LOYALTY MEMORISE: ‘For the husband is the head of the wife, - TopicsExpress


LOYALTY MEMORISE: ‘For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the Saviour of the body.’ (Eph 5:23) READ: 1 Samuel 19: 8- 17 King Saul appeared to have let David go free. He swore never to kill David. So David resumed his work in the palace. One day, while he was playing his instrument before the king, Saul cast his javelin at him again. Thank God David knew Saul better than to take him at his word. The enemy never tires of seeking the lives of God’s children. This is why you, too, must not grow weary. You have to be alert and on your guard. Also, once you have established who the enemy is, never rely on any promise he makes. The only one you can rely on is God. From today’s reading, we see Michal’s loyalty tested: when her father sent massagers to take her husband’s life who would she be loyal to? She passed the test with flying colours. Sarah also put her life on the line just to save her husband, Abraham (Gen 12: 10-20). It was Zipporah, Moses’ wife who had to quickly circumcise their son and prevent God from killing Moses (Ex 4: 24-26). According to Matthew 19: 5-6, when you are married, you have a new loyalty. Your husband comes before your parents. Ehesians 5:23: ‘For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the Saviour of the body.’ The husband is the head, the wife is the body. If anything happens to the head, it affects the body because they are one. This is why a wife must defend her head with her life. As believers, Jesus Christ is our head and also our husband. This is why our loyalty to him must surpass that given to all others, including our parents and ourselves. Deuteronomy 6:5 commands us to love God with all our heart, mind and strength. He is the vine and we are connected to him as branches. So his blood flows in us. Jesus is our everything. Without him we can do nothing (John 15:5). In him we live, move and have our being. We are embedded in him. That is why we should not attempt to do anything apart from him. Never be disloyal or deny him, as Peter did. Let him remain number one in your life. Let him direct all your steps and actions. As you yield to him regularly, you will become more like him.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 07:08:30 +0000

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