better people. See when you become good at time management, your late-coming friends will begin to hate you, and they will fall off because they wont be able to keep up with you. When your values in life change, there will always be changes in your relationships. And I want to say this, people will keep saying all things about a person whos focused on their life journey and purpose. Scandal after scandal will come up, conspiracy theories will come up, all in the name of trying to sway you off the path youve chosen. And if you do choose to get married, make sure the woman or man you choose understands your life purpose and is willing to play defender to that purpose. Above all, if people who were used to the old you cant keep up with the new you, thats their problem. You are not here to please anyone, you are here to pursue your life purpose. Dont make any apologies for pursuing your life purpose. Dont make any apologies for not picking up their phone or replying their messages when you are busy working on your dreams. A man with a purpose makes no apologies. They either cope or drop off. Its their choice. Charles Bukowski says; “If youre going to try, go all the way. Otherwise, dont even start. This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives and maybe even your mind. It could mean not eating for three or four days. It could mean freezing on a park bench. It could mean jail. It could mean derision. It could mean mockery--isolation. Isolation is the gift. All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it. And, youll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds. And it will be better than anything else you can imagine. If youre going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire. You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. Its the only good fight there is.” All in all, be ready to anger many people the more you get committed to a certain cause in life....
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 20:01:43 +0000

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