(Last of chapter one) All the bad and good things from my long - TopicsExpress


(Last of chapter one) All the bad and good things from my long life started to merge together while I stood there getting drenched from both the rain and the wild thrashing waves hitting me and I felt a little more free than I had in years. I wished that I didn’t have to move, but I knew it was the only good thing that I would have done with my life. Demi was an innocent human and one I wasn’t about to bring down to my level. I knew she felt the same way about me as I did for me. But there was no way that I was about to use that love she had for me and if I could avoid her then that would be an added bonus. I decided whilst standing there on that fence that if I was going to be leaving my loved home, Cape Cod, then there was never going to be a better time than the present. Climbing back down from the wooden post I made a fast dash towards my apartment, almost hitting a car into another in my haste to run away from her and from myself. But most of all I was running away from love. Love too many was like a wonderful dream come true. Finding that one special someone whom you could share almost every aspect of your life with, but to me it only felt like something that should be feared and I was right to fear it. It was painful, suffocating in its pursuit to drive me crazy while slowly trying to kill the unkillable. Reaching my front door I start to slow down my pace, my heart jumping with what I was about to do. I stop and take a few deep breaths outside the door before pushing it open and walking inside, where I turn into a mad man packing a big hold all of my clothes, then rushing back out of the door a few seconds later. Glancing one last sad time before closing that chapter of my life and I hoped it wouldn’t be for forever. Even through deep down I knew it was going to be. I jump into my car, pulling out of my permanent parking space and make my way towards the bridge. And I hoped against hope that it would still be open. I got the answer ten minutes later when I saw the barrier down and three men in rain gear directing the traffic to turn back, pulling the car over to the side of the road, I climb back out and make my way towards the bridge on foot. “Can you open the bridge for a few more minutes, I really have to get to the main land as soon as possible” I asked the closest guy. He turns towards me. “What did you say” he shouted over the wind. “I said can you open up the bridge to let me through, I have to get to the main land as quickly as I can” I shielded my eyes like he was, not wanting to draw anymore unwanted attention to me. “That I can’t do” he apologised and my head spun out on me. “I am desperate” I plead with him, but he just continued to shake his head. “Can I walk across?” I asked him and again he shook his head. “Please” “I am sorry, but we have had our orders not to allow anyone onto the bridge by vehicle or foot. So you will have to wait and come back when this dreadful weather has died down. The bridge will be open just as soon as we get the signal to do so from mainland not a moment before” he waved me away, walking off to direct another car back the way they came again. Turning around I ran back to my car, pulling open the driver’s side door I lean in and take out my bag, slinging it over my shoulder I creep past all three men, slipping under the barrier, I ran towards the main land, ignoring the rain and wind beating down painfully onto my body and I almost lose my footing a few times. But I persevere and ran a little faster. I wasn’t sure if I was running at that point to get out of the rain or away from Demi or even both. But all I knew was I needed to put as much distance between as quickly as I possibly could. The demons from a time I wanted to forget grabbed a hold of me to try to drag me down. I saw the wind starting to grow, the rain strong enough to beat its way through the wind to slash open my heart. The rain mixing with my own life’s essence as it poured out the non-existent hole bored through my chest. The further I walked across the bridge, both the rain and wind beating at me, I felt my will for survival wean. I longed to give up right there on that bridge. But no matter how much I willed for death to take me within its strong hold, its arms would never be long enough to snatch me out from this world. That girl was like so many other girls of her species; yet somehow she was different to the rest of them. That difference was that she was trying to kill me, whether it was unintentional, she was still trying to do it. She couldn’t and never would be able to understand just that her unwanted love was doing to me. I saw the bridge loom ever closer to me, the exit onto the mainland felt like I had won. But I knew that winning would soon start to feel like losing again very soon. Stepping around the barrier I was grabbed by two men and taken into the little hut on the side of the bridge. “How did you get across the bridge” they both asked me, while I stood there staring at them. “How do you think, I flew” I was in no mood to mess around with these two. “I walked” “You would never have made it across without being throw into the sea to your death” the one with dark hair spoke fast, but