LIFE ON OUR NUT FARM – GRANDDAUGHTER’S DAY Our son Alexander texted this morning, on the ferry, with daughter’s Nicole and Roslyn. They would soon be at our front door! In time for our Granddaughters to kiss Grandpa Good-bye, Michael was on his way to work. We kissed Alexander “Good-bye” as well he went on a “ride along” with his Dad. Nicole and Roslyn built a house under my cutting table, using quilts and fabric for walls. Dashiell and Miss Vivienne happily helped, and then moved in with them. The girls had snacks and read books together in the tiny enclosure. I made lunch, macaroni and cheese, sliced apples, and both girls enjoyed hot chocolate. We played with the Puppy Girls, Josephine, Frances, and Marie, they are always happy when Roslyn and Nicole are here. Nicole and I planned Easter Dresses for her and Roslyn; she selected the fabric collection, Look @ Me Again by M’Liss…well, Grandma. The three of us worked and played in the office for a while and then went outside. It was a beautiful day here on Whidbey Island, in the high fifties, sun in and out between the clouds. I had some pictures to take in Our Front Yard Entry, show and tell tomorrow! Nicole and Roslyn played and rode their tricycle and bike. Late this afternoon Alexander pulled into the driveway. We all went back in the house, they grabbed some snacks, back outside, kisses good-bye and they headed over to see Great Grandpa Kenny. It was a wonderful surprise for Kenny! I stayed outside, enjoying the balmy winter weather. A few chores to do, it was wonderful having my hands shifting through our garden soil! It was a splendid day, spending time with my Granddaughters and all Our Pets! Have a Wonderful Week! Many Blessings from Our Nut Farm. January 25, 2015
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 06:02:06 +0000

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