LOST! You can get lost out there! You can get lost out there! - TopicsExpress


LOST! You can get lost out there! You can get lost out there! You can get lost. You can get lost out there. You can get lost out there. Be careful. Be watchful. Watch unto PRAYER. Be sober! But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. 1 Peter 4:7 You can get lost out there. Many are going astray. Jesus is calling me home. FOR... Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalms 127:1 You can get lost out there. Come to Jesus NOW. Daily come to JESUS. Come to Christ Jesus, Spirit of life. Jesus is calling me daily for life. Nightly, Jesus is calling me for life. Jesus came to SEEK and to SAVE those which are LOST. Individuals are lost. Come to Jesus daily and live. The battle is too much within. Sin causes LOSS. Sin is a loss cause momentously. Sin causes souls to be lost in the law of sin and death. Come to Jesus daily and nightly and live. Escape the pollution of sin and sins effects contributing sorrowful corruption. Escape the pollution of sin to individuals heart and mind. Come to JESUS and live. Come to the law of Christ Jesus NOW. Come to the law of Jesus Christ, Spirit of life that frees me from the law of sin and death. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8: 1 The whole world lies in wickedness according to the GOD- WORD of LIFE. Wickedness is a loss cause. Wickedness is a lost cause. The world is lost. The world is lost in sins and trespasses and in sins nasty harmful dangerous effects. Wickedness is a loss cause by absence of wisdom. There is a lack of knowledge of God. Therefore, sinners are lost far away from God without their salvation. The WISDOM of God is vital and necessary for all our lives. Unfortunately, individuals choose to be WISE in their own eyes. Individuals of the world are wise in their own eyes. They do not fear God Almighty Jehovah the MOST HIGH God by Jesus Spirit of life. They seek not Gods wisdom daily to SAVE them from sins effects at work. However, according to the Word of God; the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God. So foolish is the wisdom of the world. Therefore, foolish SINNERS(UNBELIEVERS) are lost to sin and sins effects. So lost are people. In blindness people are lost. They are A loss to God whom created us all. Without the LORD as the BUILDER of individuals lives; they are lost. Their HOUSE is lost. They are lost and will suffer loss because of sins and sins effects working against them daily and nightly from Ancestors and others. Whats more, individuals labour in vain, Except the LORD build the house. The city is lost, Except the LORD keep the city, the watchman wakes in vain. Moreover, watchmen are targeted by criminals to take down during marauding. The plan is to firstly destroy law enforcement; if they are in the way of their plans. The Military, Police and every Security law enforcement agent wakes is in vain; if the LORD does NOT keep their city. People are labouring in vain with the BUILDER. THE LORD is the BUILDER of our houses. Only, the LORD can BUILD our houses. Only the LORD can keep our city. Sin City people should know that their WATCHMEN wakes but in vain. Watchmen are awake in vain. No wonder, Watchmen gets taken down first in an effort to get access to main target assignment. How safe are you without the LORD in this world? Law Enforcement Workers are losing in the battle against CRIMINAL. Law Enforcement Workers losing the battle against sinners and sins effects of violence, Murder, Robbery and offences of trespassing affecting all sorts of inhumane crimes of the land. More so, Sinners are losing the battle within themselves. Him and Her are SELF- DESTRUCTIVE, polluting and corrupting in sins and in sins effects working and working excessively through Satans plans and purposes of sins and sins effects on this generation and generations to come. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalms 127:1 You can get LOST out there to MONEY TROUBLES... MONEY TROUBLES... Money troubles evildoers. Money troubles all it may. Whosoever, it can the LOVE of MONEY will DEVOUR for Satan is the ROBBER. A ROBBING EVIL SPIRIT IS SATAN through the LOVE of money. As a result, Evildoers are troubled by money. Day after day and night after night the LOVE of Money worries people to death, loss, accident, fear and mischief and injury. Also, the LOVE of money worries people to insanity confusion, and frustrating contributing to robbery and fraud. The LOVE of money is a PROBLEM at the ROOT of evil causing, effecting and increasing dysfunction, disorder, disease and much sinfulness. Sin city loves money too much Sin city loves MONEY to DEATH. Money is the god many people serve to death. Till death do they part. Some say: Get RICH or DIE trying. The LOVE of MONEY is a problem MAJORLY for many individuals have a BANKRUPT MIND. It is the LOVE of money that defeats man daily and nightly to fret in as much as they DO NOT TRUST IN GOD. The LOVE of MONEY is a problem. Those that lack money choose to fret and fret leads to evil. Evil works where fret is abiding. Meanwhile, people with excess money are problematic also; for the LOVE of money causes them to indulge, over eat, waste and commit mischief. The LOVE of money is really the root to all evil such as pride, recklessness, carelessness and all sorts of evil in excessive abundance. The people are lost to money. The LOVE of money is the ROOT to all evil daily killing victims within with unruly minds and hearts. Therefore, the LOVE of money which is the ROOT to evil takes people to their ROOT of DUST. The LOVE of money ROOT