to me he was panicking, even though his face didn’t display the emotion he felt inside. “Now If you’ll both excuse me, I have somewhere I need to be” I walked away from the both of them, feeling their disbelieving eyes bore into the back of my head as I walked away and then I regretted leaving my car. But I knew that if I had crashed through the barrier I would have only ended up getting into a lot of trouble. I felt my phone start to ring in my pocket, but again I ignored it until it slowed and stopped. I needed to find somewhere to stay, I didn’t care where, and I just needed to get out of the rain that was freezing my soul with its icy fingers of trepidation. The road ahead of me into the town felt like it would never end, but five minutes later I was walking into New Bedford and it was the first time that I had ever left the island in over fifty years, I had had no reason to before today. But that didn’t mean that it excited me, in fact the whole running away from what I had never asked for was rapidly filling me with more dread than I dared to feel. I was growing hungry again; but there was no one around for me to feed on, so I carried on walking towards the nearest hotel and I prayed that there would be someone, anyone, there that I could feed on, if only a little just to sedate the hunger pains until the weather was over. I spot one and head straight for it, not really caring the cost to my pocket or even my heart anymore. “Can I get a room?” I ask the woman sat behind the desk reading one of them woman’s problem pages and she glances up at me and smiles and that is when I realise that she is quite pretty. “Of course sir” she replied putting the magazine down on the desk. “How long would you like it for?” I didn’t have the answer to that. “Two days” I think quickly on my feet. “Would you like any extras?” she asked tapping into her computer and I tell her that I just need a room. “That will be two hundred dollars” I hand over the money, taking the room card key, heading instantly for the room. I avoid taking the lift when I spot the stairs and bound up them three at a time, I felt the need to keep running when an unwanted image of her hit my mind hard again. I almost fell half way up the second set, stopping until I got my badly needed breath back again and then I was moving on again, hitting the third floor I yanked open the door to my level and practically fell out into the corridor. Quickly glancing down at my room number on the card I head towards it. Placing the card in the slot the door instantly springs to life and I threw myself inside the room, closing the softly behind me again. I slid down it, not even being able to make it into the actual room. My bag dropped swiftly to my side and my eyes started to close, feeling sleep taking me over I fought the need to slip into an escape that still wasn’t helping me to clear my mind of all those things that still continued to haunt me, even after all these years of them stopping, being brought painfully back again by one girl. I dragged myself up slowly to my feet, making my own body move into the room and I flopped down on the bed still in my soaking wet clothes and I fell instantly asleep I watched myself like I was watching a movie playing out in front of me and I had no way of pressing stop. I longed to pause the moment on the screen buried deep inside my soul; freezing the frame on a moment that I longed not to happen again. I knew it was going to happen, but that didn’t stop me wanting it not too. “Felix come on” I watched my friend Teddy pulling the past me across the road into the little tavern, my feet trying to dig into the dirt track of a past road. “I can’t do this” I try to tell him, but he was far too stubborn for his own good and wouldn’t listen to my words. “This could turn out to be fun and fun is what you need to start having before you end up dying from a broken heart” he smiled at me, still dragging me across the road. “Ted, I don’t want to smile again. Happiness is something that never will be for me again” I told him, my heart thumping inside my chest. A feeling of dread washing over me and I couldn’t shake that feeling off, no matter what I tried to tell myself. Teddy stopped in the middle of the road, turning to face me he grabbed both of my arms, pinning them gently to my side and looked me in the eye. “Felix I know you loved her and I know you will never love another half as much as you loved her, but it has been eight years and it is high time that you made a start to move on” I shook my head, closing my eyes. “It is going to be hard; but I am right here by your side and I will help you through it all. When life is being harsh and you can no longer stand on your own, I am here to help you and I know you will do the same for me too” I nod, my eyes still closed. “So we are going to go into this tavern and have some kind of fun before I have to force you, ok?” he asked me and I opened my eyes and gazed into his, nodding my head and so he started to pull me across the street again. “I promise you that you are going to have fun and if you don’t, then I am going to die trying” he said to me and those words haunted me for as long as I have lived. “Fine” I forced myself to chuckle, he was too happy to hear the