Ladies and gentlemen and all protocol observed, today we gather - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen and all protocol observed, today we gather here to celebrate a milestone in the ministry. The power of a dream is what propels a vision. It is what sets an individual on the path of causation. No dream can ever come to pass without sheer dedication, commitment and even sacrifice. It takes spending and being spent. Its significance draws a little number to its cause. It is a few numbers that can tell the exception story of real sacrifice. Many give up on the way when it turns darks, as it is always, at some corners of negotiations. Those allergic to defeat, despair and embarrassment, bolt out at the slightest hint of defeat. There is time to spend in prayer for long hours; there is a time to deny yourself basic needs and there is a time to lay foundation, albeit in difficult; there is time to loose sleep to realize the dream and there is time to receive negative reports from all quarters. There is time of silence, betrayal and rebellion. All those are recipes of achieving a godly dream Ten years ago, we had a vision. It looked scattered and unrealistic. It was then pure competition from every side. Those searching for fame and money were alongside us. Music there, gospel here and a mix of everything godly and those that bordered on ungodly boundaries were the script of the day. Even though destiny was calling us, we had to endure. Struggling with life, from school to family, we sojourned on as gallant soldiers with determined souls of reaching the Promised Land. One sure promise from the bible was clear to us, “I will not leave you, nor forsake you.” Not all of us had that clear understanding of where we were headed to nonetheless; we went on recalling the fathers of faith well put in annals of history through the biblical account. We lay our faith on that history knowing that, if they made it, we on this on this side of Sahara, we shall make it. We realized that young people were our business. Dealing with them on the matters of spirituality was equally dangerous. When others, more probably of the older folk, thought that the younger generation of our time was lost as the prodigal son, we thought differently. Their percentage was of the greater slums of our nation. Knowing where they are coming from, there lacks no knowledge of what their great need is. It needed the young in hearts and deeds with a proper foundation of godly principles to reach down to them and pull them out. This populace was easily found in educational institutions. With our goals now set clear, we embarked on the rescue mission by the command of our heavenly father, Jesus our savior and The Holy Ghost our guide. We descended on schools with no proper training or none of it to say the least but only with a determined zeal. Under the cover of the Chosen ones, we crossed borders, entered institutions of lower and higher learning, streets and other forms of missions. Netting school going teenagers and youths was not difficult as such, but sitting them down, and discipling them needed extra grace. To convince them that we are not about to take the world of entertainment by storm and that boys and girls who are still under their parents/guardian care, are not supposed to be fathers and mothers was quite difficult. But by the grace of God we tried our best to cement the reality of serving God in a dignified manner with a sober and godly attitude. The lamp burned and sun set for a hundredth time, and the young men and women tried to understand the vision albeit difficult foreseeing. With time and space, some fell on the way and some came on board and the years moved ahead, and The Seed for Revival was born but died a natural death just as it came. Josiah was a biblical figure who took reign in his father’s stead at the age of eight (8) after his father’s death. Throughout the account of his leadership, Josiah abhorred evil. He destroyed all the baals and foreign altars that the Israelites had turned to worship. He brought down the high places and low places equally where worship had been dynastified. Every altar that didn’t represent God was brought down under the Josiah’s reign. Our vision was to bring up a youths who abhorrers evil and are ready to serve God in all purity. We chose Josiah Generation derived from biblical figure to become our official name of ministry to the young people. And in that order, on 23rd January 2013, we launched The Josiah Generation as a full fledged group registered with the government of Kenya and with an intention of raising youths to serve God and society at large. Schools, colleges, churches and other mission became our playground to reach out to the lost, though we majored so much on schools and colleges. The wheel rolled on and we moved ahead. The year 2013 was spent largely in schools and colleges. We also came into contact with the Kenya Students Christian Fellowship (KSCF) a body that deal with the spreading of the gospel in schools and colleges. We got trained with them and even commissioned to some of their schools. Apart from preaching to the students, we also dealt with their social problems from a Christian perspective. Patience is what we needed. We had endure their emotional outbursts many a times on record. God rewarded our effort as many were delivered and came in knowledge of Christ. The subsequent year, the year 2014, came and the work just became great. Those we had ministered to in schools had graduated and joined us for the great work. God opened more doors of ministry beyond schools and colleges within Nairobi to the outskirts of Nairobi and other rural schools. Churches heard our passion for ministry and opened their doors wide to us. We were invited for youth rallies. Missions came up in plenty as far as Coast and within the shores of Lakes. As we continued, God added the numbers to our team and the work became efficient. Nonetheless, in such gathering of youth lacks no challenges of character. But by the grace of God, those responsible put the matters to rest through godly principles and proper wisdom. We celebrate achievement. We celebrate success. We celebrate victory for it is only those who have been in the dark for long that can appreciate the morning sun. This far we have seen God. Through financial challenges and other hiccups, we have emerged the other side strong. We know it is not the end but the beginning of great thing in the Josiah Generation ministry. I want to thank those who have shared the joy and the misery of building this team this far. Without you, we could not be here. Those partners that have supported us without fail, I thank you. All of you, who have come to celebrate with us, receive gratitude from the family of Josiah Generation. We thank you. And therefore I make this call to all of you. Join us in this great call to spread the gospel far and wide, near and within and God shall bless you. You may not be in the mission field, but your prayers and finances can represent you their. For here, we have a team that is passionate ton use resources offered to them in a transparent way. It will never be a waste. It is a great joy to announce to you that this year we have our goals up their in the skies. Help us reach them by the grace of God. God bless you.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:36:52 +0000

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