LONG read. Save for when you can not sleep. Author meant lose - TopicsExpress


LONG read. Save for when you can not sleep. Author meant lose when he wrote loose. ROBERTS REMARKS May 8, 2014 TO LOOSE FAITH You now live in a totalitarian state, which is another way of saying a fascist state. A better combination would be a Fascist Dictatorship that hides itself. One that limits liberty, circumvents the constitution and the bill of rights. No one in Washington wants you to understand what is happening to the economy. We have been saved by the printing of money and having the worlds reserve currency. That is now coming to an end and there is precious little time left. In my opinion, Obama is following to a T, the main tenets of Socialism and Marxism. He up front admitted one of his goals is to redistribute wealth, but it also is overwhelming the system. He is destroying assets, increasing debt as never before in our history, making everyone dependent on big government and big labor, and controlling the economy. But above all he is doing all this slowly and cautiously, with a moderate language that allows him to pull it off without anyone ever realizing what is really happening. I believe now he wants to bring down the Capitalist system, but do it in a subtle manner. Obama is a stealth Marxist”. He believes in achieving his goals slowly and hiding his intentions. (Remember the story of the frog in the slowly boiling pot of water.) Government can just pass so many rules and regulations and mandates, and executive orders that makes it impossible to do business any more. The Dodd Frank Bill is just such a bill, to be implemented on July 1, 2014. This bill has hundreds of new and onerous regulations. Right now Federal Regulations cost businesses (especially small business) $518 billion dollars annually and I believe that Obama is just getting warmed up. Obama wants more and more Americans dependent on government jobs or entitlements to put food on the table. Does all this sound familiar? And he is succeeding. We have developed in the past five years of this administration a Wrecked Industrial Base,A War Machine that takes an ever increasing budget in the hundreds of millions and ever growing. Gigantic Deficits that now dwarf anything previous in our history. Dead Banks and since 2000, the largest voter fraud in our history. While past presidents may have been spenders, there is nothing to compare to this President and his spending. I mean NOTHING. I do not mean to insult people, but most people simply do not understand what the words Socialism, Capitalism, and Fascism mean, nor do they know anything about current and past economics or bond monetization. People have been DUMBED DOWN. There is nothing to compare to the present attorney general, Eric Holder, who is the highest law officer in the land and is currently in contempt of Congress. Who has been investigating three situations for the past two years and never comes to any conclusion The Bengazi killing of our Ambassador, the Gun Running to the Mexican Drug Cartel, the IRS investigation of outright favoritism. When a senator asks him where are some results, his reply is You better watch yourself, buddy!. Thats a direct quote. We have Lois Lerner, a very high up Officer in the IRS who tries to invoke the Fifth Amendment, as opposed to testifying before Congress. Emails are now coming out which directly implicate her in this favoritism. We now have a government insisting that their spending never be limited, that debt never stops piling up, that growth of government never be limited, that the delivery of government benefits always grows, that people on the dole never be required to work or become self sufficient, that the prudent and successful be crucified on the alter of fairness, that wealth distribution be consistently implemented, that misery is spread widely by government dictate, and that looting of the private sector be done at the point of a government gun. There are Politicians on both sides of the aisle that never know when to stop killing the economy with their prescriptions for happiness. Just as an injection, the chart of War cycles shows a pattern of going straight up in a vertical move. This cycle will last until the year 2020. If you want to survive in this country, you have to have faith in our institutions, in the Justice System, in our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But I have lost this faith in the honesty of our government and in its politicians. A government is not represented by the buildings that house the government nor in the marble statues of great men now long gone. When our Constitution is continuously violated and our freedoms threatened by hundreds upon hundreds of restrictive laws passed by a Kangaroo Congress who practically never reads the laws that is passes. How does one keep the faith in our justice system? The government then tries to enforce these laws by overwhelming force. The recent case on the Bundy