Ladies and gentlemen, we have a WINNER. Or rather, a - TopicsExpress


Ladies and gentlemen, we have a WINNER. Or rather, a loser. Congratulations to Miley Cyrus, the 2014 Fug Madness Champion! The erstwhile Hannah Montana triumphed over Kim Kardashian in the final game. This was pretty much destiny. (Mileys actual name is Destiny. Coincidence? I think not.) Miley had been winning with 85 percent of the vote or more the entire tournament, and she still had roughly 60 percent of the votes in this match. Not exactly a squeaker. Unlike Kims various body parts in those hermetically sealed dresses Kanye makes her wear. The following people were all Team Miley, and they got 32 points for their faith in her upscale New York Stylee sartorial strategy: Stacey Rowe, Lee Iannone, Jess Aberle, Dan Kingsley, Bernie Banke, Michael Gamilla, Aubrey Berardini, Todd Rezsnyak, Nancy Burkhardt, Matt Austin, John Hutchings, Chelsea Flint, Jenna Lay, Molly Miles, and Joelle Boedecker. Well done! Below find the final standings; I will attach the completed spreadsheet in a separate post and I do encourage all of you to check your scores. (This time a used a calculator, but hey, I’m dumb, shit happens.) A huge congratulations to Lee Iannone for being our tournament champion! Lee is a perennial pool member but tends to, um, not finish well. But not this time! Our Pleach was the Cinderella story this year, and she said she would shine up her glass slippers for tonight’s festivities. I told her to forget the footwear and instead come in black nipple pasties, see-through mesh shirt, and ideally a miniskirt paying homage to Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur. It’s only fair. What’s tonight, you ask? It’s the Fug Madness Wrap Party at Scotland Yard Pub on St. Paul Street, running 6:30-8. Come hang out with fellow pool members, order some food and drink, and bask in the warm Fug Madness afterglow while quietly pondering the life choices that have brought you to this place. And our winner Lee will get a fabulous special prize! There will probably be pizza fries. Its all very exciting. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year’s pool! I hope you had fun, and learned important lessons about what not to wear in public. 154: Lee Iannone 147: Joelle Boedecker 145: Jenna Lay 143: Anna McCabe 142: Aubrey Berardini 141: Jess Aberle 139: Michael Gamilla 134: Eric Rezsnyak 134: Stacey Rowe 134: Molly Miles 120: Nancy Burkhardt 120: Matt Austin 119: Dan Kingsley 118: Bernie Banke 118: Mark Chamberlin 118: Chelsea Flint 109: John Hutchings 102: Jeremy Moule 100: Todd Rezsnyak 98: Becka Rafferty 88: Ashley Murawski 87: Christine Kubarycz 84: Nicole Milano 84: Kara Austin 82: Matt Marshall 79: Kathy Laluk 71: Jessica Wilkie 69: Adam Lubitow 68: Matt DeTurck 61: Paul Allen 60: Carrie Simison 55: Jaime Scheres 52: Mary Kokinda 47: Kate Racculia
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 18:39:21 +0000

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