LOL. Jerome Chick- Why all the Obama bashing? Could it be because - TopicsExpress


LOL. Jerome Chick- Why all the Obama bashing? Could it be because he is Black? What a stupid idiot the racist air head in this video is. If Obama is not a citizen and his Social security number is fake, why doesn’t the CIA, FBI, and NSA know about this and bust Obama for lying about who he is? The NSA is the most powerful intelligence agency in the world. It’s the National Security Agency in case you don’t know what those letters stand for. The fool in this video is either an idiot or a deliberate racist propagandist (Propaganda, look it up if you don’t know what that is). The MIC/Pentagon secretly runs this country; not the President (In case you’re too clueless to know what MIC is the abbreviation for, it’s the Military Industrial Complex). Presidents now are just fall guys for the MIC/Pentagon. It’s been that way every since President Eisenhower (The President that first warned us about the MIC). If you don’t believe me, Google Eisenhower’s quote warning us about the MIC. It’s not our grandfather’s country anymore. The Constitution has been secretly invalidated long time ago. This has not been a government “by the people, for the people, of the people” since the 1950’s. Use your head for more than a hat rack; do some ‘critical thinking’. Stop swallowing racist bull shit whole; do your own research. Our country is now run by a government of by the big corporations, for th big corporations, of the big corporations. President Kennedy tried to change this. That’s why he was killed. Even Ronald Regan tried, and after the MIC’s attempt to assassinate him, they feed him chemicals that destroyed his brain by mimicking dementia, and haven’t you figured out that it was a warning to Obama when the Secret Service let someone jump the fence, run all the way across the White House lawn, and into the building???? If a President tries to stand up and reveal the truth about the MIC/Pentagon, That President will be ELIMINATED!!!! It’s not up to the POTUS to remedy this situation. They can’t. They don’t really have any power to do so anymore. It’s up to the PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to take back our country from this enemy within.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:50:39 +0000

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