noise emanating from me to notice that it was forced and faked. “We will have fun and then I can go home again and sleep” “Yes” he grinned pulling me inside and up to the bar. “Two bourbons straight up” he asked the bar tender and he handed over two slightly dirty glasses, taking mine I looked around the room before pouring it onto the floor, slamming the glass back down on the counter again. “Watch it” I heard him say to some drunk guy who accidentally stumbled into him and before I knew what was happening to try to stop it, the drunk guy brought out a small dagger and stabbed Teddy in the chest and he falls to the floor. I drop at his side pulling his head up. I didn’t have to look at the wound to know he had been stabbed in the heart, I heard and felt his heart starting to shut down with the severity of the wound. Picking him up I carried him back out of the tavern towards his home, running at a speed that I wouldn’t know until years later to me different to that of a speeding train. His blood started to flow fast and I tried to press my hand on his wound, trying in my desperation to stop it from leaving his body. “Don’t you dare leave me Ted” I begged him running in through his front door before I licked his bedroom door off its hinges, laying him down on his bed I called out for his father who immediately ran into the room. “He has been daggered” I fell onto the floor when I saw the change of colour in his complexion, my heart started to beat way too slowly when I hear Teddy’s breath becoming raspy and I knew he was slipping away. “No don’t go” I begged him, watching his chest start to fall more slowly from where I sat on the floor. “He has already gone” I heard his father tell me and that was the moment when I upped and ran and didn’t stop running until I was out of breath and couldn’t make my body run anymore. I sat up in bed, my clothes still soaking wet and I couldn’t even tell the difference if I was cold anymore. Climbing to my feet I went into the bathroom and stripped the soaking clothes from off my body and stepped under the boiling water. I never did stay for his funeral, I couldn’t watch another person whom I loved more than myself being set on fire, and Izzy’s burning body had been the final act of an undying man’s wish to die. Closing my eyes I tried as hard as I could to block out his face as he took his last raspy breath, but it was no good, it had become carved into my core next to another great love, Izzy. I needed to do something but I had no idea what that something was going to be. I bore down upon me like the weight of the world and I was starting to become crushed under it and I struggled to hold it up high above my head, but I knew one slip and the whole thing was going to come crashing down, squashing me without ever being able to kill me. Turning off the water I step out of the shower, picking up a towel I start to dry myself off I start to get dressed again. I spot the little balcony, opening the double doors I step outside into the rain, instantly soaking though through to my skin again, but I didn’t care. My head whips to the side when I hear someone screaming and I leap from off the balcony without so much as a second thought, landing on my feet softly like a big graceful cat I start to run in te direction of the screaming and that I when I see her, trapped against a tree, clinging on with the wild wind threatening to try to blow her away to her death. I sprinted to the tree, taking her into my arms, holding onto her like an unbreakable force. “Where do you live?” I shouted to her over the howling of the wind, I knew she didn’t hear what I was saying, but rightfully guessed what I had meant. “Only over there” she pointed to the same hotel that I was staying at. “Come on” I shouted to her moving away from he tree towards the hotel, covering her body with my own. The wind almost hit me off my feet twice, but I pushed my weight down into my feet as much as I could and we both battled our way across the road and we ran in through the main door, heading for the stairs. She was growing weaker by the second, so I picked her up into my arms and ran up the stairs. “What floor” I asked her and she pointed to the second floor, running out into the floor I saw her point to room sixteen. “Do you have your card key?” I asked her and she shook her head sadly up at me. “No, but my boyfriend is in the room” she said quietly and I knocked at the door, a few seconds later it opened and I placed the girl down on her feet again and she swayed and I just about caught her before she hit the floor, picking her up in my arms again I walked past the boy wearing nothing but a towel further into the room, placing her at the foot of the bed. “She is feeling weak, so you need to get her out of her clothes and into some dry warm things” I told her boyfriend before I started to walk back towards the door again. “Oh and make sure she has something warm insider her” I grabbed the handle and started to opening the door. “Who the hell was that you little slut” I heard and turned around to watch him hit her with the back of his hand she fell backwards down onto the bed, unconscious. I lost my mind and ran towards him, hitting him with the back of my hand. But in my temper I hit him a little too