LIVING WORD CHARISMATIC CHURCH Prosperous assembly - takoradi 14 - TopicsExpress


LIVING WORD CHARISMATIC CHURCH Prosperous assembly - takoradi 14 days prayer and fasting (preparation to REHOBOTH 2013) DAY 1. PRAY AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF FEAR. (Isaiah 41:10) ‘‘ Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness’’ KJV FEAR: Is a distressed emotion around by impending danger, evil, Pain, death, poverty etc. Fear is one of the great hindrances to progress, success, uplifting, and fulfillment in a person’s life. It takes away confidence, conviction and possibilities and rather reveals the dangers and the impossibilities of a thing. Fear can be emotional, psychological or spiritual. In which ever way fear is generated, the word of God has the power to combat it. Fear is sometimes cause by the devil. He imposes fear on the believer in order to hinder him from growth, success and blessings. Many people are bound in many ways because Satan has made them afraid of; • Marrying because of previous experience • Investing for the fear of loosing their money • Being a victim of road accident (They hardly Travel) • Walking at night because of witches and evil spirits. As a matter of fact, some people cannot sleep in a dark room and for others; they cannot sleep alone even in a luxurious room with the lights on. Are you afraid of the days ahead of you? Are you dismayed? Are you panicking about something? I have good news for you. Our faithful God says, ‘‘don’t be afraid; He is with you, He is your God, He will uphold you with His righteous hand. Again it is written ‘‘for God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind’’ 2Timothy 1:7. KJV. Beloved, fear will take away your self confidence making you to disbelieve in your potentials and abilities. Fear will foil up your conviction in any good initiative. It will tell you that, it is impossible showing to you pictures of dangers around. Judges 6:11b Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites. (Because of fear, a potential army commander threshed wheat.) You can overcome fear by trusting in the Lord, putting God’s word into practice and praying to activate the spirit of boldness in all things. PRAYER: 1. Pray that God will break you out of any bondage of fear. 2. Pray for God to fill you with boldness 3. Pray that He gives you the strength to rise up from any hindrance which occurred as a result of fear. 4. Pray for success in everything area of life 5. Pray for REHOBOTH 2013, God should send down rain upon His church. DAY 2. PRAY AGAINST OPPRESION. Isaiah 49:26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob. Kjv. There are spirits that oppresses our lives. If we allow them, they make us heavy, boring, idle, unhappy, confused and withdraw from people with a level of weariness. There are times that some people are oppressed to the extent that they don’t want to see their fellow human beings. This is very serious, for a person to have come under such kind of forces. Demons can oppress you to feel very rejected and unaccepted in life. This is where people who find themselves in such circumstance commit suicides. But God has promised us that he will fight them and reward them accordingly on our behalf. Being under oppression means your freedom is taken away from you, and life without freedom is almost like a living dead. You should fight for your freedom because you are not a ‘‘robot’’ whose life is controlled by somebody. Child of God pray today that God should deliver you from any demonic and physical oppression. Pray and cast out every spirit assign to oppress you. Again pray and decree your freedom from the bondage of all forms of oppression in JESUS NAME!!!!. NOTE: PRAY FOR MORE MIRACLES IN REHOBOTH 2013. EXODUS 3:7. ‘‘And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows’’. USE this scripture and call upon the name of the Lord for your deliverance. Day 3: PRAY THAT GOD GIVES YOU A SEASONAL BLESSING. That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil. As it is written ‘‘to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven’’ Eccl. 3:1, I believe God has installed a season in which he will bless every individual. One will ask, how will I know that this is my season? His mercies are new every morning. Therefore believe that everyday is your day by faith. Again with the eyes of faith, you can see the movement of God and tap into it, like Bartemeos who was alert for his miracle and could notice the move of the savior. He cried to him knowing very well that since Jesus is passing by ‘‘IT IS HIS SEASON AND TIME FOR HIS MIRACLE’’. Again you can feel it within your spirit that, this is the time. Now in the scripture above, God spoke about first and later rain. Why? So that if you miss the first rain, you will have another chance of a later rain so that you have nothing to loose. If rain doesn’t come on your crops, you cannot have harvest, meaning if God doesn’t send rain upon your life you can’t make it. Everything will fall apart. We need the rain (blessing) in order to overcome everything that is dried in our lives. When the rain comes, we can harvest our corn, wine, and oil. This means that, with the blessings of God uppon our lives, we will eat the fruit of our labour, we will be happy, we will have properity. Beloved pray that in this season of heavenly rain; 1. You shall not be left out. 2. Pray that God will deal with any dryness in your life. (You know the area where you are dry). 3. Pray that God in this season shall grant you a memorable ear breaking TESTIMONY. 4. Pray that God will rain upon the work of your hands Day 4: TAKE BACK WHATEVER THE ENEMY STOLE FROM YOU (Isaiah 45:2-3) I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron: And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel. Please be reminded that it is possible for the enemy to steal away your joy, prosperity, riches, marriage, job and etc. He did it to Job and he can do it to you. Job was only delivered and restored when he prayed. There are many whose destinies are locked up. Their treasures prosperity and riches are taken in the custody of witches, family idols, powers of darkness, witch doctors etc. it takes only the hand of God to restore to you what is taken away from you. Your prosperity is possible but you need to deal with those powers that have taken hold of it. I was once praying very vehemently at a waiting center in my early beginning in ministry. The prayer lasted for almost 7hours. In the midst of the prayer, I saw an image in the form of a woman holding a very beautiful golden key in her right hand saying, ‘‘this is the key to your success in Ministry as well as your prosperity and you can never have it today or ever, so stop worrying yourself’’. After increase in prayer