Last night, I ran down the same streets where I trained for my - TopicsExpress


Last night, I ran down the same streets where I trained for my first marathon. Back then, I could barely make it half a mile. I recall how my mind raced, my body hurt, and I felt so easily defeated by my physical limitations. Getting past this point was a messy process- one that I am both proud of and maybe a little embarrassed of, too. Over the course of several years, I learned to focus my intention on runs, but it is still a challenge. At the onset of this particular jaunt, it was difficult to control the reins of my mind, to get back in my body. It felt like my very first run, all over again. The phantom pains, the uneven breathing, the endless mental broadcasts of judgements about myself and the world. Then, I remembered a trick that Ive learned, forgot, and relearned over and over again during my time as a runner. To increase performance, focus on that which is around you. Switch the focus from an internal one to an external one. Look for beauty in strange places. Slow down your breathing, relax, trust your body, and allow yourself to experience the world as if you were seeing it for the very first time. I started noticing the grass shooting up from deep cracks in the pavement, the slumped men in grubby work clothes standing in line at the drive-thru donut shop, the amber streetlights that flickered on and off sporadically. After a few miles, I snapped out of my reverie and looked down at my Garmin. I was moving. It worked. More than that, I was happy. I felt good. Exhale. Relief. Finally. I got to thinking about running, and why it is so healing for so many. When we run, we can find timeless moments-- moments where we can break out of the box that we have placed ourselves in, or the one that society constructed for us. The stories we have created to define ourselves, and even more, the stories that others have created to define us, become irrelevant. We become anonymous as we traverse suburban streets and city sidewalks, a passive observer in the cosmic spectacle. When we find ourselves in this space of formlessness, we become heroic. We have the opportunity to give all we have, and manifest our best selves. We can find peace. This is what I love about running the most. How it creates a space where we can just be, wherever we are, and whatever we are facing, internally or externally. Oh yeah, and the running epiphanies. Those come in at a close second. I told one of my oldest friends the other day, One of the most profound things that I realized while running across America was that in order to find peace, to be the change I wish to see in the world-- I didnt have to run across America. I could have told you that. In fact, I think I did tell you that, was his response. Yeah, but I would have never learned that without doing it first. Go figure. I never listen. I guess Ill keep on running, and see what happens next. #onefootinfrontoftheother #keepgoing #eagleup #bethechange #dontdrinkthekoolaid
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:24:03 +0000

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