LYME…WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BECOME HEALTHY? PICTURE: Lyme Co-Infections and symptoms Co-infections can be any other infection occurring at the same time within the body as Lyme disease, but that doesnt mean that the other infections also all came from the same tick bite or any tick bite. However, when Lyme Literate Doctors [LLMDs] talk about Lyme and Co-infections they are generally speaking of infections commonly spread by tick bites. BACTERIA Borellia burgdorferi [Bb]… LYME…can go anywhere it wants to go Anaplasmosis…infects white blood cells Erhlichiosis…infects red blood cells Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever…lives inside cells Bartonella: Bartonella can be spread by other insects as well. Micoplasma fermentans… an intracellular bacteria PARASITES Babesiosis…infects red blood cells Protomyxzoa rheumatica…a new entity recently identified Toxoplasma gondii…frequently associated with cat stool/litter VIRUSES Powassan virus… There are many VIRUSES that we get infected with that we never ever really clear them from our systems. Our bodys immune system keeps them all under control unless or until our immune function gets so weakened that we can no longer keep these chronic infections under control. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) [Mononucleosis] and other members of the Herpes Virus Family are examples of viruses that are never completely eliminated from our systems. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO GET WELL? Getting well when sick with Lyme is more than just trying to kill these bacteria, viruses and parasites, but it is also a matter of: 1. Boosting the strength of our immune system 2. Eliminating toxins that stress the body 3. Correcting nutritional deficiencies 4. Reducing inflammation 5. Controlling damage due to free radicals 6. Any and all steps that can be made to allow our body’s enzymes to work to their maximal ability. And more…
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:34:48 +0000

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