LIVING FOR CHRIST Jesus is coming very soon, are you - TopicsExpress


LIVING FOR CHRIST Jesus is coming very soon, are you prepared? The Bible says the coming of the Lord will be like a thief in the night. As followers of Christ, we must live for Christ and not for ourselves. We must not gratify the desires of the flesh, but rather please God. 2 Cor. 5vs8-9 says “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord. Wherefore we labour, that, whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him.” The principle of life for a Christian must be to live for Christ. When you live for Christ, you won’t be afraid of death; because you would have been in the Spirit with Him by faith, and not in the flesh. This will then make you confident in Him, even when death comes to separate your spirit from your body. All your works on earth, whether good or bad will manifest in the spirit when death comes. “Works” here means the fruits you bring forth, whether in holiness or sin. That is, the way and how you live your life. Many people live their lives the way it pleases them, such are so afraid to die because of their works. Are you prepared for death when it comes at any time? Think about it; and may God help you. It would be a good pleasure for one to die while in Christ, because of the glorious reign one will experience with Him in Heaven. To die will be a great loss to a carnal or worldly man, for he will lose all his wealth, comfort, hopes and beauty. And he may not have the hope to reign with Christ, because the bible says no sinner shall behold the glory of the Lord. Apostle Paul, in the book of Philippians 1vs21 said “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”. That is, Paul lived his live for Christ, and was ready for death, because he lived by the faith in Christ. It must also be our principle that “whether alive or dead, we will be found in Christ.” That is when death will be a gain for us, because our spirits will be with Him in His Kingdom, and not in Hell. Our characters and attitudes must be that of those that are waiting and ready for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t live in hypocrisy, but in the truth. Christ said hypocrites have no portion in the Kingdom of Heaven, but in Hell. Don’t be the one that pretends to live for Christ in the midst of believers or in the church, but when outside, gratifies the desires of the flesh. Does the way you live preach the gospel of Christ to believers and unbelievers? Draw close to God with your heart, and not with your lips. The Pharisees drew near to God with their mouth, but their hearts were far from God, and they worshipped God in vain. Be devoted to Christ, so that your coming to this world won’t be in vain. Serve God in spirit and in truth. Do you know the time when end will come to your life on earth, regardless of your age? Come back to Jesus now and ask for forgiveness. Give room for Christ to control your life to His own will. Has your living well dried? If it has, release yourself to Christ and give your life to Him, so that He can refill it with the living water. Were you the type that used to preach the gospel of Christ? But now you are no where to be found in the calling. Come back to your first love. If you have abandoned the work God has committed to you to do for His glory and kingdom; repent and ask for forgiveness with humility, then He will forgive you and embrace you. Don’t you know that you have been chosen to save the world from sin, so don’t join the world in their evil ways. Renew your calling in Christ Jesus, follow Him to the end, then you will receive a rich welcome into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (2 pet. 1vs10-11). A sin you commit can make you go off the path to Heaven. Therefore, be very swift to come back to light when you go wrong. Strive to enter into the narrow gate, so that you won’t fall into the path that leads to destruction. Ask for the grace of God to be firm in Christ; and He will grant you. Our identification with Christ exposes us to Satan’s attack; but don’t be afraid because the Holy Spirit and Christ will sustain us to the end. Be committed and devoted to Christ. When you do, He will supply you what it takes to stand firm to the end. Then remember the word of God that says anyone that endures to the end shall be saved. Don’t be ashamed of the gospel of Christ. Living for Christ attracts persecutions from worldly people, but with it comes the opportunity to preach the gospel to them. In John 15vs 20a, Jesus said “remember the word that I said unto you, the servant is not greater than his Lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” Christ will not abandon you, so don’t give in to pressures and advices to compromise your stand in Him. As you continue in your journey on earth, flee from the instruments Satan use to grip the sons of God. They may look attractive and may add to beauty, but destruction is the end. And some of those things are “attachments, earrings, weavons, bleeching, necklace, manicure, pedicure, make-ups, hair dye, perming, trousers (ungodly for women), worldly hair styles, tattoo, indecent dresses, etc. Deu. 22vs5, Matt. 5vs36, 24vs51, Rom. 1vs26-32, Eze. 7vs19-20)”. Don’t be ignorant of the devices of the devil, so that you won’t end your journey in Hell. Flee from sin and from the things that can make you unclean before God. Remember what the book of 2 Timothy 2vs4 says, it says any one that fights the fight of faith doesn’t entangle himself with the affairs of this world. Therefore, if you are in Christ, seek those things that are above where Christ sits on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, and not on the things on earth. When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall we also appear with Him in glory (Col. 3vs1-6). Don’t glory in your beauty, because there is no beauty in this world but in Heaven; and it is an everlasting one. If you are ready to surrender all to Christ, accept or rededicate your life to Him. Bow before Him, start confessing your sins and ask Him to come into your life. With humility say “Christ I know I have sinned against You, have mercy on me; I confess my sins, take them away and trade these ashes with Your beauty. Wash me clean with Your precious blood. Come into my life and take Your place; I accept You as my personal Lord and Saviour. Teach me Your way and guide me by Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name, amen.” If you truly want to reign with Christ at the end, take the decision to run the race to the end without looking back. Endure troubles and tribulations; for He said any one that overcomes will He give the crown of life. Always seek His mercy to eternal life, and ask Him to grant you the grace to reign with Him in His kingdom (Luke 23vs42). Peace be unto you from God. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:05:28 +0000

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