LOVE LETTER When last did you write or receive a love letter? - TopicsExpress


LOVE LETTER When last did you write or receive a love letter? Gone are those days when we exchanged letters which conveyed our deep emotions for our loved ones. We wooed ladies affection with the potency of our words, the richness of our vocabulary and the fluidity of our expression, not necessarily by the quantity of cash in our pockets. Nowadays, BBM chats and phone calls have replaced love letters. Little wonder, university graduates can no longer write simple letters. I therefore want to bring back with a nostalgic feeling the forgotten culture of writing love letters with this somewhat grandiloquent piece. Kindly enjoy pals... ...#BRINGBACKOURLOVELETTERS Dear Tosin, It is with deep expression of undiluted emotional affection that I write you this letter and I hope it finds you well, if so, doxology. I have not been able to sleep well since the last time I saw you at the high school meeting. Your ineffable beauty encapsulated my whole being and you literally blew me away. Baby, there is no mystery or any inexplicable rationale behind the oedipus of my attraction to you. You are simply gorgeous, beautiful, lovable, warm and tender-hearted. You are such a jewel of inestimable value exemplified by such a rarity with no similarity and the dexterity of your serenity witnesses no paucity! You are the most elegant work of art and the best creature made by God. As if this is not enough, you have the terrific body of a terrestrial goddess inaccessible by humanitys assessment programme. You are a prolific heart-robber and any sane man would naturally fall for you the way I do. You are as fresh as the tropical tamarind and your glowing eyes are like the worlds fluorescence. You light up the universe with your radiant smile. You are more resplendent than emerald, topaz, fine quartz stone and Jasper. Your lips are as smooth as oil and your looks as lovely as the finest of French wine. Having a taste of your luscious lips is bliss eternal. Your long lissom hair is dashing to the core and it flows with the rhythm of vegetation. Your round-leather bosom and sequentially arranged buttocks is simply breath-taking and mesmerising. Life with you would be an endless streak of timeless fun. You are my confidence and my maturity, Baby. I am certain that with you by my side as my Queen, we can take over the world and crack the earth open. With you as my fortress, we can take captive of the scorching Sun, extract sweet honey from the quiescent moon and compete the with shinning stars in the celestial bodies. Tosin, you give unbridled pleasure to the eyes with your magnificent royalty like a Sartorial Princess. It takes two chests to give a hug, it takes two hands to make a clap, it takes two lips to make a kiss, it takes two people to make a couple, it takes two lemons to make lemonades, it takes raindrops to make rainbows, it takes more than one tree to make a forest, baby, just know that it takes a heart that is full of admiration for Gods creation and affection for another to say I love you. Baby, it takes you to complete me! I am not Romeo, I dont need a Juliet, but please let us write our own love story! Let us keep the blazing fire ravaging and blistering hot so we can continually kindle the burning flame that is ravaging my pores. You are the engine in my car, without you, I am a car skeleton. You are the beautiful rainbow across my causation distance in the horizon. My frankincense, you remain the undying flame in my heart no matter how much I deny it. Cast your fears upon me my sweet darling. Dont worry about any problem, If such a problem doesnt have a solution, then its not a problem but a natural event taking its natural course! A problem is called a problem because it has a solution! Dare to break the norm and quash the boundaries for me. Let us rewrite the worlds history with our love. Wait Tosin, have you ever seen the evening sun from across a beautiful distance? Have you ever seen the innocent chick the day its hatched? Have you ever beheld the elegance of the tropical tamarind in the morning dew? A big dreamy tangerine, slowly wading home to her cradle in the west? At those times it wears a bright tinge of orange and a core of bright dancing yellow stem bestriding the corpuscle of the flowers so tender? Have you ever seen the beautiful insect with subtle magical glows kissing the edges of plants in a bid to pollinate the fruiting flowers in the sprawling garden? Have you ever seen little innocent children playing hide and seek like they have no care in the world? Have you ever observed how the vegetation pay homage to the raging air? Have you ever wondered how the leaves kowtow to the dictates of the raptured clouds floating by in fluffy obeisance and unprovoked symphony? If you havent, then you might not understand the awesomeness of your unrivaled beauty! The last time I saw you with that glowing eyes and creamy velvety flawless skin, I wondered how just one person would have such an incredible and voluptuous proportion of affable beauty. You are as pretty as a dozen women put together and you are simply perfect in beauty and adorable in regal splendour. If I were as beautiful as you, I would date myself! Look Tosin, have you ever observed the quiescent, dark and sleepy sky? On those lonely, dreary and rarified nights that stars are too shy to shine? Can you visualise how the armies of socialising fireflies invade with musical lights adorning a grateful sky and masking the trees and thick bushes filled with stubborn shrubs and malignant weeds with a pulsing carpet of glowing yellow snow, your blissful beauty makes my heart to palpitate and my emotional temperature to undulate. You are the only one that melts my heart. Tosin, you are the gorgeous woman with penetrating eyes like dreamy tangerines and super glowing yellow snow. Like raindrops, I am falling for you. In dutiful unison, my comely eyes and love-struck mind always agreed that nothing can be more beautiful in this world than the emergence of the yellow sun from the white skies by dusk until I saw you emerging from the daughters of men dwarfing and subsuming them all. Anytime I see you sashaying into the ambience of men (chaste and randy) and make them turn their unwilling necks in strict compliance with the automatic turns of the vehicle at the twist of the steering wheel, I celebrate what an inviting aura you deeply possess. Tosin, you melt off the stony King’s heart with your soothing curvaceousness in the emotionally relevant places- your gorgeous poise is so profound, your gaze is so deep and your body is so alluring. I marvel as your seething eyesight tells a wordless story of boundless love, unmistakable sincerity and profuse profundity that tie tight invisible strings around the hearts of men. Tosin, I want to