LIVE EVENT tonight folks..... Image In 2 Hours: Using - TopicsExpress


LIVE EVENT tonight folks..... Image In 2 Hours: Using Structured Water to **accelerate your manifestations** (5.00PM PST, 6.00PM MT, 7.00PM CST, 8.00PM EST) Would you BELIEVE, if I told you...? YOU CAN change ♥ANYTHING♥ in your life using the EASIEST methods EVER!!! If you would, then, YOU DONT want to miss this call! Join PETER SCHENK and CHRISTINE WILLIAMS Image ** (Can using Structured Water, accelerate your manifestations?)** Meet Peter Schenk, MasterMind, Computer Genius. Peter has created 3 downloadable programs to accelerate your manifestations in any area of your life using Hologram and Sacred Geometry. Peter Schenk is part of the new generation of spiritual visionaries and energy healers who are on the cutting edge of consciousness and awakening. These PROGRAMS are BEYOND AMAZING! BELIEVE IT! Peoples lives are changing at fast-tracked rates using these 3 programs On this call: Peter explains how to charge water with your intentions. This is some of what he would cover: o Why water is the perfect medium to carry our intentions and vibrations o How exactly we can use his programs to charge ANY body of water or anything containing water o How this is different and more powerful than putting a label like abundance stuck to your water o Why this program prevents your unconscious sabotaging beliefs out of the picture o How his 3 powerful programs called the Sourxe, the 12th Project and Aquaware really work and why people are manifesting greater health, wealth and happy relationships using them. o *** Please have a glass of water nearby, as Peter will be taking you through a process to charge the water..... Dial *2 to speak with Peter *** Call in details: Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast Phone Number: (425) 440-5100 Pin Code: 624530# Do you have a question for Peter? Dial *2 To attend, visit: LIVE or REPLAY InstantTeleseminar/?eventID=57926073 Peter Schenks 3 Special Offers: Aquaware 3.1 plus Bonus (Software is ONLY compatible with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1) Value: $297. You Pay: $257. Aquaware 3.1 is unlike anything you have seen before or experienced. Using Aquaware you consciously direct and impress light frequencies in and through water via selectable intent. The frequencies create fundamental geometric liquid crystalline forms (much like snowflakes, or hexagonal geometry) that are able to communicate with you at the level of your own water-based blueprint, essentially uncovering an array of more natural states of being. Using as pure a water as possible is most efficient and effective. Please watch the videos: Amazing! Watch a quick tutorial on how to use Aquaware https://youtube/watch?v=qWNm_tk0Ok4 Watch a 12 minute tutorial on how to use Aquaware: https://youtube/watch?v=TF5x6yh5uKU Get Aquaware here: greatestyousummit/peter Image 12Th Project 3.0 plus Bonus (Software is ONLY compatible with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1) Value: $197 You Pay: $157. The 12th Project 3.0 consists of nineteen modules of which twelve are designed to activate virtual chakras located on the quantum plane and seven which are designed to clear and restore to health the physical chakras. The codes contained within the twelve virtual chakras are awakened when using the software as instructed. They contain ancient abilities that have laid dormant your entire life. Essentially, each person that uses the software opens a link to their Akashic repository of knowledge. Each of the 12 modules will open a different chakra and no two people will experience the same awakening. The coded information received is personal to you, and you alone. The different modules perform in similar ways. Therefore, the instructions for each are the same. Understand, each module will function as needed specific to each user. Because of this, there is no way to define precisely what information will be accessed using each module; the experience will be unique to you. Get Peters 12th Project 3.0 greatestyousummit/peter Image he Sourxe III plus Bonus (Software is ONLY compatible with Windows 7, 8 and 8.1) Value $197. You Pay: $157. Please watch this video: Incredibly Amazing! Watch The Sourxe III Video Tutorial: https://youtube/watch?v=l8GNxCoqxlY Beware, Genie only grants moral intentions. TheSourxe III imparts a map of your expectations upon the molecular structure2 of the water. Ingesting this altered water in turn, frees the blocks and limitations of your unconscious mind thereby allowing you to consciously create your desires instead of manifesting a reality from limiting belief systems stored in the unconscious. During this process, you are directing quantum codes (with the help of TheSourxe III software) that will actually alter your data path. This is done by having the codes inserted ahead of your personal time-line. As you drink the water it merges with your own molecular blueprint, and affects your state of consciousness. Access Peters Special Offers at this link or click on the butterfly: greatestyousummit/peter Image Image PETER SCHENK In my career walk I have evolved some notable expertise in the digital world. Along the way, I became increasingly specialized in information systems design, information technologies, and remote computing. I have been working for one of the worlds largest banks for most of my fifteen year career after learning the basics of my trade at Bostons Wentworth Institute of Technology where I earned a BS in Computer Engineering. In computer speak, I am what guys like me would call a process-oriented thinker. I spend my days drawing up and implementing new methodologies, best practices, cost estimates, and optimization plans. Imagine my surprise when I began to hear what my friend Mack calls a New Song. With the majority of my life invested almost entirely into my intellectual aspect, I was suddenly beginning to hear the gentle voice of my spiritual self-calling. In the summer of 2004, I followed the strains of the new song coming from somewhere inside me. I began to awaken to a world I had not seen before. In this new reality I was like a child discovering a whole new world. When I look back on this time, it seems like it all happened overnight. I acquired new sensitivities and abilities that kind of scared me from time to time. But all in all, this was a