Last night I received a notice from Facebook that someone reported - TopicsExpress


Last night I received a notice from Facebook that someone reported my picture with the buck I shot this year as an act of violence and causing harm or danger to someone or something. Just so you know even Facebook disagrees with you because they are not making me remove it. Unfortunately I had my setting set to public view so I do not know if it was one of my friends or a friend of a friend that reported it. This will be my last public post, so if it was one of my friends on here that reported it, then remove me. I will never stop posting hunting pictures or of deer that I have shot. I have been shooting rifles since I was a small kid and hunting even before that. My Dad would carry me and my sisters through the bush when we were too small to walk and we proudly watch him shoot his big bucks. Its a proud accomplishment to get your deer and bring it back to the camp for all your members to see. Ive grown up being proud to be hunter, now even more proud because me and my sisters own our own Hunting Camp. I take my nieces hunting and hope soon they can be there with me to shoot a deer and for them to get their hunting license one day. It is always people who protest hunting as cruelty and that know nothing about it. Take the time and watch the W5 episodes showing how our grocery stores proudly sell Canadian meat by our Canadian Farmers that beat and torture their live stock. Watch how these chickens, pigs and cows get killed, beat and probed with sticks. You think by hunting and a single shot or a single arrow killing an animal almost instantly is cruel? Do your homework. Have you ever seen how wolves kill a deer? What about the deer that get hit my vehicles that dont die instantly so they go into the bush and suffer? You know how many deer that I have seen with a missing leg, a broken leg or broken hoof? Should we stop driving vehicles too? And speaking of wolves, those of you who are against hunting, maybe you could take the time to talk to the MNR about the extreme wolf population in this area. We had wolves kill 2 dogs, possibly 3 dogs this year from 2 different camps. Next it will be your pets, But we are not allowed to hunt them because they are protected. Spend your time on something that you know what you are talking about. I have no time or patience to entertain people who eat meat from our grocery stores but complain about hunting. Either join PETA and become a vegan or shut your mouth, mind your own business or get off Facebook. Maybe you can report the disgusting pictures of little girls in their bikinis and crop tops all over. There are more things going on this world that require attention, me having a successful hunt should be the least of your concern considering the big world we live in.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 13:45:06 +0000

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