LETTERS TO SANTA MINERAL DAILY NEWS DECEMBER, 1915 Keyser W Va, Dec 4 Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me the model builder which you left at the racket store, which cost $4.45 and will you please bring me a train of cars, as there are so many children to bring toys to I will not ask for anything else, except a few nuts and candies and oranges. I will close, hoping to get everything I asked for. To Santa from RUSSELL HELMICK 85 B St Dear Santa: I am a little boy 8 years old and I want you to bring me a gun and some beautiful books, some candy and nuts. That is all, good bye Santa Clause This is ALBERT WILLHIDE Dear Santa Clause: I am a little boy six years old, please bring me an engine and cars, a little violin and a box of tools, a saw mill and what ever you wish to bring me, and please don’t forget my sister, papa and mamma. I live at 23 A St Your friend, FRED THOMPSON Dear Santa Claus: I will hang my stockings on the wall good and strong so they won’t fall. Please fill it with nuts and candy sweet, as you know little girls love to eat. I would like a covered buggy for my doll, a pair of fur trimmed mits. I wish Christmas was over. Oh this suspense. You can get them at Sincell’s for fifty cents. I am seven and a half years old. My wishes all to you I’ve told. OLGA FAULK Mozelle Street Dear Santa: Will you please bring me a blackboard and a train of cars, a little elephant and an auto that has a white top to it and bring my little sister a doll and a rattler please. From WAYNE HELMICK to Santa 85 B St 9 Chestnut St Dear Santa: I am a little girl 10 years old. I will tell you what I want. I would like to have a big tall doll and girl Indian suit, candy and nuts, oranges and some nice story books. Your little friend UTELKA WILLHIDE Dear Santa: I am a little girl 7 years old. I want a doll that will shut its eyes when I lay it down, candy and nuts and oranges. That is all. From your friend, WILMA WILLHIDE 9 Chestnut St DECEMBER 9 Dears Santa Claus: I want an air rifle and a scout suit and a set of tools and some BB’s, a pony, an engine, a wagon, a Christmas Tree, a story book, a saw engine and a moving picture machine. From CHARLES TO SANTA Dear Santa: I am a little girl 4 years old. I want a doll and a nice story book and a ring, candy and nuts that is all. From your little girl, JESSIE WILLHIDE Dear Santa: I am a little girl 10 years old, and I go to school every day. I will tell you what I want for Xmas. I want a pair of kid gloves and a story book, candy nuts, oranges and don’t forget the poor children and my sisters, brothers and my mother and my teacher. So good bye for this time. From your friend EDITH ADAMS 15 A St December 13 Keyser W VA Dear Santa Claus: I want a set of dishes. I want a doll and a sewing box and I want a dress. I will close and please don’t forget to come. From, NITA BILLINGRE Keyser W Va Dec 13 Dear Santa: I am a little boy ten years old. I go to school every day. I would be pleased if you would bring me some candy and nuts. Slip in a few suckers. I think this will be all this time. Your loving friend, HARRY BEATTY Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl seven years old. I want you to please bring me a character doll, box of crayons, candy, oranges nuts and please trim my tree and don’t forget the children that have no father and mother. MARY AILEEN SOUDER 188 Argyle St Dear Santa Claus: I have been a good boy, please bring me a box of erector, also bring me some tools and a work bench, and a desk and chair and I would like a few books. Your little friend, JOHN BARGER Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me for Christmas a kepie doll, a doll baby buggy, a little tub and wash board, a story book, candy, nuts and oranges. Your little friend, MARGARET MCNEMAR Dear Santa: I am a little boy two years old. I want a pair of shoes with red tops to them and a story book and some candy and nuts. That is all for this time. CHARLES CRAWFORD Dear Santa: I want you to bring me a pencil box, a doll baby and some clothes for it. Some candy and nuts. I am your friend, PAULINE BAN Keyser W Va, Dec 14 Dear Santa: Please bring me a baby cart, a baby that will cry when I knock it off the chair, a bear book and some candy. Then I will be a good little girl. ALICE CALDWELL, Mozelle St Keyser W Va, Dec 14 Dear Santa: Please bring me a train of cars from Brown’s, a bee bee gun and a set