Ladies and Gentleman We must apologize to you! In looking into - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gentleman We must apologize to you! In looking into the upcoming events we want to show how the many things we do, depend on how we act! We recently have seen those that are acting inappropriately on many of our threads for the animals. Our Staff has removed some of those that have been known to do multiple bad things to animals and forcing rescues to shut down and close their doors! We will not tolerate such bevaniour for we do what we can when we can! Unfortunately these people will always find bad in the good people! We apoloize to those that have seen such bad items. We want to thank those that have stepped up in our defense and shown the true meaning of Rescue! Rescue is not just in the animals it is Rescuing Man Kind! That is our ultimate goal! As some of you are seeing today we are celebrating Johnny Allynte Day! This day even though we celebrate it, is a reflection of those that have lost their lives in the towing industry! Blaze, himself, was a Tow Truck Driver that was struck and hurt by a passing vehicle. One that had plenty of space to move over a lane and failed to do so! He is one of the lucky ones that has survived. Currently there is over an average of 60 Hooks a year dying from people who did not give space for our Tow Truck Drivers! This number beyond doubles all Police Forces that roam our freeways and Hi-ways! Some of you might ask what does Towing have to do with Animal Rescue? Well lets go back a second, remember how I said what our ultimate goal is Rescue is not just in the animals it is Rescuing Man Kind! Man Kind caused all the problems and the reasons that rescues like us have to work so hard! With the amount of abuse, negligence, and disrepect that mankind has made these issues, we need to remember we are the ones to the cause to all our problems! Our Heros are those that risk their own life to save us, May they be in Animal Rescue or in the Towing Industry! Hooks are on call 24 hours a day just to get the the call that you need help. May it be an accident, a flat tire, car wont start, keys lock in your car, someone parked on your property, or more. In doing their job, many people make their job almost impossible to do! May it be not moving over, yelling out them, or making threats and bringing violence upon them! They do not deserve the disrespect we as mankind give them! (They are only doing their job and life compassion.) Animal Rescuers as well work 24 hours a day doing what they have to do to save the few! In saving these lives the rescuer risk their own life with disease, with animal aggression, people aggression, and more. Those that make decisions to enforce proper animal ownership should be more respected. In each of these Heros, we at Hooks Home Bound Rescue see that both these Heros get disrespected by many others in mankind. Disrespect comes from what they risk their own life to do, the amazing things they do! The equipment they use seems as if it is standard equipment but on the contrary it is specilized equipment, custom to their trades. My Question to you using your fictional heros; If Batman, He-Man, Mighty Mouse, Mickey Mouse, or any other fictiousional character, who we believe to be a Hero, received the hate from Man kind that many of you give our Real Heros, would they continue to be your hero? I can tell you one thing for sure, as these Fictional Characters continue to be your Hero, These Real Heros will continue to do what they do even with your hate! Hooks and Animal Rescuers leave their familes behind not knowing if that call they are going on, will be the one that they will never return home from! We need to respect them more often and give them all the honor to be in their presence. They are our Heros and will continue to be heros to many of us! In our Rescue, we have been tried on many levels, in the last few months. May it be financially, emotionally, or physically or mentally. I apologize to say that many of us have seen too many things and our reaction may come off as being short. But we know with out all your support we can not continue forward in saving lives! In the up coing events, as some of you know, we have been fighting Parvo in one of our pups and continue to need your support! We have scheduled to be a part of the low cost event on the 29-30th. We were initially was planning on taking six of our great ones! At this time we are looking to only take two of these babies due to funding! Our priority at this time is to ensure safety and welfare of all our animals with the funds available to us! The incredible vet bill for Pebbles has placed us on a hold for any further events. Once this bill has been cleared we are looking to take part of more events in the future. Our goal is to prepare every single animal for our joining in the massive adoption event coming to our area. This means all medical needs to be cleared, grooming needs cleared and many more! We hope that you will conitue to support us as we sort through the priorities! As we move forward, we will also be turning more to the community to reach out, not only in support for us, but to support them deeper in their hearts. We constantly get calls for our area and have to currently decline assistance to these groups or individuals either due to lack of fosters, lack of financial support or lack of volunteers. We regret to decline any of these calls but with our current need we must. We are so geatful to have the support we have! I want to thank all of you who have joined us in the last few months, we are growing so rapidly! The only reson I could give for this growth is due to the need. We are hopng that all of you will continue in the support so we can keep growing and assisting others in need! I ask all of you to conitnue to follow us and if you are looking for more about us you can always browse our website at hookshomeboundrescueinc.web Thank you again Love you all Blaze, Lynne and all the staff and volunteers at Hooks Home Bound Rescue
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 06:20:23 +0000

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