LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS OF SPIRITUAL TEACHER 460+ Minimum Level To Be A True Teacher 500+ True Spiritual Teachers 540+ True Spiritual Teachers, Saints, Saintly beings. True Guru. 600+ Mystics, Saints, Illuminated beings and Spiritual teachers 700+ Enlightened, wise and outstanding Spiritual teachers. 1000 Avatars. SPIRITUAL TEACHERS LOC LEVELS OF CALIBRATION 1000 Avatars 1000 Jesus Buddha Krishna Zarathustra 700-1000 Enlightenment and Pure At-Oneness Consciousness. Humanity blends with Divinity. 905-980 Apostles of Jesus Christ (St. Peter?) 960 Huang Po 930 John the Baptist 920+ Judas Iscariot: (Judas dropped to 200-300 when he betrayed Jesus. Judas Iscariot, originally one of the twelve, died after Jesus trial.) 910 Moses 850 Abraham 760 Gandhi 760 Ramesh Balsekar 750 (655?) Muktananda (His integrity is highly controversial.) 745 Paul the Apostle 720 Ramana Maharshi 720 Rabbi Moses de Leon 720 Nisargadatta Maharaj 710 Mother Theresa 710 Mary Magdalene 700 Meister Eckhart 600 - Peace, Bliss and Perfection. Total Transcendence. Self-Realization. 680+ Mother Mary 660 Patanjali 650 Chief Detroit 630 Karmapa 620 Ramakrishna 610 Vivekananda 610 Lao Tzu (Teachings) 605 Satchitananda 540 Joy – Pervasive, unshakable happiness. Unconditional Love. Serenity, Oneness and Completeness. Spiritually transformative. 599 Tenzin Gyaltsen 597 Gurumayi Chidvilasananda 595 Padmasambava 590 Confucius 590 Byron Katie (Born at 450 -> below 200 -> 590) 590 St. Patrick 580 Martin Luther 580 John Calvin 575 Robert Powell 570 Dalai Lama 550-560 Pema Choedroen 540 Yogananda 500 Love 525 Eckhart Tolle (Born at 480->below 100 -> 560-> 525 ->240->360) 520 Lao Tzu 520 Poonjaji 520 Thomas Merton 520 Joseph Smith 400 Reason. Wisdom, Understanding and Meaning. 500 Bhagawan Nityananda 498 Mooji 495-500 Joel Osten 499 Wallace Black Elk 499 Albert Einstein 499 Hazrat Khan 490 Siddharta 490+ Joseph 485 Charles Filmore 485 C.W. Leadbetter 485 Alan Watts 470-480 Sri Aurobindo 475 Wei Wu Wei 475 M Scott Peck 475 Gangaji 470 Emmett Fox 460-470 La Mère (Mirra Alfassa) 465 John Blofield 460 John Bradshaw 460 Thich Naht Hahn 460+ MINIMUM REQUIRED LEVEL OF A TRUE TEACHER 450 Dr. Wayne Dyer 445 Bernadette Roberts 455 Vernon Howard 455 Joel Goldsmith 445 Alice Bailey 410 Joseph Campbell 410 Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 405 Chungliang Al Huang 405 Robert Schuller 390 C.S. Lewis 370 HWL Poonja 360 John Wesley 360 Eckhart Tolle (Born 480->below 100 -> 560-> 525 ->240->360) 310 Willingness Optimism The level of Mercy, Forgiveness, Hope, Inspiration and Intention. Being ethical and fair, of willpower and self-discipline. 330-340 Dr. Michael Beckwith 335 Peter Ousepensky 315 Sant Thahar Singh 300 Mutter Meera 300 Mutter Amma (560-> 300) 200 Courage. Neutrality “Live and let live.” Flexible, relaxed, and unattached 240 Meher Baba 221 Sri Karumay 220 Nostradamus 220 Sri Siva (Sri Guruji) 220 Carlos Castaneda Above 200 Levels operating more from Love (Positive). Below 200 Levels operating in Survival Mode (Negative). 020 – Shame 030 – Guilt 050 – Apathy 075 – Grief 100 – Fear 125 – Desire 150 – Anger 175 – Pride SPIRITUAL TEACHERS BELOW 200 + DROPPING IN ENERGY “A fall in consciousness may happen when (spiritual) ego claims authorship of the effects and achievements of the Divine spirit.” David Hawkins Mohamed at the time he wrote the Koran: 740 Mohamed dropped to 700 and then 130 after he ‘took up the sword’. Haidakhan Babaji 700/800 -> below 200 Swami Sivananda Saraswat 615 -> 195 Osho 570 -> 180 -> 90 Mutter Amma 560 -> 300 Eckhart Tolle 560-> 525 -> 240->360 Sai Baba 535 -> 198 Deepak Chopra 530+ -> 195 Krishnamurti 525 -> 175 Sun Myung Moon 515 -> 160 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 515 -> 195 Yogi Bhajan 500s -> 200s Doreen Virtue 185 B.K.S Iyengar 195 Haidakhan Babaji below 200 Swami Sivananda 195 Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 195 The Secret Rhonda Byrne 190 Esther Hicks Abraham 175 Sun Myung Moon 160 L. Ron Hubbard 145
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 13:39:07 +0000

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