Ranch is such a recent happening. I hope to discuss this case later in the Remarks. Even Bill OReilly leaves out important factors in this over reach by this government. This situation is not about cattle grazing on government land. That is the propaganda. It is about the Chinese wanting to buy vast tracks of Nevada land with their Treasury Notes, (to buy a hard asset). It is about the Chinese building an energy plant on this land to sell energy to Nevada. It is about Harry Reid and his son who are the brokers in this transaction. Never is any of this mentioned on Bill OReilly. Our country owns vast tracts of land (a National Heritage) in many states that this government want to sell to China. You dont believe me? Google Vast Tracts of Land sold to China unless it has now been removed. (Information also taken from ZeroHedge and InfoWars.) As said in a previous letter, China now owns the Chase Bank Building in New York City and 60% of all the buildings in the Wall Street Area. Their desire is to convert as many Treasury Bonds as possible into a hard asset, before these bonds are devalued. A government in a Democracy is represented by the politicians that are elected by the people. These politicians are there to serve the people, not the other way around. Today, however, most of our politicians are bought and paid for by the big corporations, through the use of lobbyists. There are now more than 20,000 lobbyists in Washington, who, with vast sums of money, contributing to the political re-election campaigns, buy the votes of our politicians. The merger of big government and big business is called Fascism. These politicians are spending money in a blind fashion. Years ago, less than 5% of the politicians when they retired, became lobbyists. Today, fully 40% of these people now become lobbyists. They ply the halls of Congress looking to buy votes for this or that cause, or pending bill. There are no economic courses offered on corruption. That is acquired as soon as a politician gets into office and the bribes start. Despite a vast amount of people loosing their jobs, with more to come, despite loosing their home equity, despite losing their pension funds, most people refuse to believe that the entire financial system is corrupted by the leadership classes. But the population is awakening at a very late stage. As a result, the many dire forecasts of systemic failure and a grind toward insolvency is seen as very unsavory, and all too often an unwelcome insertion into any conversation (my experience). People do not want to talk about bad times. In fact, most do not believe that it is that bad at all. We have now bubbles all over this economy, built on rigged deals, outright lies, and vast money printing. All bubbles burst and the reader should be aware of this. Most people resent any correct statements on the economy, since they are committed to their communities, their businesses and their current pension plans. To tell someone to stop putting money into a 401K or any other plan is counter to his planned goals. What is said in these Remarks places a billboard in front of people which highlights their poorly planned lives, deeply entrenched in a failed system, perhaps a captive or worse, a person without any employment any longer. Perhaps the beneficiary of a worthless education. Telling someone that their hard earned savings will not be there in a few years, that the U.S. dollar will go down substantially in value, that your government will expropriate whatever you have through massive inflation, outright devaluation, does not sit well with most people. They firstly do not believe things will get that bad and secondly, they do not want to hear it. That is because their happiness and basic security is being threatened. It is the head in the sand syndrome. In short, people have a problem dealing with something that has never happened before. And that is with 98% of the people to whom I talk. A dollar that will be devalued by 25% overnight, a dollar that will loose its place as the worlds reserve currency, a dollar that no country will want to accumulate. People just cant understand or fathom it. Why, because it has never happened before! But you who read this better believe it, because when it does happen, not if, it will bring down everything denominated in U.S. dollars. A FINANCIAL TRUTH There is a simple financial truth (if you have a financial background). The Fed simply cannot finance its DEBT without a cheaper dollar. Can you imagine yourself paying off your own debts with more expensive money? It becomes much harder. To accomplish this cheaper dollar the U.S. must DEVALUE its dollar by at least 30% and do this at least twice. So this writer says that a major devaluation is coming. This may evoke some laughter because I have been saying this for at least the past two years. But I cant pin down the exact happening of this event. Some morning you will wake up to this devaluation. Then you will graduate to