Last full day. You know, when agogo said she wanted to come back - TopicsExpress


Last full day. You know, when agogo said she wanted to come back out to Malawi one last time, before she was too old, and said she would like me to accompany her, a lot of madzi has went under the bridge. Do you like my chichewa? I like to add a little to each post. Not that im trying to show off mind. I did not realise that i would be affected in such a way. I thank Liz (agogo) for asking me and God for removing the obstacles and giving me this Eye opening, life changing visit. On so many levels. It is just turned 06:00 and the sun is splitting the trees, monkeys running over the tin roof, not cats here on a hot tin roof. I, we, i know are looking forward to today for an amazing encounter with a great God. Just stepped out onto the condi, 06:30, and met one of the young guys that work here at Annies lodge. The usual greeting i love it and Joel 2:28 through, keeps coming into mind. I read it when i first arrived and it has been at the forefront of my mind everyday, after i have poured out my rains again, i will pour out my spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams. Your young men will see visions. In those days, i will pour out my spirit even on servants, men and women alike. this is Gods promise. I have prayed this over the children and know great things are coming for them. Do I want to leave here? Sorry honey, i think you know the answer. God has got so much for these people, i pray that they would walk into their inheritance from him. They are sons and daughters, princes/princesses of royal priesthood, i was listening Rorna, great teach. Continuing reading in Joel makes it like looking back in their history, restoration Lord for this land and people. Well, plugs pulled out, agogo is up showered shaved, Andrew that is, enjoying view from condi with the International speakers wondering where we should travel nxt, i feel Hawaii pulling me. Lol. Malawi needs to be experienced by all, i think its from a book. once the dirt of Africa gets into your skin, you never leave/ it never leaves you bad quote i know but that is how i feel, you will too when you come. Now for breakfast. I will let you know what i had later. Breakie was fantastic, in honour of my wife i had rice porridge and very nice it was too. It used to make you boak Rorna said. After this we went Out to Jali church and Andrew spoke all morning. Even the Malawians asked for a break. I had the great honour of taking the kids for sports ably assisted by my lovely sis in law. Sssshhhhhh dont mention the traditional build. We had a great time. Before the service i went into church and played some old hymns on the moothie and soon was surrounded by kids. Listening and then humming along. Brill i was so blessed. After church and some sad goodbyes we had to leave. I dont want to, honey sell the kids sorry house and send the kids to Denises. We were waved and chased out by kids. On the road again, whit a hoot. You should try it With the agogo and my sis in law and Andrew. The road signs and shop names helped along the way. Dont know about the singing from the believers though........ Anyway, no stops from police, they knew Jim Clark in his Corolla was coming and waved us through, even the very traditionally built lady, didnt ken uniforms came in those sizes, at Dedza roadblock waved us through. With a glare though. Beautiful country, nice drive. Now at Lilongwe, showered tan/ dirt line showered off clothed and in our right minds, ready for something to eat. Same hotel as Monday, wee semi decent place Rorna found. Honestly, lovely hotel great bbq buffet for a very reasonable price. Sunbird Capitol hotel for those interested parties. Now back in lodge, the agogo falling asleep watching tv as i write this. Shes now off to bed, we can hit the town and nite spots. Hah, got you, only nite spot im hitting is my bed, in the honeymoon room, thanks Rorna off traditional build. Last one she said. Lol. Any way plane to catch and be home in time for nightshift at work on Monday. Looking forward, not. Honey, ill be home soon. Anyway, will post later as Gods adventure is not over and i do have pics to post, so its a goodnight from me and its a goodnight from him. Till the next time.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 20:14:29 +0000

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