LOST LOVE CHAPTER-8 Ria stood there watching him leave... Then - TopicsExpress


LOST LOVE CHAPTER-8 Ria stood there watching him leave... Then she entered her home,closed the door behind her and lay down on the bed thinking about john and the eve she spent with him... She didn’t knew when she dozed off... On reaching home John went to marry’s room,she was in profound sleep,in her own dream world... He planted a kiss on her forehead,covered her with blanket and went to his room... He lay down on his bed thinking about Ria... He liked her that he knew but to go further ahead Marry should also accept her... Coz she not only had to be his wife but marry’s mom also... And for his sake he couldn’t play with marry’s childhood... But his heart told him that Ria would handle that efficiently... He smiled to himself and dozed off thinking about Ria... “john...john” John was in the garden of his apartment... “yes sweetheart coming”he replied... He washed his hands and went inside... “please check what marry’s doing” “okay honey” He went to marry’s room to check on her... She was playing with her dolls... “john....aaaaahhhhhhh....” He heard a cry from the kitchen he ran and saw that the kitchen was in fire and Marry also started crying as smoke filled her room too.... Immediately he took marry in his arms and ran to a safer place where he found Ria,he gave Marry to her ,but when he returned the house was in fire all over... “u forgot me john...why?? why u did this to me??i loved u so much??why john...” He heard jane’s cries... “no sweetheart its not true...i didn’t forget u sweetheart...i can never forget u Jane my love...”with that he broke down himself... “no jane...my love i didn’t forget u no baby....” “jane....baby...no” “daddy...daddy...wake up”Marry shook John as much as she could... He opened his eyes and realised it was a nightmare... “what happened daddy??”Marry asked rubbing her eyes... John was sweating heavily due to that terrific dream... “nothing sweety...daddy saw bad dream...” “should i sleep with u daddy??with me hele u’ll not be aflaid of the bad dleams...i am stlong girl...” “sure sweety come here lets cuddle and go to sleep...” He hugged her and she slept in minutes but sleeping was no longer possible for him after such a dream... He stared at her cute face while she was asleep in his arms... And soon his mind drifted away to the dream... Was he making Jane unhappy,by being with Ria?? Why he had this dream now?? Is jane not happy for him?? Is Ria not a nice person to be with...?? Was he actually forgetting Jane because of Ria...?? His heart knew he could neva forget Jane... She was his first love and mother of her lovely daughter... How could he forget her... But if being with Ria was making her unhappy then he would not be with her anymore... He would not meet her now... He knew he was being selfish but maybe destiny wanted this to happen... TO BE CONTINUED.... ~vaidz~ ^_^
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:38:50 +0000

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