Langley + Whiteheath weekly N.H report for week ending Fri 7th - TopicsExpress


Langley + Whiteheath weekly N.H report for week ending Fri 7th June 2013 Langley neighbourhood team Sgt Ian Pc Nick Pc Angela Pcso Nicki Pcso John Shepherd Steventon Keeling Field McNally Previous week’s activity - crime * We have had 9 crimes reported on the neighbourhood over the past week which is slightly lower than our recent weekly averages. We have had 1 Burglary dwelling offence reported which related to a property being broken into during the night on Martley Road, Lion Farm, last Saturday. Unknown offender(s) gained entry to the rear garden, forced a rear window and gained entry. They searched the property and stole the victim’s wallet off a bedside table. The offence was discovered the following morning and some of the contents of the wallet were recovered in his back garden. We have had 0 robbery offences reported in the last week. * We have had 3 Theft of motor vehicles reported this last week which unusually, all relate to motor bikes being stolen. The first two bikes were taken during the same night on Tuesday from outside addresses on Hackett Road. They were both 125 cc motor cycles and it is believed a van must have been used as they were both chained up when stolen and neither were heard being started. The third bike was stolen from outside an address on Farm Road during Wednesday night. Once again it had been chained up over night and it was not heard being stolen. We have had 0 Theft from motor vehicles or criminal damage to motor vehicles reported this last week. We have had 0 offences of criminal damage to dwellings reported this last week. We have had 3 Theft of metals offences this past week. The first related to some copper and cable being stolen from a business premises yard on Ashes Road sometime during Tuesday night. The second offence related to a generator being stolen from outside an address in Boundary Avenue last Saturday evening and the final offence related to some copper and another generator being stolen from a building site on Brook Road sometime during Thursday night. We have had 2 assaults reported to us this last week which both resulted from the same neighbour dispute incident in Wolverley Crescent, Lion Farm, last Sunday afternoon. A verbal dispute led to a fight between some of the parties and two persons reported being assaulted. Fortunately, the physical injuries suffered by the victims in both offences were fairly minor. We have had 0 other miscellaneous offences this last week. * We have had 0 racist / hate crime incidents reported to us this week. * Arrests this past week include offenders for both assaults detailed. Previous weeks activity – ASB * We have had 3 call recorded as ASB over the past week. The first related to a neighbour dispute in Cookley Way, Lion Farm, last Saturday evening. The caller stated their neighbours were calling them names and looking at them all the time. Officers attended and advised both families accordingly. Our second call related to a complaint of youths causing a disturbance outside some flats in Winchester Close last Sunday evening. The caller stated they were fighting amongst each other. Officers attended and located some of the youths who were all dispersing. No complaints were made of assaults by any person and they were advised and moved on. Our third call related to a neighbour dispute in York Road and Ely Close, which backs on to it, on Tuesday evening. The caller alleged her neighbour had dumped some rubbish at her back gate and this then led to a heated argument between the two with both parties throwing the rubbish back on to each others property! Officers attended and once more advised both parties. * Local Intelligence No significant intelligence of note this week. Crime patterns * In terms of serious acquisitive crime, we have reduced Burglary Dwelling offences to an average of one per week across the whole neighbourhood over the past year. This is a significant reduction on what we used to suffer and has been most significantly achieved by specific targeting of our known offenders for such crimes. We have no current patterns to the most recent offences we have suffered but patrols will be increased in these areas to offer some reassurance to victims and residents. We suffer very few commercial or street robberies on the neighbourhood, with only 13 such offences for the whole of last year across the neighbourhood. Once again there is no pattern to these. Vehicle crime overnight was our main problem throughout 2012-2013, around the Wolverhampton Road and roads off there, although this has reduced significantly over the past four months due to some significant arrests and additional patrols. There is no current pattern to the few vehicle offences that we still suffer although property stolen tends to be either sat nav systems left in vehicles or registration plates off the vehicle which are often then used in making off without payment for fuel offences around the Sandwell area. * Burglary Dwelling and vehicle crime remain a priority for our neighborhood and the whole of Oldbury and Rowley Regis. We are working closely with our CID colleagues which will give us more control on our target nominals. Community Reassurance * Local officers have conducted High Visibility patrols in hot spot locations, in particular our locations of our recent burglaries, to offer reassurance to residents and increase trust and confidence. We are also now providing additional patrols around the Lion Farm estate to combat sporadic complaints of ASB by groups of youths during the evenings. Forward Planning * Nothing of note. If you can assist the partnership in any of the issues raised above, please contact your neighborhood manager Mr. Parmjit Sahota or myself. Many Thanks Ian Shepherd P Sgt 5093 Langley + Whiteheath neighborhood policing team.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 11:40:48 +0000

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