I saw thunder striking the hand with the key and was cut down, but was still with the key. She laughed at me until fire came down to consume the hand into ashes before I could have access to the key. Praise God!! After this encounter still in the spirit realm, the Lord took me to a secrete place where no one can visit except by supernatural power. The place was like a small city with buildings that looked more like it was built in ancient times. I was then taken into 5 rooms, each closed with Iron Gate with plenty dust. I took a lot of gold bars from that room. The rest had people inside bound, and then I free them all. And it went on and on and on…………………………… I was a powerful preacher, but my prosperity was locked up in a secret place. I only saw a change after this prayer. PRAY AGAINST POWERS IN YOUR FAMILY THAT HAVE IN POSSESION YOUR RICHES AND PROSPERITY. PRAY AND BREAK ANY CURSE YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE FAMILY(marital, financial, job, etc) DESTROY WITH THE BLOOD OF JESUS EVERY GIANT WHO HAS TAKEN HOD OF YOUR POSSESION. NOTE: Pray that this year’s REHOBOTH 2013 REVIVAL shall witness supernatural visitation in the church. Pray also for growth in the church. DAY5. FRIDAY: PRAY AND DELIVER YOUR LIFE FROM ANY CAPTIVITY (ISAIAH 52:2 Shake thyself from the dust; arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem: loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.) CAPTIVITY is one way Satan uses to do away with the freedom of a person. If you are taken captive, your destiny is locked up because, you are taken from your country to another country and you will serve your opponent. Your opponent puts you in prison and determines what you eat and drink. In the same way, when the devil takes you a captive, he repositions everything concerning your life. He puts chains on your neck and bands on your hand in order to make you inactive and being inactive in this context means that; a. You will become unproductive. b. You will be unprofitable. c. You will not be accepted (without favor) This is then what you are yoked to. It will take only the anointing of the Holy Spirit to break the yoke and set you free. (ISAIAH 10:27) And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. Beloved lift your voice up and pray a serious prayer today in order to break out of any captivity. YOU MUST RETURN YOUR DESTINY TO WHERE SATAN TOOK IT FROM. 1. PRAY FOR REHOBOTH 2013 PROPHETIC CONFERENCE 2. Pray and clean any demonic dust to restore your favor 3. Pray and declare yourself loosed from any bands on your hands and your neck 4. Declare your freedom. Prophesy that your destiny is restored. Confess that, you will from today enjoy the goodness of life. DAY6, Saturday: GOD CAN GIVE YOU REST. Matthew 11:28 ‘‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Kjv Rest is very important. Without it, you will break down. But there are people with a lot of burdens to carry, making them restless. Problems in life have abounded. Today this will come, tomorrow comes with a different one, and the next day is another thing. This have made people restless in life because everyday, they have another problem that needs solution. You may be thinking, having nightmares and sleepless nights concerning a particular problem. You have tried to solve it over and over but nothing seems changing and now it looks like you are breaking your head, having your soul restless. I HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU. THERE IS SOMEBODY THAT IS READY TO CARRY THAT BURDEN FOR YOU. HIS NAME IS JESUS. He is a faithful, loving, caring, forgiving, most powerful man. He says, come unto Him with all your burdens (troubles, pain, disappointment, threat, failure, fear, etc) and he will solve it for you. Precious one, the solution is not in your hands, so why don’t you hand over to him. ‘‘IT IS ALL BECAUSE WE CANNOT CARRY EVERYTHING TO HIM IN PRAYER’’. If you can pray and tell him to take care of that problem, He will set you free and you will have rest, comfort and peace in your life. TODAY pray and hand over every burden to Him. Tell him how too weak you are, to give solution to the situation. Exodus 33:14 ‘‘And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. Believe that he will surely take care of that thing because he is right inside your boat of life journey like he was with the disciple. Don’t behave like peter who thought he was skillful on sea to have controlled the wind and the storm. Wake him (JESUS) up, then go and get some rest, He will surely deliver you. Day7. Pray to walk under opened heaven Malachi 3:8-10 Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Kjv Today I want us to consider one of great promises of God to Christians. According to the above scripture, God has promised his Children to open the heaven and pour out blessing only on the basis that if the believer becomes obedient to the command of tithing. This means that, heaven will close and blessings will cease if the believer disobeys to pay his/her tithe as commanded by God. It is therefore a requirement of whosoever wants to walk under opened heaven that he pays his tithe and trust God by faith to open the flood gates of heaven unto him. There are many who don’t pay tithe in most churches. How, and from where would God bless that church? This is why many churches are struggling for prosperity whiles others are even broke because heaven has closed on the. Beloved to walk under closed heaven is a very serious matter. James 1:17 says, ‘‘every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights……….’’. This means that our help is not from down (earth) but from HEAVEN (above). So if Heaven is closed on you then your help is finished and you suffer many kinds of financial problems as it is written in vrs 9a ‘‘Ye are cursed with a curse’’. For example; buying unexpected unbudgeted drug for your kid or yourself, bad debts, attacks on your job or business, property accidents leading to destruction, and sometimes paying huge hospital bills as a result deadly disease may be as a result of HEAVEN that is closed. Simple obedience puts God to test. He has never failed us. Only that we sometimes don’t see what He does for us otherwise we would have appreciated it. Give your tithe with all faithfulness. Today ask God in prayer to give you 1. The spirit of obedience like Abraham, the grace to obey like Paul, and the will to obey like Christ who willed to die for you. 2. Pray that God should forgive you where you have not been faithful to him. 3. Pray that God will bless you as he has promised. Prepared by the Head Pastor, Rev. Innocent Osei Poku. Call for prayer and counselling: 0242071032
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 00:47:01 +0000

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