of tools. If you have any books I would like to have some of them and a sword from Brown’s. RICHARD CALDWELL Mozelle St Dear Santa: Please bring me a rain-cape and I would like a sled and some candy and nuts. And don’t forget my little brothers. BERTHA CHAPMAN Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy 10 years old and would like to have a builder and a sled and candy and nuts. That’s all. ORVILLE CHAPMAN Keyser W Va, Dec 14 Dear Santa Claus: I live at 31 D Street, Keyser W Va. I am 8 years old. I want you to bring me a doll and a doll cart, and some candy, nuts and oranges and give the other poor little children something, as I will close with some kisses for you. Now please Santa bring them to me. From your loving little friend, BELLE LEATHERMAN Keyser W VA, Dec 14 Dear Santa: My sister is writing for me. I am 4 years old. I want a little wagon and engine and blocks if you please. Will close with kisses for you. Your little tiny friend, ELBERT LEATHERMAN Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a sled and animal yard, a doll baby, a hobby horse, some candy and oranges and some nuts and some postal cards and a little iron. Your little friend, JULIA SMITH Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a sled, a doll, little iron, a little table and a little lamp. Some candy and nuts and oranges. Good bye from your friend, NELLIE TRENTER Keyser W Va, Dec 14 Dear Santa, I want a doll and a little piano if you please. I am 6 years old and I want some candy and nuts and oranges if you please. That is all dear Santa. Give some to other little children. I will close with kisses for you. Your little friend, CATHERINE LEATHERMAN 31 D St, Keyser W Va Dear Santa: I thought I would write and let you know what I want. I want a fire wagon, an engine that runs on the track, a hobby horse and a toy automobile, a story book, candy and nuts. Good bye, From your truly friend, BILLY PARISH Dear Santa Claus: I will write and tell you what I want for Christmas. Please sent me a sled, a toy horse, and wagon. A pair of roller skates, a bicycle and a fire wagon. Some candy oranges and nuts. From your truly friend, BUSTER DAVIS Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a toy automobile, a horn, a train of cars and lots of oranges, nuts and candy. Please don’t forget me. JESSIE PRATHER Dear Santa Claus: I want for Christmas a doll baby, a piano, a doll bed, a little lamp, a little iron and a little table, and some candy and nuts and oranges. Your friend, IRENE PARISH Dear Santa: I am a little boy 4 years old and I am good and want you to bring me a car and a pony and a horn and remember all the other little girls and boys. Your little friend, DICK Dear Santa: I am a little boy 5 years old. I want you to bring e a little express wagon and some candy and nuts and a pair of shoes and don’t forget my little sister, Your friend, ELMER NORRINGTON Dear Santa Claus: Will you please bring me a drum, a checker board and I would like to have a macaknau coat, some nuts and candy and bring my little sister a little buggy for her doll. This will be all for this time, but won’t forget our tree. Your little friend, ALTON RINARD Dear Santa Claus: I am a boy 9 years old. I want a sled, horn, candy, nuts. Please bring Ray a wagon and a horn. Good bye, From your little friend, JOSEPH RINARD Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me for Christmas a sewing box, a horn, a doll, a story book, some candy, nuts and oranges. Don’t forget the other little girls. Your friend, EDNA FRANCES HARR Dear Santa Claus: I have only seen one Christmas and don’t know much about it. Do what you think right and I shall be satisfied. Your little girl, JOSEPHINE HARR Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a sled and a doll bed, a harp and some candy and oranges and some nuts and bananas and a bracelet. Your little friend, BEATRICE SIMMONS Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a harp, and a horn and an engine, some caps for my toy pistol and some candy and nuts and some oranges. Your little friend, WALTER SIMMONS Keyser W Va Dec 15 Dear Santa: I am a little girl 7 years old and I want you to bring me a little bed and a set of dishes and a set of fox furs. Good Bye. NELLIE RILEY 88 C St Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy, 8 years old. I wish you would bring me a little pony and a little wagon that I can haul sand