the wipeout of your assets that I am talking about. You poor uneducated soul. People simply refuse to see the evidence right in front of them. Right in front of your nose. When it does happen, we will then import an inflation of all imported items by at least 200% You see, dear reader, we import fully 50% of everything that we consume. Whatever the dollar is devalued by, the price of every import goes up by 100% of that devaluation... That will lead eventually to the bringing back of factories from China so that we can again produce items here. But that is at least five years away, maybe more. People are just two ignorant to realize what is going to happen to them. You are going to experience supply shortages of many items that are not produced here. Foreigners do not know how fast the dollar will be devaluing, and will wait to seen it they can keep getting more for the goods they sell here. When supply shortages happen, then expect riots in many places and with that martial law. I offer you nothing but gloom coming. All one has to do is to wait just a little bit longer. To repeat myself, people will loose most of their savings by remaining in dollar denominated items. The majority of Americans will go into deep debt and become debt slaves. Most College students are already into debt up to their eyeballs. When it comes to money, most Americans have been dumbed down, duped by the corrupt media, stupefied, etc. Did you know that the average credit card debt is now $25,500? The salary to pay this off has been declining for the average person over the past three years. Did you know that of the fifty states, 37 finished the year 2013 with a debt balance of $50 billion or more? These states can borrow this 50 billion and push it off into the future, thereby trying to have future generations heavily in debt, unless a default occurs. Did you know that the main way to stop this hemorrhage is to go after the pension plans of these states and reduce the pay outs substantially? Did you know that this is going to happen, and soon? When you have rising food prices you are going to have major unrest and possibly an overthrow of your present government. That is precisely what happened in Egypt. Food and energy are the two items that your government lies the most about. These two items are kept out of the CPI (Consumer Price Index). Both are going through the roof. Take a look at your electric and gas bills. They are up by an average of 16% in 2013 and continuing into 2014. Venezuela this year devalued its socialist currency by 73%. There is no food on the shelves of the grocery stores and all food is now rationed. This is even with oil exports. The country is run so badly. Argentina has devalued its currency by only 50% for the sixth time. And the point I am making is that this country is on its way to Third World status, it is also run so badly by the present politicians. What you hear in the media is continuous lies and untruths. a direct quote from Jim Sinclair. The advice that I give myself is to move to the sidelines while still holding large positions of physical gold and silver and platinum. Regardless of what the markets do, silver and gold represent eternal wealth to me, and I sleep very good at night. No amount of money is worth the loss of peace of mind. Paper money is transactional money backed by nothing but the promises of your government. The power of gold opened the American West and then populated Alaska. Men have spent their lives searching for gold. You can own gold by the simple action swapping Federal Reserve Notes now being debased at a rapid rate through mindless printing, for this yellow metal. I advise you to do the same. There is little precious time to wake up. Capital Controls are coming. Wait till you see the coming law on July 1, 2014. Bill HR 2847. Look this bill up on Google. Then tell me about Obama. As far as I am concerned, we will be witnessing the greatest financial crisis to ever hit civilization. The collapse of Western style Socialism. And this is no exaggeration. Where the leaders of Europe and the United States think they can fix everything by leveling the playing field, by taxing the rich, by hunting down every penny of private citizens wealth. That is what is now happening here in our country. I am not talking about the 50% of all U.S. citizens who pay no taxes at all, have very little money saved, and who do not care about the new laws being put into place. I am talking about the dying middle class, the small business owner! Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is a force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. George Washington By spying on the populace and even confiscating portions or even all of their wealth through hidden taxes or even policies such as bail in laws to make depositors creditors of a bank should it fail in the future. Your deposits in your bank are considered loans to your bank. If your bank should go under, you become a creditor of the bank, and indeed at the bottom of the list. What I have to say in these monthly Remarks is not designed to make you feel good. These Remarks are promulgated to help people see correctly, to see what is coming, and soon. I am looking for extreme disruption, broken companies, broken states, many bankruptcies, the outright devaluation of the dollar, and thus everything that the dollar is denominated in. When do you wake up? Most people (is that you) cannot see the Paradigm shift underway. If they did, they would be a lot more scared than they are. They would fear poverty, the loss of all their worldly savings, their loss of freedoms, and the emergence of a totalitarian state. There is only so much gold and silver life rafts to go around and that will vanish when the public wakes up. The current price of these precious metals is so manipulated that it really does not matter what their current price is. Precious metals, together with land, farm land, and owning real estate outright, are you only life boats. To be sure, the U.S. Congress is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the bankers and the global elite. The so called Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act signed into law by Obama in 2010 was largely devised as a propaganda device to placate Americans outraged by the Too Big To Fail, bail out mantra, complete with swindles. This bill has permitted dead banks to act like Zombies. These banks have been actually insolvent structures for almost four years. All the Tarp money goes to the banks to keep them afloat. Thats $65 billion a month but the real story is that it is much more than this amount. From what I read, it is well over $100 to 200 billion a month to keep the banking system afloat. In Europe, the banks have laid off a total of 80,000 people in 2013. You have to wonder how much longer the banking sham can be kept alive. How does spending these billions every month buying toxic paper from the banks ever help the labor market? How does the Fed get away with one lie after another like this one? Such spending of this huge amount of money does not fix the labor market or improve the real economy at all. To repeat, these policies are designed to bail out the Too Big To Fail Banks and keep the interest rates low so that your Fed can service the $17 trillion in current debt. It is nothing but a panic move by the Fed and this is going to ultimately fail. The Fed balance sheet of toxic waste (bad bonds) is already at $4 trillion and rises every day. The U.S. Government debt is now totally out of control, spending not reined in a long time ago, war costs on a continuous basis, the welfare state expanding every day, support for food and disabled workers ever growing and huge. Social Security gone into the red now, and pensions bloated. The DEBT buildup will continue till the system implodes. It is imploding here and now. In no way can any equilibrium be maintained. The debt is way out of balance with what a market can provide in demand to fund the bonds. The debt has grown during decades of structural economic development for the United States and the staggering war costs in the Iraq and Afghan wars. Each war has cost the United States $3 trillion dollars so the two wars, a total of $6 trillion in our national wealth. We now are spending $200 million dollars each and every hour, 24 hours a day ABOVE what we take in taxes. Foreign nations have begun to realize, that accumulating more US dollar based reserves makes no sense, and even adds to their risk if instability. The U.S. Treasury bonds at some point are going to default! Cant the reader understand this simple math? Our economic independence is history. We rely on foreigners for the necessities of life. To repeat, we are the greatest debtor nation in history. Beijing and Tokyo banks score with billions in annual interest on the U.S. Treasury bonds that they hold. As the gleaming cities of Asia rise, Americas infrastructure visibly crumbles. The real wages of our working men and women have not risen in decades. That means that they do not keep up with the inflation of everything around us. The middle class is rapidly dying now. Moodys just downgraded the City of Chicago to junk status. This is the lowest credit rating of any major city in the U.S. except Detroit. Cited by Moodys was Chicagos unfunded pension liabilities which are rapidly growing out of sight. Moodys also cites 20 other cities which are very weak and ready to fall. They will also go bankrupt. The point here is that Chicago has been run by Democrats forever as was Detroit. The people from Chicago are now running our Federal government. Need I say more? In the first decade of this century we lost 6 million manufacturing jobs as 55,000 factories disappeared and moved to China. Observe the betrayal of the United States by its political and corporate leaders over three decades. Globalism is the visible banner for global Fascism, whose object is to destroy the