LITTLE WHITE, DIRTY, MATTED DOG THAT HAS BEEN ROAMING FOR OVER MONTH SEEMS TO BE MANILY IN THE CHELSEA/ QUEEN ANNE AREA BUT DOES CONTINUE TO MOVE OUT TO FURTHER LOCATIONS. Seen this morning, 10/23, on Kingswood going through trash. It is going to take one person and time to earn this dogs trust to catch him or the use of a trap. I havent posted him again since he continues to travel. DOES ANYONE IN THIS AREA WANT TO COORDINATE THE EFFORT OF TRYING TO EARN THIS DOGS TRUST? DONT CHASE HIM, DONT LOOK AT HIM, JUST SIT DOWN IMMEDIATELY WITH YOUR BODY SIDEWAYS TO HIM TO SEE IF THAT WILL STOP HIM FROM BOLTING AS HE HAS BEEN DOING. TIPS TO CATCH A SCARED DOG, OR YOUR OWN DOG IF HE HAS BEEN MISSING FOR MORE THAN A FEW DAYS. Dogs go into survival mode after a few days away from their owners. They might be terrified of all people and see them as threats. Some dogs cant even recognize their owners. 1. Dont approach the dog and dont look the dog in the eye. These are threatening gestures. 2. If you call one time and he doesnt respond, do not call him again. He doesnt know you and has no reason to trust you. 3. Either squat down or sit on the ground, turning sideways to the dog. Make yourself as small as possible. 4. Have some food with you. Maybe keep in your car a potato chip bag with dog treats in it or some delicious food. Take the bag and squeeze it so it makes a little bit of noise. Pretend you have dropped some the treats on the ground and talk to yourself as you pretend to pick them up. The pitch of your voice will be more soothing than if you were calling the dog. Pretend to eat some of the treats and say things like yummy or make sounds like it is good. 5. Ignore the dog while you are doing this, but keep him in the corner of your eye. 6. Doing the above might get the dog to approach you. If this happens, dont rush the dog or try to grab the dog. Stay still. No sudden movements. If he approaches, toss a small treat between you and him to see if he will come closer. 7. You have to earn his trust. He might not come the first time you try this. You have to have patience and be willing to sit still for a while or return later if it doesnt work the first time. 8. Have a leash with you that you can loop over his head, if he comes close to you and lets you pet him, but dont rush this process. If you do rush him, he will run away and you will have to start over again. 9. If you cant get him the first time, leave some food for him so he will stay in the area, and you can try again the next day. He will eventually see you as a friend. 10. If the dog will not come to you after multiple tries and you have been feeding the dog on a regular a basis and know when the dog will be around, you can try trapping him. A trap is just a crate that closes when the dog walks inside the crate. You will need to be some strong smelling food in the crate. Something like fried chicken or a hamburger. Rescues or animal control have these traps and one man rented one from a rental place here in town. I have seen this process work many times in videos and in person. The dogs were blocking out the owners all together, and it took a while for them to realize the person was their owner or friend. This is why it is important to search for a lost dog immediately so he doesnt go into survival mode.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:22:13 +0000

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