aver that you have simply beaten the record of my sight, shredding the testimony of my eyes and provoking the cord of my emotional proclivity. I have seen beauties but your beauty is simply exceptional. I have seen bulging eyes but your eyes are like dreamy tangerines, nay, the Limousines floodlight! Your eyes are a forest of trees and your touch is phenomenally soothing. You are a cluster of virtues and a desert of vices my darling. Who can compete with you my fresh lobinto? You are laden with luscious fruits of fresh proportions. You are the crispy pumpkin in the market of excellence. You are more radiant than the glowing yellow sun and the faltering white snow by winter adequately garnished by glittering petals of blue, pink and purple insignia. Your mild effervescence intersects humanitys stratosphere like sparkling shades of diamond cuttings and puce. Your worth is more than several rungs of rubies and you are more valuable than a hundred billion shekels of silver! Any time I try to visualise your alluring presence, I see a sweltering field of cockleburs by summer. Any time I try to conceptualise the conviviality of your endearing appearance, I see the angelic spread of the fraternal hosts in the empyreans. I have left my mind to wander and wonder how God perfected work on a single creature like you. You were formed from cake, not clay. I am tempted to believe you were created on a sunday, not a saturday! Your face has no freckles, only chuckles, your cheek has no wrinkle, only dimples! Keep flashing that gorgeous smile and keep them eternally ensorcelled with those kaleidoscopic gaze. Tosin, just know that If it is a crime to express my unrelenting affection and endless emotion for you, then I will gladly be a Criminal! Dont be dismayed my heart and dont deny me of the luxury of your bosom simply because someone is already in your heart, just know that love is big, it can accommodate all of us! Your love is a cudgel to my obstinate heart. Staring at you is bliss forever. Let us shock the world with pure undiluted affection. Let me brighten your horizon with the firmament of my emotions. Your fart is sweet aroma for food. Let me treasure the fragrance from your foul odour. Let your eyes illuminate my world this day like the flashing flourescent that it is. Your smile brightens up my life. I am not Jack but be my rose, I am not Romeo, but be my Juliet, I am not Caesar, but be my Capurnia, I want to take you to another level of grace that you do not know. Give your heart to me and your body will follow naturally. Let me blow you away like the whirlwind and the raging thunderstorm. You are my Chamberlain, my empress, my pheromones and my cologne. You are the snow in my winter and the sun in my summer. Just give it a trial and allow me to steer your wheel. Let me have a taste of your love and Ill never go hungry, eat me and you will be filled. If you want to know what is wrong with the bush meat, ask the hunter, If you desire to know what is wrong with the automobile, ask the mechanic, If you want to know what is wrong with the patient, ask the doctor: If you want to know what is wrong with me, ask yourself. You are my buns darling, without you, I am just oil! *faints*. I hope no one reads this letter that I have written from the deepest pit of my heart apart from you. They will just be making jest of my wholesome emotional affection for you because what the world do not understand, they vilify. You are like a copied assignment, I cant just explain it. I make bold to say that you are the resounding victory that conquered my heart, you are the notable moment that distinguishes time from memories. You are my time, my life and my sweetness. Each time I remember the tickling sensation that your smile sends down my spine, my inner spirit, body and soul keep wishing to be entwined in blissful conjoining with you and forever sing a resonating aspiration of loud fusillade of prospective conjugal tunes. Tosin my love in transit, you are amazing, you are flawless, you are immaculate, you are blemishless! You are one of the seven wonders of the world! You are my phoenix from the seventh heaven and the climax of my excitement. You are a clear gem and a forthright amazon. Please be my life anchor, my beautiful empress, my comely chamberlain, my protection prism, my guardian angel, my unbeatable desire and my unchangeable love. Please stand behind me like the unshakable rock of Gibraltar. Baby, please drown me in the pool of your love. Engulf me in the firmament of your affection. Make me whole with the beauty of your soothing bliss. Fill my heart with fond memories of your love and imbue me with the kindness of your pleasantries. As the sky is blue, so is my love for you so true. As the day break is sure, so will my plan for you fall through. I might not be a bard but let me express my poetic thoughts through the instrumentality of this correspondence. I am not a raconteur but Ill tell the tale of your flawless affection by moonlight. I am not a nightingale, but Ill sing you a melodious song more fascinating than Beethovens sound. I want you to know that I want to hold you one more time. I felt a huge gulf of emptiness as you walked down the aisle without allowing me into your world. Let me assure you my very own that I love you with every breath in me. All of me desires all of you. The folded hand precedes the hot dance. The head precedes the boil. The parrot is an apprentice to the Gossip! Your love supersedes the whole world! I promise to love you till the end of time! I bet you know what I feel as what I feel is what you should feel. I crave that our bodies connect someday and our hearts relate just as our hearts sound tintinnabulates and tick together now every minute. We will tell a pure story of love, of sweet bliss and of pure affection. A bond unbreakable by the separation of continents. A deep emotional connection unscrewable by a committee of hackers. A profuse thirst for more, unquenchable by the bounty brook of flowing waters. Baby, my heart is with you darling, please treasure it and keep it safe and sound! My heart is pounding as If pour out my emotions into the tip of my pen. Always remember that all I see is you! I am consoled by the thoughts that one day, I’ll sit delighted in an emotional stadium where your smooth body is the feast and my hands and emotional device will do the battle. I am delighted that someday, we will melt together as candy and ice. It is at this junction that I drop my pen of love in the basket of emotions as I await your positive response to my treatise of affectionate disposition...Please be my woman. Xoxo. *Hugs*. *Kisses* Tosin Ayo, (The word bank). NB: If you are Tosin, will you consider the word banks plea?
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:32:02 +0000

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