United States since we are no more the cradle of capitalism and the beacon of freedom. (Fascism is the merger of big government with big corporations.) Ill say it over and over again. The gold standard is going to return, since it is in the best interest of all nations, except the United States. When this happens, the biggest shock will come to the United States. Maybe the reader does not comprehend what I have been saying in so many of these Remarks. Only in America could the rich people -- who pay 86% of all taxes-- be accused of not paying their fair share by people who do not pay any income taxes at all. Protecting Your Wealth From This Madness This is really a chart of the past and the projection of the future 2007 U.S. Debt= $8.7 trillion Gold $635 an oz. Gas $2.40 a gallon 2008 U.S. Debt= $10.7 trillion Gold $875 an oz. Gas $2.90 a gallon 2009 U.S. Debt= $10.6 trillion Gold $855 an oz. Gas $2.75 a gallon 2010 U.S. Debt= $12.3 trillion Gold $1,100 an oz Gas $2.80 a gallon 2011 U.S. Debt= $14.0 trillion Gold $1,320 an oz Gas $3.15 a gallon 2012 U.S. Debt= $15.2 trillion Gold $ 1,540 an oz Gas$3.40 a gallon 2013 U.S. Debt= $17.0 trillion Gold $ 1,580 an oz Gas$4.50 a gallon And here is where we are going: 2014 U.S. Debt=$18.8 trillion Gold $2,200 an oz Gas $5.00 a gallon ( by end of yr) The projection is that by the year 2018, based upon the figures above, the U.S. Debt will be $28 trillion, gas will be $9.00 a gallon and gold will be $3800 an ounce. Only time will tell but I am not waiting around in the U.S. dollar to find out. You financial survival through the coming years of Obamageddon hinges upon understanding that you must first and foremost (above all else) preserve your purchasing power. Gold is the only form of money proven to do this consistently for over five millennia. That is why gold and silver has to be the cornerstone of your financial survival plan. Gold, so far has not broken $1278 and silver has not broken $18.18. These are resistance levels and they are holding. To give the reader one more remarkable fact. Warren Buffett is regarded as one of the greatest and smartest investors in the world. Yet since the year 2000. the price of gold has outperformed the price of Buffetts publicly traded company , Berkshire Hathaway, by over 300%. The propaganda from the media, denigrating gold and silver is so good, that I have to beg people to buy the various precious metals. I have to beg people to wake up. To quote your Federal Reserve, We have to make money the old fashioned way, we have to print it. - Al Rolnick, former chief economist at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve From January 2000 to January 2013, gold produced a thirteen year return of 484% as measured in U.S. Dollars. In that same 13 year period, investors earned 138% from bonds, 35% in real estate, and 25% in stocks. And I still have to beg people to put money into gold and just leave it there. Thats all you have to do. If you need money, take a gold coin and sell it. You have precious little time left as Obama is going to tax the living daylights out of you! His Obamacare and Dodd Frank Bill guarantee it. Some people tell me they have enough gold and will keep their paper dollars to see what happens. Those people will loose their paper investments, especially in any bonds. Gold, is the only investment that has gone up for 12 straight years. No other investment has ever done this. It would have gone up for 13 if not for the heavy Fed manipulation. The upward movement will be resumed shortly. That goes for silver also. When one considers the MARGIN DEBT that is presently being used in the stock markets, one can see not only the excess that we have gone to, but that investors never before have been so poor while falsely believing themselves to be rich. It is all built on DEBT. How long can this be sustained? Not that much longer because credit is steadily generating less and less GDP growth to support an ever increasing Debt load. To translate, its all a house of cards. Make no mistake about the way I see it. The media portrays a recovery coming out of the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, but the next phase of this crisis will be far worse than anything you have ever seen in the past several generations. It is going to tear our society apart. The governments of Europe and the U.S.A. will be fighting for their survival and the way to do this is to suck the blood out of the private sector. BANKERS DYING I am adding to this segment in each Remarks that I write. So far, there are five more bankers that have committed suicide or been killed! Jan Schmittman. Former CEO of ABN AMRO A Dutch banker was killed, along with his wife, and daughter. This top banker was suicided from a distance. He was in the higher echelons of ABN AMRO Bank. The hit men are starting to go after the top people. Perhaps the motive was missing gold from many gold accounts since delivery could no longer be made by the bank. Juergen