LIFE AND MISSION OF JOSEI TODA JOSEI TODA was born on February - TopicsExpress


LIFE AND MISSION OF JOSEI TODA JOSEI TODA was born on February 11th 1900 in a village of SHIOYA in ISHIKAWA prefecture located along the sea of Japan. He was the Seventh son in a family of fisherman. In his book geography of life TSUNESABURO MAKIGUCHI describes the “Sea As A Place That Opens To The World” Suggesting That The Lives Of Those Born Near The Sea Are Also Open To The World” suggesting that the lives of those born near the sea are also open to the world. He arrived in Tokyo on March 1920 with a very clear & profound mission ie the dream of becoming a great business man & in pursuit of higher education. He joined night schools & to meet his daily needs he started working part times which earned him 55 Yens per month. At the same time, he was also seeking a life long master to train him & to strengthen his understanding of life. His quest to find his mentor was fulfilled when he met TSUNESABURO MAKIGUCHI, he was inspired by MAKIGUCHI’s revolutionary, child centered theories on teaching. Despite the age difference ( 49-20) they used to jell well. Finally on November 18th 1930, MAKIGUCHI SENSEI & TODA SENSEI formed the SOKA KYOIKU GAKKAI, the value creating society, over the next seven years SKG attracted a small but enthusiastic following. At its verge of reaching people the problems of indigenous religion of JAPAN were felt as the basis of military ventures. MAKIGUCHI SENSEI & TODA SENSEI and others revolted against the fundamental violation of NICHIREN DAISHONIN teachings, as a result of these revolts they were arrested on July 6th 1943. TODA Sensei at the time of imprisonment controlled 17 companies by investing the revenue generated from his publishing business, he achieved his youthful dream. Under repeated interrogation & torture over the next two years, all but MAKIGUCHI SENSEI , TODA SENSEI SUNKEI YAJIMA renounced their faith as a means of gaining there release from prison. Prison life was extremely brutal to Toda Sensei, locked in solitary confinement with no heating little food & worst of all no news of his mentor. He could have easily given up to depression, but he chose to use the time to deepen his faith in understanding life. On January 1st 1944 he began to chant 10000 DAIMOKU ( NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO) & study portions of the LOTUS SUTRA every day. He realized that he himself was a BODHISATTVA OF THE EARTH & LEGITIMATE DISCIPLE OF THE ORIGINAL BUDDHA. No words could have expressed his joy. Two months later, when Toda Sensei heard about his mentor’s death while he was being released from prison on July 3rd 1945 he was depressed, At the memorial service on the 1st death anniversary of MAKIGUCHI SENSEI, he vowed : My Teacher , As Your True Follower I Will Devote My Life To Your Cause & Return To You Master, May Your Soul Rest In Peace From This Day On” He could scarcely hold back his tears, he trembled with an overwhelming conviction, suddenly he recalled which he heard once “THE LION KNOWS NO SENSE OF SOLITUDE, HE SEEKS NO COMPANIONS; OTHER’S FOLLOW HIM, KOSEN RUFU (WORLD PEACE) WAS A TASK OF LION. HE OFTEN SAID TO HIM SELF THESE BELOW LINES “THE LION GOES ALONE ON HIS THOUSAND MILES JOURNEY. HE SEEKS NO COMPANION. I TOO WILL GO – TOWARDS KOSEN RUFU, I WILL WEATHER THE STORM, I WILL FIGHT OBSTACLES AND DEMONS, I WILL RIDE THE RAGING WAVES AND I WILL FORGE ON, NO MATTER WHAT. I WILL GO , I WILL FIGHT. His promise was soon implemented into action form the very next day of his release. He determined to rebuild GAKKAI though he was bankrupt & poor in health, his long sighted vision & courage of lion propelled him to make a fresh start. On August 14th 1947 Young Ikeda Sensei, came across Toda Sensei’s lecture, Ikeda sensei, being rejoiced & reincarnated by every word of Toda Sensei believed to revere Toda Sensei as his mentor. Exactly 10 days after that meeting Ikeda Sensei joined Gakkai. On May 3rd 1951 Toda Sensei formally declared as the 2nd president of Gakkai, on this day he announces his determination to accomplish a membership of 750000 households before he died & Said “IF THIS NOT ACHIEVED BY THE TIME OF MY DEATH, DON’T HOLD MY FUNERAL, JUST THROW MY BODY INTO THE SEA OF SHINAGAWA”. After Toda Sensei accepted the presidency he determined to devote himself to this position leaving his business in the hands of Young Ikeda. Toda intent was to capitalize on the solidarity of common citizens, because of his fierce opposition to war, he devoted Gakkai not only to propagate Buddhist faith but also to contribute to peace. A few months before Toda’s Death in 1958 the total of households surpasses 750000 . At march 16th 1958 youth rally, Toda transferred the Heritage of Gakkai to the new promising generation. Toda passed the baton of Kosen rufu to entire youth division & Particularly to Ikeda Sensei. On April 2nd 1958 president Toda passed away, aged 58, after fulfilling his mentor’s firm resolve. “When A Human Being Confronts The Death Of The Most Important Person In His Life, When He Gazes At The Lifeless Body He Grieves He Bestirs & Is Ready For Any Thing” Ikeda Sensei In accord with his mentor’s wishes IKEDA Sensei opened the door to the world wide Kosen Rufu by attaining 3 million house holds in November 1962 , & six ( 6) million households 4yrs later. “Succeeding In Ones Struggles Fills One With Joy, Loosing Leaves One Feel Miserable, Therefore If You Are Going To Make An Effort It’s Important That You Strive To Succeed”. IKEDA SENSEI Ikeda sensei didn’t even got his basic education , though Dr. Ikeda has received over 209 awards and honorary degrees from institutions and universities around the world. He has submitted peace proposals to the United Nations every year since 1983, with the aim of finding creative solutions to the world’s problems like disarmament, human rights and the environment. He is the only earnest disciple who still lives to the spirit of his mentor , & has been successfully graduated from TODA UNIVERSITY. END
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 14:43:03 +0000

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