takes the ROUTE to bring the LOST condemned souls to their ROOTED HOME of the GROUND. The love of MONEY is the root to evil PEOPLE. Money blinds people to do a lot of things and to be disturbed and deceived with inner conflicts and turmoil. Money is good, necessary and vital to survival, but the LOVE of MONEY is the ROOT to all EVIL through EVIL DOERS works, schemes, imagination and operations. DAILY, The people believe that their money can SAVE them. They believer that they can pay DOCTORS to SAVE them. They believe in a cure. They believe DOCTORS, Researchers and Scientist will discover a cure. If a cure is found then another disease will be on the scene; for sin is DEFEATING while causing and effecting new strains of viruses and diseases. Above all, people believe in their money to SAVE them out of troubles, sickness, sufferings and the unforeseen. However, money fails. For life in the Spirit money fails. Money, cannot Save peoples lives, Spiritually. Jesus can. JESUS CAN SAVE US FROM ALL SINS. Seek God daily and live through Jesus, Spirit of life. Money cannot Save People. Many people are dying while seeking treatment or while being treated. Money cannot Save people Spirits affecting their mind, body, heart and soul. If money could buy LIFE; the RICH would not die. THE POOR WOULD DIE. If money could buy life; the RICH would BUY it and the POOR would die. If money could buy life; the RICH would have it and the POOR would not. More so, we see the RICH are dying. Steve Jobs of Apple Corporations died very RICH; despite the great wealth he possessed. WHAT I MUST POSSESS IS GOD FIRST FOR SALVATION ON THE EARTH TO ACCESS EVERLASTING LIFE I am to SEEK first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be Added unto ME. Sufficient Evil is unto the day. Refer to St. Matthew 6: 33-34. Dont get LOST out there in Sorrows. Sin causes SORROW. Dont get lost out there. Jesus is calling ME daily to COME unto Him and LEARN of Him. Jesus is calling me to COME unto Him and He will give me Rest. Do you need REST from Your Burden daily? Come to Jesus and live. Dont get lost out there. Dont get lost out there within. Within is the battle raging with disturbance, frustration, fear, turmoil and confusion cause by those out there. The wicked evil Doers, Whoremongers, Flatterers and Seducers and Deceivers are causing inner turmoil, loss, hardships and obstacles with delays creating constant wicked battles. Many individuals within NOW are battling for their lives -out there with excessive Sorrows, heartache, wounds and pains overflowing and multiplying. Drowning are you? God forbid. I will NOT. God forbid. God forbid I should drown and sink like the Titanic. I must not BECOME my worst enemy. I must NOT battle up myself because of Sinners effects. No. I must CAST MY CARES UPON GOD for he cares for me. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Psalms 55:22 But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee. Psalms 55:23 Come for your REST daily in Jesus Christ, Spirit of life and live with PEACE of God that passes all understanding. Increase in the KNOWLEDGE of God. Believe upon Jesus Christ for life. Put YOUR FAITH IN HIM. Jesus gives Rest. Many things being sought are UNJUSTLY wasting your time from the MOST God has to offer YOU. It is the LORD GOD that builds lives. It is GOD that will give us blessings through OBEDIENCE. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalms 127:1 God has things to GIVE to you and me. We must be Obedient. We must seek daily the MOST. THE MOST gives the MOST. Seek the MOST High God Jehovah through his Son, Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world delivering His Spirit of life by his law. In the Gospel Good News of the bible Jesus says: I will Give You Rest- Take my Yoke Upon You and Learn of Me. I am Meek and Lowly and You will find Rest for your Soul. Find Rest for Soul daily. Daily seek the LORD and find Rest for your Souls Stress now before Stress finish You by its Purpose of mission for destruction, loss, harm and injury. Dont let Stress finish You with its disturbance, Deceptions and distractions. COME TO JESUS CHRIST, SPIRIT OF LIFE. CHOOSE LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST, SPIRIT OF LIFE. Saviour Blessed Victorious Sun Day November 3, 2013 of Jesus Christ Spirit of Life. Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain. Psalms 127:1 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2 - But whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil. Proverbs 1:33 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Hebrews 10: 31 - JRO-Jennifer Roberts ....Prepare ye the way of the LORD> Make His Way Straight. Blessed Victorious Saviour Sunday of the LORD, MOST HIGH of November 3, 2013 ------- GLORY -------------TO-----------------------GOD-------- in the highest... Every missile sent across your way to distract you from reaching your place of destiny is now terminated, but if you build on things that move you won’t last. You have to build something in your life that is going to last and be there for the duration of your life, and not seasonal situation that come and go. The three things that will last and that must be protected at all cost are Faith, Hope and Love. Satan has no need of your car or your material things, what he wants is any of these three things from you, therefore you must guide them jealously and build on them Find out why Hope is in the centre at the comfortzone “Hope: The Reason You Cannot Give Up” Dr. UMA UKPAI
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 22:32:26 +0000

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