LOVE AND AFFECTION IS THE ESSENCE OF GROWING UP. INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM IS MUST CRUCIAL ELEMENT IN LOVING CHILDREN AND DRAW THEM WITH AFFECTION. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KEEP CLEAR OF RESTRICTIVE INSTRUCTIONS ORDERS SANCTIONS AND BOUNDARIES AS PART OF DISCIPLINE , IT BRINGS DEMISE TO LOVE. GUIDANCE IS NOT ABOUT ROBBING OF INDEPENDENCE OR FREEDOM, RATHER TO PROVIDE THEM IS THE SUPPORTIVE GUIDANCE . CHILDREN AND YOUNG HEART GROWS WELL ONLY WITH LOTS OF FREEDOM TO BE ONESELF , INDEPENDENT TO KNOW WHO ONESELF IS, NOT ABOUT SON OF OR DAUGHTER OF , THAT IS STATUS SYMBOL SOCIAL IDENTITY, YOUNG PEOPLE MUST LEARN TO KNOW THEIR OWN SELVES INDIVIDUALLY OF THEIR OWN IDENTITY INTEGRITY AND VALUES . THIS IS THE BASIC PHILOSOPHY IN LIFE THAT HELPS US TO RESPECT OTHERS AND BE HUMBLE AND POLITE . PARENTS LOVE AND BOND OF FRIENDSHIP , CARER AND OLDERS BOND OF FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE CONTINUES AND CONFIRMS EACH AT THEIR MATURITY , BOTH CARER AND CHILDREN NEEDS TO GROW TOGETHER TO REACH MATURITY TO UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER. INDEPENDENCE AMPLE FREEDOM ALLOWS CHILDREN YOUNG PEOPLE TO LEARN TO GET MBA IN HUMAN RESOURCES RIGHT FROM CHILDHOOD WHEN WE SEE THEM PLAYING TOGETHER WITH UNKNOWN OTHER YOUNG PEOPLE WITH DUE RESPECT SUBLIMELY SPONTANEOUSLY, LACK OF FREEDOM INDEPENDENCE DESTROYS THIS GAIN. People exposed to medication of any kind that has direct impact on brain receptor to hide complaint originally made , turns a person gradually so different in presentation ,behavior or emotional expression. that one finds very hard to recognise as to understand how the person originally was. medications continue on person and issues starts getting so complicated day by day. medications mesmorises a person to such extent that one loses ones own confidence, self esteem. one looses ability of natural thinking ,decision making ,cognitive thinking creates a conflict inn mind with new configuration from impact of medications.. once medications are all withdrawn one sees the light of the day of reality in life with new look, and feels the vacum in life due to various negatives at the same time one also feels the need for think naturally and find remedial process various ways, medications is no solutions at all. any students dedicatedly studying high school or graduation or masters in biology, chemistry, molecular biology , medical biology will understand all these very well, but influence of network marketting is so powerful on public mind that they push use of magic medications so much generally that people are loosing grip on ones life and emotional control; one gets unusually dependent on a blind trust in medications from all lies spoken by professionals and either a silence from declaring unpublished researched papers or use of their gimmicks about medications in carefully coined words expressions about so called charms of medications. for example anti histamine is really a dopamine blocker means an antipsychotic drug, i.e peridon, which raises irritations and affects emotional health allowing temporary pseudo numbing of root cause of feeling of vomit.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 10:01:30 +0000

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