LETTER WITH LEGAL BINDING OFFER . TO CHINA. CHINA ACCEPTING PRIVATE CAPITAL. SHARES ARE CAPITAL. VALUE IS PRINTED IN NOTES BY NATIONAL BANK. VALUE OVER 15. 000 BILLION USD OF MINE. TO FINANCE ONE CHINA FORMATION TO NEEP AND ASSET CHINESE MEANS WEALTH 10 000 Yuan per Chinese. Pocket money level our economy. THE INCOME EXPORT WORLD WIDE IN NO COMPETITION MARKETS ONE M2 FOR ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR US AS PROFIT. ONE M2 GATHERES ON LEASE TO KEEP METAL PROPERTIES OVER FIVE LITRE FUEL/KW = 60 KW, A DAY AVR. ALL NATIONS CAN BECOME ENERGY SELF SUPPLERES AND EXPORTERS. CHINA WILL THEN HOLD THE ENERGY STOCK EXCHANGE AND CONTROL PRIZE GLOBAL BECAUSE O S P CHEAPEST ENERGY OF ANY OTHER. Optical Solar Panels by name optics concentrating light har vest over 85 % of all light income from any direction all the above. Do not compare with other solar panel types, they ONLY har vest up to 5 percent and no Net Energy Earning. Using no fane or waste water nor heat in chimney Optical Solar Panels Power Units ONLY læse about under 10 % og over 85 % of all income going to electrical Power in Voltage, is over 75 % of 60 KW caught light heat KW is 45 KW/ 220 Volt/ 1 Ampere per M2. Compere heating up Earth, your street ta black swimming pool, emperatur rise, how mush duel daytime. Light heat can Be store as lava/magma/melt/heavy fluids. Please invite here in writing for our next meeting in your Embassy in Copenhagen, when Embassy free of further UK Jeu Hong Kong infiltration. Thanks. I await to place my signature and own hand finger print on contract written by you in one copy for me in American English this year western 2014. From: Jens Peter Claire Schwartzlose Sent: 06-03-2014 06:44 To: Peoples Republic of China Ambassador and President PRC from SPE; China Daily State paper Please all Editors; China State Press Emne: My capital in billions Yuan My capital in owing neeprofit.net and neeprofit can be placed legitimate in China and State projects over an accounting as follows: My asset road construction. 50 billion My asset white fly ash cement 250 billion My asset Optical Solar Panels 1000 billion You wrote: news.xinhuanet/english/special/2014-03/05/c_133161964.htm. China needs a private operator for Nation to deal pro State and leadership reaching Net Energy Earning under Profit. DIPLOMAT LETTERS, MEDIA, CD: Net Energy Earning, new term, y. 1996, defined by me sender; Have all energy returned calculated in all from before mining to industry product operating to end consumer and recycled raw materiale, then Energy Earning is result. Who got true profit? Optical Solar Panel Power Plants and all smaller of out engineering has got; Net-Energy-Earning, the first and only for planet life renewable free standing in the environments. USD ½ Cent/ KW/ 1 Ampere / Hour production power cost price. All China and my tech production. All know USA neglected payment 98 million USD to me.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 03:54:49 +0000

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