Last night- Showing E where to put in some holes for missing grape - TopicsExpress


Last night- Showing E where to put in some holes for missing grape vines in our grape area and I look over and BIG DOG(not to give away any names) had made a bed out of the soft dirt of my Swiss Chard bed that I put in last week, and LITTLE DOG(not to give away any names) had just taken out 1 hill of winter squash I had just put in. Sometimes I just want to scream, but I just have patience to close the gate next time, or lay wire over the nice soft beds I have just planted. Gotta love a dog, they think I am making nice soft summer beds for them. We missed the rain last night I think, I am on my way out to look. One more rain would make my peppers and melons. Two more pavers in the garden shed floor last night. Just 6 more to go. I am thinking of putting 2 more pear trees in the front yard and I will plant the grape vines this am before bible time. Baby Biscuit the Brumby is now an official horse/dog. He is such a pet and so cute trying to get treats. No more shy baby, he has turned into a pushy little horse like the rest. He bites our stallion Dango and Dango has such patience with him. 3 more Turkeys in the brooder. We have to steal the babies from the poultry because of the creatures of night and the goats stepping on them and raise them by hand until they are big enough to be back outside. I hope that these three are red turkeys, but who knows. The turkeys tend to set on any eggs and hatch them, including ducks,chickens, etc. They are nice and big and warm and make good hatchers I guess. Old, mean turkey is 5 years old and still alive. He bites fingers and got me last week, cause I did not remember that although he is old, he is still fast with the beak. Sometimes when I am tired or feeling sick, or just old---the work overwhelms me. I just make myself go back at it one little section at a time and remember the pleasure it gives me will come again with each season. Mini pig Zelda looks like she will have her babies any day now. She looks like a pot belly pig on steriods right now and her tummy is almost on the ground. I sat in the pig pen at dark last night watching for the rain to come in and scratched her back. E puts lots hay in their box in case of the blessed event. I told him that I did that 2 days ago and they have thrown it all over their yard and have eaten most of it. Guess we will keep making Mrs. Zelda a new bed every day or so until she puts some piglets in there. Zelda and Arnold like hay beds in the winter, but in the warm weather they just eat it all or play with it all over the pig yard. Out to work. Love Kat
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 11:33:54 +0000

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