Ladies and Gents, wanna know something about this here - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Gents, wanna know something about this here Brother-N-Law of mine that went to jail for 18 months for something that had an absolutely no evidence of nor did The FBI find any wrong doing? They even ramsacked his house trying to find anything and everything, even tax-evasion and found nothing. Wanna know some more? A few years ago his dad was in so much pain from a tumor that he shot and killed himself. It was horribly sad. His dad was one cool man. He treated me just as his own. Through all of this he managed to still get his children through school without missing a day and making the highest grades that a student can make and 2 of them become Rhodes Scholars and both of these, 1 graduate and 1 current student of The University of Oklahoma. Imagine that.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 14:28:58 +0000

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