LIFE ON OUR NUT FARM – AUGUST FULL MOON Today, our gentle - TopicsExpress


LIFE ON OUR NUT FARM – AUGUST FULL MOON Today, our gentle coastal breeze returned. It was in the high seventies, sunny, and no humidity…Perfect! The evenings are cooler here on Whidbey Island. For those of you who live in the northern climes, have you noticed it is getting darker earlier? I mentioned to Michael, that I would photograph the spectacular Perigee full moon tonight. He instructed me on the time, light, camera setting, etc. I was happily in the front yard with the Pets, watering, working in the flowers, and taking pictures of them, fabric, and quilts. I went to the back yard a few times, no moon and then back to the front yard. Cleaning up my tools, carrying in the quilt rack, stools, quilts, and fabric, I suddenly realized it was dark! I grabbed the camera, changed lenses and ran to the back deck. Well, the moon was already further up on the horizon and the sky a soft indigo. If only I had left everything on the front porch, a bigger lens and tripod! I was also dodging bats, owls, and listening to other unidentified creatures of the night! When Michael arrives home, he will down load the photos…Hoping for something! I hope wherever you are, you may also see this beautiful full moon! Many Sunday Blessings.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 05:19:44 +0000

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