Frick The CEO of Bank Frick & Co. Liechtenstein. This was a private bank. He was apparently gunned down possibly by a disgruntled employee or client, in the garage of his bank. Benedict Phillippers Bank Manager-Ans Saint Nicholas. A 37 year old bank manager, his wife and 9 year old nephew all murdered. Belgium, City of Vise Jeffrey Corzine Son of the former New Jersey Governor, John Corzine and leading contributor to Obama. Also, John Corzine is the one where $1.5 billion is missing from MF Global. Found dead in Mexico, age 31. He was a mid level banker that knew too much. Possibly killed by the drug cartel. Is all the money worth it??? Joseph Giampapa Was senior vice president of the bankruptcy division of JP Morgan He was the leading bankruptcy lawyer for Morgan. He was found dead in a minivan. Struck down by a hit and run driver. He probably knew too much or was soon to divulge states evidence. ***SUMMARY*** Growth is now a function of expanding credit, financing government and consumer consumption (spending) and calling it GDP. The developed world has become something for nothing societies, living off the land and other peoples money. They will issue debt until it no longer can be sold. (The U.S. is approaching this situation.) This process is well established and underway. (Look at Venezuela, Greece, Argentina, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and so on.) Plunder has now become a way of life for our government. Think unending taxes on everything that moves. Think regulations and new laws to prohibit competition, prohibit taxation, innovation. Freedom is increasingly prohibited by law. In order to produce anything you now need the permission of people who produce nothing but more restrictive laws. And because of this, our society is doomed. WAKE UP A brutal downturn is coming in our economy, because our dollar is rapidly declining in value. A massive inflation is coming--and most cannot see it or simply do not want to believe it. No nation ever got wealthier by going into debt as we are doing, and then printing money to pay these debts. I said no nation and no exceptions. Our Federal Credit Card is maxed out and we are broke. WAKE UP Right now, no where is the media, any media, carrying the story of our dollar loosing its place as the reserve currency of the world and what this really means for our country and the people who live here. The U.S. dollar is dangerously close to loosing reserve currency status and it is not if but when this happens. The result of this happening is not understood by 99% of the people. Any government, and person who has any sense at all is looking to get out of the U.S. dollar which will be rapidly declining in value, This is not unpatriotic but a absolute fact. I cannot give you an exact time when this will happen. Perhaps in July, perhaps six months from now. To quote Jim Rogers, The Dollar is a MESS! WAKE UP People do not understand what the words Reserve Status means and what the loss of this means. The U.S. dollar standard is going to vanish, after 100 years where the dollar was the reserve of the world. Most countries are selling their Treasuries for whatever hard items they can buy. (Think gold, silver, platinum ,raw land, paintings. Anything to hold its value.) New regulations are coming July 1, that few people know about, and few understand. The Bill, already passed by Congress is HR2847, but no one talks about this terrible tax bill. You government LIES to you on a daily basis: propaganda worthy of the German Reich. WAKE UP And when we loose this reserve status, everything that we import will rise in cost, like a shot out of hell. Explanation of the words, Reserve Status Many years ago, Henry Kissinger persuaded Saudi Arabia to sell their vast reserves of oil to the world, accepting only U.S Dollars as payment. This meant that any transaction, regardless of whether the U.S. was involved or not, would have to be in U.S. dollars when it involved the sale of oil. Thus, every world country sought to acquire U.S. dollars to make payment for any oil bought. These dollars were then converted into U.S. Treasuries paying interest. This also created a demand for the U.S. currency. This exchange became known as the Petro Dollar. What is also meant was that the U.S. could pay for its oil and most of its bills simply by printing money, since the dollar became the worlds reserve (choice) currency. Thus the U.S. could live far beyond its means, import much more than it produced or exported, with impunity for the past 40 years. It is like having the ability of writing an unlimited blank check. But this is about to come to an end. Russia has recently made trade agreements with China, and Iran and India to sell its oil and accepting Yuan, Gold and other currencies. So the statement to make to the reader is, “When the Russian demand gold for oil payments, and the Chinese demand to pay in Yuan currency for oil shipments, the Petro Dollar will be dead.”