Last Will and Testament One of my favorite reads is “The - TopicsExpress


Last Will and Testament One of my favorite reads is “The Testament” by John Grisham. The plot centers around a reclusive billionaire who rewrites his will, leaving his entire fortune to a missionary serving in the jungles of Brazil. (The family gets a tad upset as you can imagine…) Jesus also did some rewriting… He rewrote the last Will and Testament of the Godhead before He left this earth! He didn’t leave us a billion dollars - He left us something much better! “Peace I leave with you; My [own] peace I now give to you and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.” John 14: 27 AMP. Did you catch it? Jesus bequeathed us His peace. (We don’t leave our loved ones trivial items, we bequeath things that are important!) The “peace that passes understanding” is an important legacy and we must not allow our hectic lifestyles and busyness to rob us of this precious gift. We must guard our hearts and minds from giving in to fear over what is taking place in Washington D.C. or Iran or Pakistan. The temptation is to think, “Okay, I’ll move to the mountains and live in a cabin away from everything and then I’ll have peace”. Sorry, that won’t work. True peace is not found in a location or in our circumstances. “But all who humble themselves before the Lord shall be given every blessing and shall have wonderful peace.” Psalm 37: 11 TLB True peace is found when we bury our pride, and in humility, admit our need; our need of a Savior and His direction and protection. As long as we slug it out on our own, true peace will elude us. But when we trust in the Lord and surrender our plans to Him, “Peace, peace, wonderful peace” becomes more than a hymn, it becomes our reality. May your heart find rest and be at peace in the love of God… Sonja K Kemp
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 12:32:08 +0000

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