LOLOL!!! God has been so good!! He is a JUST JUDGE!!! VERY soon - TopicsExpress


LOLOL!!! God has been so good!! He is a JUST JUDGE!!! VERY soon he will stand up for the poor and oppressed!! Man, God has been good to me!!! Yes, sportsfans, its really true I really was a handsome, trim-waisted young man with beautiful long hair once. And yes even did a little modeling one day, LOLOL!! Please help me laugh at myself!! Too funny!! Please forgive the underwear, this is only old photo I have that shows that old, now-hiding waistline!! LOL!! You might look at me now and say, STEVE WHAT HAPPENED!! LOL!! Not so trim in the waist now but bigger and stronger than ever at 47, LOL. Got to be careful with that, all my old football buddies will remember I was not particularly strong when we were kids!! LOL!! But I grew an inch in my 30s and now I am 6 5 275 lbs with 18 arms, biggest ever for me! LOLOL, its fun and God has been so good to me!! Can you see the scars on the shoulders? The surgeon who performed my 4 shoulder surgeries ending my football days at the University of Arizona(I was only a walk-on) told me I would never lift heavy weights again. HA!!! Thats a laugh, Jesus heals EVERYTHING!!! I am so grateful for God returning me to health after all he has brought me through! The prison years years were really tough but God will deal with the wicked men who run the modern-day legalized slave trade that we call the prison system of California. The green ID is from the day I went in in 2002 and the sweater photo is from not long after I got out the first time in 2005. Parole is a set-up-to-fail racket where they try to get you back in and they tripped me up five times on parole violations. They fed us terrible food that poisoned my system so bad that it has taken me years to recover. In prison they get plenty of good food but the whole thing is totally corrupt so the big shot officials and officers in the system own restaurants on the side and sell all the good food in their restaurants and give the crappy stuff to the inmates, really really unhealthy food. The local courts get money from the feds for every body they send to prison so lots of counties try to convict just so they can send someone to prison and get the money. The county I was convicted in, Butte Co,. in Northern CA, USA is always in the top three for prison commitments (chicoer/20120806/butte-county-felony-imprisonments-second-in-state-per-capita) because of this severe corruption which is rooted in Satanic cult activity. And of course plenty of the money goes to line the pockets of the corrupt court officials. That is why they sent me. I had no previous record but they gave me maximum term on a first offense. The crimes were caused by an adverse prescription drug reaction, but the judge(Thomas Kelly) threw out the truth and sent me up the river, all for filthy lucre. They mostly pick on the poor of our communities. I was a rare exception: educated and from a middle class christian family. But I praise God for it because now I know what so many go through at the hands or the wicked government. In time God will use everything I went through against them. God will begin to deal with them very soon. Read the passage in yellow highlight to see how God deals with the kind of government we have. But you know, God has been so good to me and brought me through it all alive and well. I am strong and healthy and knowing God better and better all the time. He is so faithful and kind and forgiving. They cant touch he now because my Savior and King Jesus has me surrounded by mighty fearsome warring angels: 2 Kings 6:16-17New King James Version (NKJV) 16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 And Elisha prayed, and said, “Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw. And behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. In all my prison years I walked as a christian and did not get into the racial politics or the gangs or the normal convict life. I would hug and hang out and eat with men of all backgrounds. As consequently I was hated especially by the white men who were bound by Satan in fear and racial hatred. So some of the white men attacked me many times and my life was threatened many times. One time I was beaten very badly by several cowards who jumped me from behind and kicked me in the head and ribs for about a minute. MAN WAS I SORE!!! But God brought me through it all and is at work to heal me and my family all we have been through. I never got stabbed and I only lost one tooth to an abcess and it was in the back where it does not show so my grill is okay! LOL! All the thanks to the Lord!! I love you Jesus!! God is so good!! Praise God for deliverance and for justice, before long the ugly truth about what has been being done to people like me who had trouble with the law is going to come out and many high heads will be brought very VERY low. This will go all the way to the presidency(spursellpoet/home/prophecy/the-presidency.). God is a just judge and will not tolerate all this Satanic cult activity running our nation that is called by his name and destined to bring him glory. Eventually we will have a whole new and better government (spursellpoet/home/christians-for-a-new-constitution) and we will be blessed and free again, more than before, but in the meantime we need to pray(spursellpoet/home/prayers/cry-for-america) for America to come back to God. God has been good to me and he will to you too if you give your life to him. If you dont know him today then pray this prayer (spursellpoet/home/prayers/a-prayer-to-receive-salvation) and receive eternal life today. God bless you!! Steve Pursell
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:50:57 +0000

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