. The United States will soon find itself on the extreme defensive, isolated among the major industrialized countries and even the emerging markets. A Eurasian Trade Zone will be born. To put it to you in another form, If Russia accepts payment for its crude oil and its natural gas in any currency other than the U.S. dollar, the Petro dollar system will collapse quickly. In addition, all the countries will see no reason to store vast amounts of U.S. Treasuries any more. This fact is going to happen rather quickly, but I cannot tell you exactly when. You see why Russia holds all the cards in this Ukraine affair. Thus the Petro dollar is doomed; its demise is guaranteed by the U.S. government pressure with meaningless sanctions. The U.S. is a debt ridden nation whose entire list of allies is deeply dependent on energy and minerals from Russia. Thus, the Western European nations will break away very soon from the U.S. leadership. Wave good by to the Petro Dollar, whose dismantling assures the harsh landscape of economic war ruin. I would expect to see price inflation, supply shortages, and civil disorder in the backlash coming. To repeat also, the way your government is going to bring the middle class to its knees, is through taxation. The Obama Health Care Bill is nothing but a tax bill, increasing your taxes on hundreds of items, increasing what the average person pays for insurance. OReilly talks about how many like this bill and how many do not. If the people really knew what taxes this bill contained, no one would like the Obama Health Bill. But most of these taxes have been hidden or the attempt to hide them. Let us just take a few examples. I cant do all of them. ObamaCare has a hidden medical device tax to be applied by the manufacturers so that the public cannot see them. The problem is that this tax is also imposed on all sports equipment, car tires, certain cars, and coal just to mention a few items. In addition, vendors are required to conceal the tax, and are advised to pass it on in hidden form. It is called the 2.3% Medical Excise Tax, as part of ObamaCare. The tax began to be collected after Jan 1st. However, as I read it, the hunting and fishing store Cabelas, has instead decided to show it as a separate line item tax on their sales receipts. Further investigation reveals that this new tax is to be imposed not only on sport fishing equipment, fishing rods, poles, electric outboard motors fishing tackle boxes, bows and arrows, coal, certain kinds of tires, gas guzzler autos, vaccines and on and on. In summation, the American public has been deceived, as usual! The Obama Health Care Bill contains over 1000 items to be additionally taxed. There is also a new bill to extend this tax to sales of condoms, lotions, certain truck parts, and more. What is the point of mentioning all this? The Dodd Frank Bill of over 1200 pages contains an additional 2000 new taxes to go into effect on July 1, 2014. But if you really want to condense this whole report into a few sentences, it is all about this government versus the people (thats you). It is about the abrogating of the Constitution and The Bill of Rights. It is going to get a lot worse and very bad and this is the most important force that you will have to deal with. Your government destroying your way of life is more important than inflation, more powerful than the fiat money that they now create in the trillions. It is the fear I have when people loose it all, when even the government handouts cannot contain their hopelessness. It is the rising social discontent and that is more powerful than any economic force known to man. It is your government caring about the five biggest banks in this country more than the welfare of the average person in this country. Your government lies to you at every utterance. Nothing that is said to you via the controlled media is truthful. To quote Craig Roberts, former Secretary of the Treasury, “The U.S. economy is a house of cards. Every aspect of our economy is a total fraud, and the illusionary recovery is created with fraudulent statistics!” The unemployment was today heralded as dropping to 6.3% from 6.7%. Nothing was said ABOUT AN ADDITIONAL 900,000 PEOPLE DROPPING COMPLETELY OUT OF THE LABOR FORCE AND THUS NOT BEING COUNTED. And such bogus statistics are being issued almost every day. I think it can be stated that our government is dangerous, incompetent, and corrupt. The bigger it becomes, the more dangerous, incompetent, and corrupt it becomes. While I believe Obamas goal is to turn America into a Nanny State, he does not realize that all his plans are doomed. Why wont they work?? Because government always fails at everything it does. Just as Obamacare will fail miserably. It fails everywhere. Pick a country. Any country. Not just Socialist countries like the old Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, the old China, failures all. Those disasters are too easy to point out. Or disasters like Spain, Greece, or