Last night while sipping wine at a bar I met a beautiful woman. - TopicsExpress


Last night while sipping wine at a bar I met a beautiful woman. She scooted down to make room for my companion and me which opened up conversation. She was wearing a bandana to conceal her hairless head. She is a cancer survivor, a fairly recent one. She must have felt safe with us because she opened up and shared much of her struggle, and victory, which we found inspiring and moving. We wound up spending twice as much time there as planned because the conversation was so meaningful and fun! We discovered a mutual love for movies and as we started sharing favorite films, performers, lines, we erupted into laughter numerous times. What a gift it was to meet her last night, made possible because she chose to go out and live her life, which she fought hard to have, instead of hiding at home, not embarrassed to be seen as a woman different from many around her, but as a person, a strong person ready to live! Every day we have opportunities to engage and meet new people who have the potential to add so much richness to our lives. Sometimes we miss them because were so entrenched in our own lives, our issues. Opening up to possibility has the potential to shower us with unexpected and beautiful experiences. What will you be open to experiencing today?
Posted on: Fri, 09 May 2014 13:09:50 +0000

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