in, a little drum, a little engine, a little automobile, a little horn, a sled, some blocks, a rattler, a bottle and nipple, a poodle dog, a wreck train, a little horse with rockers, and some candy, nuts and oranges. This is all for this time. Your friend GEO. BARR PS And don’t forget my friend, M H., 100 C St Dear Santa: I am a little boy, 2 years old and want you to bring me a wagon and a pair of shoes with cloth tops and a drum. Good bye. GERALD SIMS Dear Santa: I am a little girl and I help my mama and I want you to bring me a new dress and a doll and wash board and tub. Good bye CLARA LEATHERMAN Dear Santa: I want to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a new dress, a pair of cloth top shoes, candy, nuts and oranges. Good bye. Be good to the poor children. BELLE BARR Dear Santa: I am a little girl 8 years old and I want you to bring me a set of furs, a little cabinet and a buggy for my doll. Good bye. CARRIE CRAWFORD Dear Santa: I am a little boy and want you to bring me a flexible flyer, model builder, a pair legons and a hobby horse. Your friend, FRED CORNELL Dear Santa: I thought I would write and tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a doll baby and cradle that’s at the 10 cent store and a little piano. Good by Santa. LAURA BOSWELL Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a steam engine, train of cars and track, phonograph, set of tools, little horse and wagon, candy and nuts. Your little friend, ELWOOD SHAFFER Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a sled, a hobby horse, an engine, a little wagon, a toy automobile and lots of candy, nuts and oranges. Goodbye, from CHARLES DUNITHAN Dear Santa: Please send me a doll, a sled, a story book, a little iron, a little piano, a bracelet, and a locket and a set of colors. From your little friend, MAY ROBY Dear Santa Claus: I want you to bring me a character doll, kitchen cabinet and a muff and fur, candy, nuts and oranges. Your little girl, MARGUERITE HAMILL Dear Old Santa: Please bring me a doll, silk dress and a sled, candy, nuts and oranges. Your loving girl, KATHLEEN HAMILL Dear Santa Claus: I am a big girl in the eighth grade. I want a doll baby, a little horse and wagon and a toy piano. Your friend, HELEN BOOR Eaton Ohio, Dec 18 Mineral Daily News Office, Dear Sir: As I live away out here in Ohio, I want your to put my letter in the News to Santa Claus, so he will be sure to get it. Tell him to visit all the poor little children first, and if he has any left to come to my place. I am your friend PEARL HOGSHEAD, Age 8 years Burkhisers Restaurant 140 N Mineral Street, Keyser W Va Dear Santa: We are two little boys I am four years old and my little brother William is eighteen months old. I wish you would please bring me an automobile, a box of tools, wagon and a story book. My brother is to little for very much and he doesn’t need anything but some stockings and a pair of shoes. Be sure and trim our tree. Santa don’t forget our cousins, Carl and Tom Shoemaker. That is all this time. Your two boys, RICHARD AND WILLIAM PULLIAM Dear Santa: I am a little boy 4 years old. I thought I would let you know what I want for Christmas. I want a sled, train, ties, cars, telephone, jack in the box, foot ball. That will be all for this time. Please don’t forget the little poor children. Your friend, HARLEY KIGHT Dear Santa: I am a little girl six years old, and would you please bring me an infant doll, ironing-board and iron, washing machine, table, muff and fur and nuts, candy and oranges. Your little friend, VIRGINIA RAFTER Dear Santa: Please bring me a bicycle, little elephant, a hop-toad, horse and wagon and candy, nuts and oranges. Your little friend, GLEN RAFTER Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a doll and a cart and a set of dishes and a bicycle and some nuts and some oranges. So that will be all. I am your little girl, GRACE Dear Santa Claus: I want a bed, a doll, a rocking chair, a set of beads, a buggy, some candy, oranges, and nuts. That is all for this time. A merry Christmas, Good bye. NELLIE MAY Piedmont W Va, Dec 15 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl three years old and I am writing you this letter to let you know what I want you to bring me for Christmas. Please bring me a buggy for my baby doll and a little bed for it to sleep in, and a little table, a pocket book and a wagon and lots of