Argentina. But governments everywhere screws up what it touches. Governments everywhere going into bankruptcy. Without the discipline of the market place they survive by going heavily into debt (like us), printing fake money and raising taxes (like us)! Our government is quite simply a Ponzi Scheme. First take the peoples money until it is all gone. Then they spend money that does not really exist (fake dollars created out of thin air by the Fed). As in every Ponzi they take money from the newest to pay for the oldest in Social Security and Medicare. Then they hand out more money in bribes to the masses to distract them from how bad things really are. And that is where we are now. The ultimate problem is that no one can ever bring them to justice because they own the prosecution and the courts. It is even worse than that because our government is an addict, because it is also pathetically addicted to spending. and then blame the current tax payers for not giving them more money. It is always our fault for not paying higher taxes. Obamas answer for every problem is higher taxes. The American Dream = an entitlement mentality To pay for all these entitlements we tax interest, dividends, and capital gains. Most of our leaders have no financial education at all. We also graduate students through high school who also have no idea what sound investing is. Most (90%) of college graduates are also financially illiterate. We have a school system which is obsolete and a dumbed down teachers union. This writer (me) is not anti American. I am a defender of the Constitution and an advocate of a currency backed by a gold standard. To me, the nation’s citizenry seems overwhelmed by total confusion of the events to interpret, by delusions of values once held sacred that no longer apply, and by assumptions that are part of a fantasy landscape. Most people are living in a fantasy world when I warn of the United States arriving soon into a Third World status which results in blank stares and looking at me like I do not know what I am talking about. When I was in the military I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, but now I realize that nowhere does the oath include aspects of an internal coup d’état and adopted treason at a high level. I have totally lost faith in this government. I do not believe anything that comes out of Washington. There is no recovery and there will be no meaningful recovery. Investing in the future has ceased in this country. And no new plant and equipment in the last seven years means to me no new jobs and it also means businesses which cannot grow. We have the weakest growth in private capital in six decades. What we have coming is sustained PAIN. The dangerous wrecking ball of this economy is that consumption accounts for over 70% of the U.S. economy while the legitimate income from factories has dwindled. The direction is China for that income base. The source of American consumer funding has increasingly come from inflating assets and DEBT. The U.S. economy has lost 42,400 factories since the year 2000, whose average factory worker count was typically over 500 people from each factory. More recently, the U.S. has lost 32% of its manufacturing jobs, over 5.5 million workers since the year 2000. In 1960, manufacturing represented 28% of U.S. output. In 2008 it was already down to 11.5%! Americans working in manufacturing is now to the equivalent equal to 1940. And this Administration only encourages more jobs to leave. Nothing is done to bring jobs back and so much could be done. But youve got to stop the taxing to death of the American public. When are people going to realize that your governments first interest is to look out for itself and not the people When are people going to wake up? As such, the government will eventually confiscate everything it can get its hands on, and certainly the 401Ks and pension plans. There are $16 trillion in these plans and there is $16 trillion in the current national debt. When will people realize that hope is not an investment strategy? I do not buy any gold or silver ETFs!* Ihave always bought actual gold and silver, taken possession, (no numismatics) stored this gold in outer space’ and the reason for this is because I do not trust the government! Not when they pass so many restrictive laws and taxes. In addition, I am looking for a major currency devaluation, as opposed to the regular devaluation that continuously takes place in our currency. Your savings will evaporate if you do not invest in gold and silver. Till Later… *(Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are funds that track indexes like the NASDAQ-100 Index, S&P 500, Dow Jones, etc.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WHEN THE DEFENSE OF LIBERTY BECOMES A CRIME, TYRANNY IS ALREADY IN FORCE. AT THAT POINT, FAILURE TO DEFEND LIBERTY MAKES SLAVERY A CERTAINTY.
Posted on: Thu, 22 May 2014 13:02:52 +0000

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