LISTEN TO THE TREES ~FD~ When one takes time to consider - TopicsExpress


LISTEN TO THE TREES ~FD~ When one takes time to consider his/her Totems, he/she often overlooks the most obvious ones--the Trees. The Standing People have much to offer us. Some of the generalities of having a Tree as a Totem: First, lets look at the structure of the tree. It has many branches, but they are all connected by one trunk. This is representative of all the twists, turns, and paths that we embark upon in our lives; yet, we are always ourselves. A Tree is enduring. To destroy a Tree, one must remove the roots from the ground, and then leave them exposed to the elements so that they will die. This tells us that those aligned with Standing People are patient, and survivors. A Tree draws its nourishment from the earth. It the transforms the elements of the earth into food. This shows a natural ability to change. It also shows independence, resourcefulness, and an ingrained ability to work with the elements and components around us. The Tree has roots that spread deep into the earth. This tells us that we are deep rooted in many things. We may have a very old soul. Our tendencies will be to be a jack of all trades and master of none unless we can trace ourselves back to the original root, and remain focused upon it. This is a starting point for you. No one could cover every aspect in such small a space, but if Standing People are guiding you, they demand serious contemplation, meditation, and respect. In addition to the above characteristics, some individual traits are listed below. The Alder offers protection in disputes and provides oracular strength. The Apple Tree offers a choice. You may choose beauty of life and youthfulness or not. to choose not is to deny the Apple. The Apple is also the Tree of prophesy and love. The Ash shows us the wider spectrum of life. All of our thoughts and actions affect not only ourselves, but also the universe. Meditate with the Ash to reopen your mind and eyes. The Beech teaches us that the past is relevant today. We need to remember the past to move into the future. You may be experiencing a lot of past life recall. This is to remind you how to live in the now. The Birch represents the beginning of a new cycle or journey. It aids in the banishment of past evil, and the renewal of life with a fresh start. Blackthorn teaches us to view a hard, disruptive period in our lives as a positive event. If we are not on the right path, why would the forces bother with us? The Elder shows us the eternal turnings of the Medicine Wheel. It represents the end in the beginning and the beginning in the end. Hawthorn represents a time of patience, waiting, and self- contemplation. She represents cleansing, chastity, and protection from the inner realms. Hazel is the creative you. Hazel allows you to make manifest your ideas. Your talents of poetry, mediation, and intuition are especially strong with Hazel as a Totem. Holly represents strength and fatherhood. He brings upon his limbs balance, directness, and clarity of thought and action. The Oak represents primeval strength and the ability to overcome and survive, chastity, Spiritual growth, and protection. The Rowan helps you to retain control of all of your senses, so that you can distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil. It strengthens you Spiritually so that you can turn away anything that threatens your serenity and purpose. The Silver Fir is strengthening and healing of past lessons. It enables you to see clearly behind you so that you may progress forward in wisdom. It also enables you to see the silver lining upon your journey in this life. Spindle aids you in reaching your highest good. It reminds you that doing good deeds are not to be done for personal reward; but rather, for the greater good of all. The White Poplar represents a shield that will carry you through your fears, doubts, and insecurities. If you listen to its whispers, you will hear Spiritual guidance to encourage and lift your spirits. It is a Tree to break the cycle of depression. Willow brings out the female, mothering side of us. She represents fertility, nurturing, growth, and humble, yet splendid, beauty. She portrays the inner beauty of all beings, and when coupled with the male attributes, shows perfect balance. The Yew represents the renewal of life. Yew aids us in seeing what we already know, but have forgotten. Yew reminds us that what was, is and always will be.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 02:37:52 +0000

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