oranges, nuts and candy. I will be a good little girl and go to bed early and shut my eyes tight. Don’t forget mamma and papa. Your little girl, EVELYN DIXON Keyser W Va, Dec 16 Dear Santa: Please bring me a Teddy Bear, a set of dishes, a cupboard, a little broom, candy, oranges, and nuts. Please don’t forget the poor children, papa, mamma and brother. Your little friend, EVELYN MAINE Dear Santa: I will write and tell you what I want for Christmas. I want a raincoat and a watch. This will be all for this time. Your friend, BUSTER GILPIN 33 James St Dear Santa: I will write to tell you what I want for Christmas. I will not ask you for anything, but an automobile with electric lights and horn and starter, and when you have time will you please make my horse, Bette, a new saddle and bridle. I will thank you very much. Your friend, WAYNE HOWELL 53 James St Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me a rain-cape and big doll and some candy and nuts. Your little girl, FRANCES CHAPMAN Dear Santa: I am a little boy 4 years old. I would like to have a little express wagon and a little sled, candy and nuts. Your little boy, HARRY E CHAPMAN Dear Santa Claus: Please send me a bicycle, and a little engine and my little sister Marguerite wants a doll and some toys and we want some nuts and candy. My sister and I are good and will expect them. Your little friends, ELMER AND MARGUERITE NORRINGTON Dear Santa: I wish you would bring me a nice doll, and a table and a set of dishes and remember all the other little girls and boys. Your little friend, DELSIE NORRINGTON Westernport Md, Dec 17 Dear Santa Claus: I am a little girl 9 years old. Please bring me a small baby doll, a high chair for my doll, a nice set of china dishes, some ducks and fishes for our pond under our tree, a new dress for my large doll, some nice trimmings for our tree and lots of fruit, nuts and candy. Your little girl, LORRAINE GUY Dear Santa: I am a little boy six years old. Please bring me a drum, a horn, a set of ten pins and a set of tools and a mouth harp, as I will be a good boy and go to school every day and don’t forget papa and mamma. From your little friend, WILLIAM JENKINS THURHEN 516 W Piedmont St, Keyser W VA, Dec 21 Dear Santa: I am a little girl seven years old and go to school Would like for you to bring me a doll bed and sled and a new doll and please do not forget the little boys and girls that have no papa and mamma. Your little girl, IRENE NICHOLS Keyser W Va, Dec 20 Dear Santa Claus: I would like to have for Christmas a doll cart, a dewing box and a machine. That will be all, and don’t forget my ma and pa and little baby brother. Good bye, From your little friend. JULIA THOMAS 43 Church St Keyser W Va, Dec 20 Dear Santa Claus: Please bring me for Christmas an automobile and a saw mill and that will be all for this Christmas and do not forget mamma and papa and my little brother Albert. Your little friend, WADE THOMAS Dear Santa: Just four days till Christmas. This is what I want for Christmas. I want a kitchen cabinet, a book, a pocket book and a game. Don’t’ forget to leave something for my little brother. Your little friend, MARGARET BIERKAMP Dear Santa: Christmas is nearly here, this is what I want. I want a tub and washboard, a hair ribbon and a chair. Your little friend, LOLA GILPIN Dear Santa: This is what I want for Christmas. A washboard and tub, a table and buggy. Your friend, CATHERN GILPIN Keyser W Va, Dec 21 Dear Santa Claus: I would like to have for Christmas some candy and nuts, a tricycle, one B B gun. Good Bye JOHN ROGERS, W Piedmont St Dear Santa: I am a little girl three years old and I am writing this letter to tell you what I want you to bring me for Christmas. Please bring me a buggy, a doll that goes to sleep, a table, a chair, a pair of shoes and nuts and oranges. Don’t forget the poor children, VIVIAN BISSIT Dear Santa Claus: This is my first Christmas, so I thought I had better write and tell you what I would like to have. Please bring me a little rubber doll, a teddy bear, a set of dishes, a box of candy and a great big bottle of milk. Please bring Harriett something nice because she slips up stairs and takes me nearly everytime I cry, and when she hears mother coming she lays me down and runs. Your little friend,
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 12:29:29 +0000

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