LISTEN! THEY WANT US TO FIGHT amongst ourselves! There are over - TopicsExpress


LISTEN! THEY WANT US TO FIGHT amongst ourselves! There are over 300 MILLION of us!!!!! Only a few 100 Thousand of them! Their ONLY advantages over us as a population is they keep us divided through segregation tactics and they have some minor training with arms/crowd control, thats all! The American Public is the most Well-Armed public population (per person) in the WORLD! They NEED to keep us fighting amongst ourselves to keep the upper hand! Listen to how you sound -- Only the blacks are dying, screw white people they targeting us or the Blacks are crying about being treated unfairly again..... REALLY PEOPLE?!?! How old are you guys anyway? FU**iNG 10?! The black populace needs to stop thinking that every white person out there is ignorant to whats going on or doesnt care. Yes, more black people are being killed unlawfully by the police right now but its not only the blacks. The government makes people dissapear and not just black people... ANYWAY, REGARDLESS, the government was MADE to SERVE ..guess who? US! By the people, of the people, for the people and I know it hasnt been by us or for us in a damn long time! Presidents hijacking the presidency, our constitution being rewritten and IGNORED... If you want to get pissed at someone, look to the top! Everything starts and ends at the top! The cops are saying the President doesnt follow the constitution so why should we? Our current situation is a direct reflection of how badly our system has totally failed us! Congress and other politicians get paid over $100,000/yr and they think we arent worth 10/hr going out killing ourselves with manual labor, inflation makes 10/hr peanuts these days, and we PAY THEM with OUR hard earned CASH! The COPS too! We FUND them! This is all our choice, we are the majority, the ruling party here in the US and these retardedly clumsy, arrogant and greedy assclowns are herding us like SHEEPLE! Not People! They pump pesticides to poison our foods, flouride in our water (were the only country in the world that hasnt outlawed that toxic waste flouride!!!!) and we let them try to give us a pill for everything to feed their billion dollar medical machine, when we have all natural remedies for ALL OF IT! Herbology! REIKI! Eat OKRA to make cancer commit SUICIDE! DO YOUR RESEARCH, people!! - We have let this all go WAYYYYY too far now! They would bottle up our own damn air and sell it to us if they could! WHEN IS ENOUGH for you?! They are supposed to serve US but we just keep turning our cheeks or better yet asking if weve bent over far enough yet! Theyre coming out with tech to disable smart phone recording! We dont have forever! You might want to start thinking about ways to affect change because a neo-nazi germany as an idea is going to pale in comparison to what this country will do to our grand-children... Matrix anyone? Being born into a world of slavery and never knowing any better... Thats how must of us have been, ignorant, in the dark, unknowing of our natural rights and the change that we can affect. Look at me.. Maybe ill get through to some people and cause a chain reaction before im dissapeared too... But dont doubt yourselves and what you can accomplish, this world desperately needs our unity as a SINGLE united race, blind to color with one vision, love for all humanity - no more wars, no more famine, starvation, corruption... It will be the hardest thing weve ever done but the most meaningful and worthwhile! Cant you imagine how your childrens children will feel if they can watch TV and not feel lied to? Walk down the street and look at authorities not with fear and hate but with respect? To never have to fear another 9-11 or similar tragedies? We can make it happen but you have to do your homework... Research why things are the way they are and find the truth... Ignorance is bliss so be ready to be outraged at what you find but being enlightened can show you better ways of living! Being healthier than ever by cutting out the poisons they want us to dine on, and finding ways to help each other... Thats not just the American way... Thats the HUMAN way. Stop fighting each other. Our planet needs us.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 06:58:23 +0000

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