LIBERIA SUPREME COURT JUSTICES DONATE 25% OF SALARY TO FIGHT EBOLA...Abednego Davis of Daily Observer reports.. The Full Bench of the Supreme Court of Liberia has resolved to contribute 25% of their salaries and allowances to the fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease. But they urged that a mechanism for strictest accountability must be established to ensure proper use of such funds. The High Court Bench comprises of the Chief Justice and four Associate Justices. Each of the Associate Justices receives US$9,000 monthly take home pay while the Chief Justice receives US$12,000 per month. Disclosing the information yesterday, at the opening of the October Term of the High Court, Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor said, “As a concrete demonstration of our commitment to fight the Ebola virus, my colleagues and I have resolved to contribute and are prepared to give one month of our salaries and allowances over a period of four months deducted from our income at a rate of 25% per month.” According to the Chief Justice, judges of the lower courts have likewise agreed to contribute ½ percent of their monthly salaries and allowances. “We have conferred with judges of our lower courts and the senior support staff of the Judiciary. They have also agreed to make similar contributions, but theirs will be one-half per cent of their monthly salaries and allowances, to be deducted in the same manner as stated above,” Chief Justice Korkpor further disclosed. He added, “We believe that such contributions should be made by all Liberians. During the coming weeks, I shall convene a meeting with the general staff of the Judiciary to secure from them similar commitments to contribute to this national cause.” Extending a similar gesture to the other branches of government, the Chief Justice Korkpor noted, “We wish to encourage members of the Legislative Branch of Government, all Liberian citizens, those working in the government and the private sectors, to consider making similar contributions to save our people and our nation. As we see it, these contributions are necessary not only to demonstrate our concern and commitment to eradicate the virus from our country, but also to convey the message of our ownership of the drive to combat and eliminate the virus. “And this will even embolden the resolve of the many friendly nations and international organizations that are providing material and human assistance to us. “I believe that just as we did in the past, we can as a nation, acting in union strong, succeed in this fight against the Ebola virus and stop its calamitous effect on our nation,” the Chief Justice declared...
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 02:56:06 +0000

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