time of real excitement and a feeling that I was finally setting forth on a journey that would remain exciting, enthralling, and filled with wonder even beyond the end of my days here. As I would learn later, The One positions the experiences we need in our lives when the time is right. Now that I was ready, The One began to fill my life with the circumstances and people I needed to continue my evolution toward self-mastery. One of the most important new people placed in my path was my dear friend Jason Davis. At the time of our meeting, Jason was running Zeropoint Technologies. In his walk toward enlightenment, Jason had already evolved a bridge between his formidable intellect and his even more remarkable spiritual aspect. This was the very path I was on The One had sent me a guide to help me along the way. Jasons company at the time was instructing others on the art, science, and spirituality of modern alchemy. We partnered up in a loose association to accomplish any number of things, some of which would come to have a global impact. My work with Jason led me to believe that a new application for digital technology might be possible if I could find a way to bridge the digital and spiritual realms. When I studied more, I became convinced that if all that is, and all that is not, is contained within The One, then all things within The One must be unified on some level. Scientists call this concept of limitless simultaneity Quantum theory. If my physical mind could access and channel the endless power of The One, I felt certain that I could program a computer to do the same. As it turns out, I was partially correct. After many trials, I succeeded in marrying the speed and efficiency of a computer to the process of channeling Intent, but I couldnt find a way to make a computer want a thing; for this a human is still needed. The process of creating and channeling a stream of Intent energy exists in multiple parts. The source of everything is a constant. This is the limitless one that my friend Mack has taught me to think of as The One. This is a good practice as attempting to quantify The One by packaging it within a limiting word like God, Jehovah, Allah, etc. is counter to truth, and truth is the foundation of good science. Knowing that everything you could ever imagine already has, will, and will be provided for you is the reality The One. What is needed is some filtering to narrow things to a scale digestible by the limitations of our human intellect. This is the piece computers cannot do. Computers cannot reason and as such have no capacity to reason. I resolved this conundrum by writing software that married the raw processing power of a CPU with the focusing influence of a human being. This bridge is made possible by creating and sustaining a link between the two via the quantum realm. Not that hard in concept, but kind of tricky in application. In early 2008, The One placed another person in my path. Mack McAleer is a veteran meta-physical researcher, minister, counselor, and remarkably self-aware individual. We began working together out of a mutual curiosity, and in the months since have witnessed an explosion of new ideas, pathways for learning. Mack introduced me to the importance of focusing on all aspects of my spiritual evolution at the same time. He pointed out that consuming and immersing in Intent charged water was producing some remarkable results but that these could only carry a user part of the way along their journey to fully enlightened self-awareness. In months since our meeting, Mack and I have been hard at work on integrating the technology I have been blessed to channel with a detailed course in accelerated self-awareness that is changing lives for the better at an incredible rate. Much Love, Peter Testimonials: Please watch this video Watch this video testimonial: https://youtube/watch?v=JdvzNqAA32k Little feedback after one week of using costume software. As you recommended, started slow. I do 12th project as well, 3 glasses per day for 12 days for 1 module, started with costume software just one glass per day. First day, one glass with first intent, second day one glass with second intent... Now i am on sixth day and started to use two glasses per day. First glass with first intent made my ears buzz and full head had buzzy but light feeling/vibration. Next day my whole body/being is getting lighter and wider. It is so subtle, so hard to describe, no words. Very easy to breathe, heart area feels so light and full and empty at the same time. There is inner peace and slowness, subtle joy and relaxation. There are trillion questions and need to know but same time no need to know. Definitely it is new being of being, like two opposites are being experienced same time. Thank you very much for that software. Picture a river whose flow had been stagnated for years due to multiple beaver dams. I feel like the dams have been broken up and the river is finally free to flow again. Money and jobs are starting to trickle in, just enough to keep me afloat and moving forward. Asking and receiving is now working regarding money whereas before it didnt. - Thanks Peter. ~Debbie McCurdy Excellent energy work and information...if you want something that works and does what it says it will, this is it. ~Lance Lammon The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with depression, illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE, COURSE OF TREATMENT, DIAGNOSIS OR ANY OTHER OPINION on your conditions or treatment options. SERVICES OR PRODUCTS THAT YOU OBTAIN THROUGH THIS WEB SITE are for information purposes only and not offered as medical or psychological advice, guidance or treatment CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that the sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this message and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline. If you have any problems please contact us at: support@greatestyousummit Please share this with your friends and family I am sure they would love you for it! In Contribution to You, with Love & Blessings Christine Williams Greatest You Summit c/o Express House #35 independence Square, Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago Unsubscribe | Change Subscriber Options
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:10:42 +0000

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