Ladies ~ 28.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships - TopicsExpress


Ladies ~ 28.) Building, improving, and maintaining relationships and effective communication. Lying destroys trust. Why do people lie? Have you ever thought about that? They lie because we want an easy escape from trouble. They don’t want to be held accountable for sinful or unwise things that they say or do. They don’t want to look bad. Because it is sometimes inconvenient to tell the truth. They want to avoid the consequences for bad decisions that they’ve made. They want to conceal the truth about themselves and their actions. They want to escape justice and punishment. Self preservation. They want to preserve a good testimony, reputation, and integrity but still sin on the side. They do not want to pay the fiddler. They do not want face the music. The bottom line … they do not fear God more than man. Lies do sometimes get people out of the momentary troubles that they face. Because lying can seem advantageous once or twice people are tempted to resort to it more and more. If people do not get found out and repent of it - they get hardened and actually become habitual liars. There are people that are really good and well seasoned at the sin of deception and lying. This is how it works: “Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed speedily, the heart of the children of man is fully set to do evil” (Ecc. 8:11). When lying works for you, you will resort to it more and more. The more you practice deceit the better you get at it. But also the more you live in lies the more you get found out. Once your integrity is in question and your respect is gone it does a greater amount of harm than the lying did you ‘good.’ To forfeit your character through deceit and dishonesty is like committing social suicide. Once you get the reputation of being a liar your words (even when they are true), will be ever suspected. What you say will be taken with a grain of salt just like the boy who cried wolf. Are you a liar? There is hope for even an ardent liar. Don’t be deceived; lying is not conducive to true Christianity. “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word” (Ps. 119:9). Keep yourself in the truth, learn God’s Word, and submit yourself to Jesus instead of your flesh. Which half of this proverb applies to you? “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy” (Pro. 28:13). Notice that it says, “confesses AND forsakes.” “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1Jhn. 1:9). Lies and liars do not last, but truth endures forever. Homework ~ Repent of any lying … talk with the Lord about it. Tell the truth. Every single time. Don’t even allow yourself to exaggerate. Eph 4:25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 11:17:37 +0000

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