Last night on the BBC News, it was announced that the Foreign - TopicsExpress


Last night on the BBC News, it was announced that the Foreign Office has issued a Warning to All British Travellers, Travelling abroad, a Worldwide Threat Warning concerning the Fact that we are in danger of being kidnapped by extremists, mainly Muslim Fanatics, in the Wake of the Syrian Isis Bombings, carried out by our Armed Forces. The Traitor and all his Cohorts, known as, The Conservatives, are still Maintaining that Islam, is a religion of peace and that we are deluded and wrong to think otherwise. In the meantime, all those families and people, who have booked their Holidays to any part of the World, are now going to have to think again about leaving our safe shores, to venture out into the world, with a fear of being kidnapped and the possibility of the Chop.! Still, Cam Moron insists that we are short of Muslims in this Country and wants more to come and build their Mosques and apparently give them their own Sharia Laws, because he insists that they are a peaceful and loving race. Meanwhile, we are still being held prisoner in our own country for fear that we will be murdered by this race of peaceful people, where ever we go in the World. They the Muslims have been given the right to do anything they want and get away with it in this country. Take for instance the fact of one Muslim Burning Poppies. He gets a £50.00p Fine. Whilst the Christian White Youth, gets 8 months in Prison for throwing a rasher of Bacon at a Mosque. Yet this Government backs these sentences. In other words, they think that Burning a Poppy whilst Screaming for the Blood of British Soldiers risking their lives now and for all those millions lost to Fascism in the First and Second World Wars, is no longer an important fact or case, yet throwing a piece of Bacon at a Mosque is tantamount to a Third World War.! Tony Blair, another Mass Traitor, recently said that stopping immigration into this Country, will cause a devastating affect. Hello! Look at at the devastation they are causing at this present time. Are these MPs in the Pockets of the Mullahs and being promised total immunity when the Muslims eventually take over by totally outbreeding us, which they are doing at this moment with their 4 wives in a Country where polygamous marriage is illegal except for the Muslims of course, who have been given the right to claim all the benefits for their 2/3/4/5 wives. The existence of the British Nation is hanging by its fingernails yet Cam MORON still thinks Islam Is Brilliant and peaceful. Whats he on ? We are paying the benefits to Millions in Europe because the Claimants have been given a British National Insurance Number. Why in Gods name ? We have to work 44 years for a pension and benefits when we are nearly ready to be planted. Why should they be different? We are being Ordered by Merkel, to take thousands of North African Refugees because we have a better benefits system than European Countries who make it harder for economic migrants obtaining these benefits. Are you also aware that 96% of these Migrants are Muslim.? Can anyone also tell me, Where are the Families, Wives, Children of all these Refugees? I will tell you where they are, staying put in their own lands, waiting for their Husbands to Claim all the benefits we give them, then sending that benefit over to their families at our expense, causing the UK a Double Whammy. Firstly, it doesnt go back into our economy so it doesnt benefit us, and some of it goes into corrupt pockets and boat fares to bring more over to claim our benefits. Yet Blair and Cam Moron still want more to come.! The Muslims have their Nails into our backs now and will not give up until they have what they want and that is a Caliphate on UK soil. They will get what they want if we are not prepared to stop them. Firstly we need to be rid of Cam Moron. Put them all in Jail for treason and treachery . We need to halt immigration in its tracks. We need to Extradite all the hate preachers back to a country of their choice other than GB. We need to Hang the Murderers and Child Molesters. We need to Order the BBC to tell it as it is, I.e. it Was A Muslim and not a Male of Asian Origin as they have done with the latest Vile Story on Rotherham and Sheffield as all the perpetrators were MUSLIM.! At the Moment there is a Muslim teacher awaiting sentence for a Typical MUSLIM Crime. Molestation of a Minor. He has been told to expect a long sentence. Well, lets see what he gets. And after, lets see if they deport him. I am prepared to lay bets on this one. Wake up all you leftist Libtards, who think its all going to be ok. It is not and we are digging our own graves. VOTE UKIP and let Nigel Farage take the reigns for a while.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 17:45:58 +0000

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