LINUX UPDATE: REBUILT / STEAM GAME STREAMING FUCTION So C4RR|3r is doing much better. I had last mentioned the SteamOS X-Session mishap that lead to turning my system into a radiated sheet of glass in digital mushroom clouding gloriousness. Never did figure out what was the cause of my issues other than the high probability that it has to do with the half-assed kernal update SteamOS forced. Either way, I got the libraries straight and started testing game streaming from a Windows host running the Windows Steam Client in full beta access and my Linux guest running the newest beta steam:i386 package. It takes a bit of running between guest and host making minute changes to iron out latency, dark colors, and graphical artifacting. And I cant stress enough to make sure to change the resolution of the streamed game to the desktop resolution of the guest, maybe even proportionately lower if your router becomes a bottleneck. If your game is rendering at 1080p, but youre playing on a older rig using a 1440x900 monitor (my current arrangement...bleh) you will experience artifacting due to uneven compression. I havent tested whether the desktop resolution of the host matters. I do have a (shakey at best) hypothosis that even when the streamed game is set to B its still being rendered at B, scaled to A, compressed, transferred, decompressed to B with minor visual tearing at high motion scenes. I also devised a loophole that will allow you to stream just about any piece of executable software from the Windows host to Linux guest by adding the software to the game list via the hosts Add a Non-Steam Game function. All in all, Id rather brave legacy installs of WiNE and fighting with winetricks to run my Windows-only games. Id even let PlayOnLinux sodomize my $HOME directory with its errant file management and automated installs just to have the game run natively. But in the rare case that your particular game or piece of software is on that runs-like-hot-garbage list on winedb (and that list is getting smaller everyday) there is always the new streaming function bundled in the Steam client.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:39:31 +0000

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