LIFE & DEATH- THE POWER IS IN YOUR HANDS and IN YOUR MOUTH! Perhaps you may remember this saying from your childhood days: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” A person can be told that they are fat, ugly or stupid 1 time and those words will stick with them longer than words of affirmation and encouragement. Why- because our enemy is a liar and he is out to kill, steal, and destroy us. Our words are like a bullet that when shot through a gun, have and contain the power to wound, hurt, and kill someone’s spirit. A gun alone cannot kill someone, anymore than a bullet by itself can kill someone. It is the person that pulls the trigger that has the power to wound or injure someone. Our words are containers of power, they are like either pouring gas to start a fire, or water to put out a fire. They are that powerful! They contain the power for life or death. (Proverbs 18:21) If you want to know the condition of your heart, just listen to the words that you speak. What we say to ourselves, about ourselves and other’s matters greatly. We can alter the destiny of our own lives and that of our loved ones and friends through the words that we speak. Make sure that your words are seasoned with life, grace, wisdom and truth. Don’t be harsh, critical, judgmental or unkind. God say’s in Jeremiah 29:11- that He has a good plan for your life- plans to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future. Maybe you had a horrible start in life, but your past does not have to define your future! Your start in life does not need to dictate to you the course of your future. Your past may be proof that the enemy tried to destroy you, but your present is proof that he didn’t succeed. I pray that you hear the voice of truth speaking over you that you are precious, valuable, loved, needed and cherished. In & through His Mighty Name, I speak life and blessing and soul peace over you today! May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you O’God! Abigail
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 02:45:35 +0000

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