hard and I hear his neck snapping, flopping to one side. “You never hit a woman” I spat at him, my anger taking over me for the first time in my life. I had lost my cool many times over the expanse of my long life, but this was the first time I hadn’t been able to gain control of it before I killed someone. My mind flowed away from me like a burst water mains. I had killed someone, he wasn’t innocent, but still I had killed him and that one little act made something inside me start to crack and break and I suddenly felt good. Throwing myself down on top of the woman beater I felt his body was still warm, his blood starting to stop flowing through his veins. Descending upon him I sank my teeth into the side of his neck, drinking him dry. Falling back against the bottom of the bed I closed my eyes. The feeling that his whole life essence seeping into my own veins, flowing around my whole body was even more intense than euphoria. I suddenly felt so much better than I had ever remembered feeling in my long existence before. And I knew that I loved it. The moment his blood started to run thin, turning cold was also the same moment that the monster buried deep inside me broke through and I knew that nothing would ever be the same with me ever again. I had lived for over two thousand years without ever killing to feed and now I had made my first kill, something inside me longed to do it again. I felt the girl on the bed start to come around again, turning to look up at her I smiled at her and then she started to scream when she spotted her boyfriend’s lifeless body lying awkwardly at my side. Scrambling to my feet I held both my hands out in front of her. “Please don’t scream” I started to beg her. “I won’t hurt you if you don’t scream again” I closed my eyes when I hear her scream again, leaping up onto the bed I pushed her down hard, my hand on her neck. “I told you not to scream” I hissed into the side of her face. “And now you are going to have to die too” I didn’t want to kill her, but I had to make her stop screaming. Covering her mouth with my hand I felt my teeth come out painfully again, sinking in to the soft thin skin of her throat and I bit down, feeling the rush of her warm blood hit my mouth, spinning me even more out of control. The more I consumed the more I wanted. I didn’t want to drain her dry, I couldn’t help myself. A few minutes later I stepped back from the bed looking down at my second kill, this time she was innocent, but that still didn’t stop the ineffable feeling that washed over me, walking back out of the room again I closed the door softly behind me and headed towards my own room again. Walking in to my room again and the moment the door closes behind me I pull off the blood stained t-shirt and threw it onto the floor before I dive into my bag and pull out a navy shirt. Slipping it on I start to button it up, looking at my deft fingers working fast in the mirror that stood majestically on top of the dresser. I knew I had to move fats before the two bodies were found on the floor underneath me, the room directly under my own. I hear someone knocking at their door, then the door slowly opens and I hear a woman start to scream. Commotion erupting from the second floor and I instantly became frozen to the spot. I hear the word police and I start to become unstuck from my spot in front of the mirror, grabbing my hold all again I run towards the window in my panic to flee. Jumping over the balcony again I almost fall over when my feet hit the sidewalk and I start to run back towards the bridge again, I longed to be at home. My apartment was starting to feel too many miles away. Hitting the start of the bridge a few minutes later, one of he men tried to stop me from crossing. This time I don’t give him time to speak, I descend upon his neck and tore his throat out and carried on running spitting his flesh out of my mouth when I made my way around the barrier. This time the rain and wind didn’t bother me in my haste to get home again, I needed to see the familiar landscape of Cape Cod and smell the salty sea air. I dreaded going back, but not half as much as I dreaded being found out to be the killer. I didn’t regret what I had done to the couple, my only regret was running back home like a loser. Loser is what I was. Ducking under the barrier on the other side of the bridge I flew around the man standing in front of it too fast for his weak human eyes to see me. “Felix” I heard my name being carried past me on the strong wind and I turned towards her standing beside my car, soaking through to her skin. “What the hell do you think you are doing out in this weather” I shouted at her, my anger rising again. Reaching the car I glared at her. “Lyssa what do you think you are doing?” I snarled at her. “I tried to follow you and then your car was abandoned and I thought that maybe you were dead this time” I took her into my arms, feeling her own pain seeping out to trace decaying fingers along my spine. “Get in” I told her climbing into the driver’s seat. “I’m taking you home” I told her and she shook her head. “Yes, you are going home and you are going to be staying there” I could feel her staring at me hard. “What has happened to you?” her voice begging me to tell her. “You don’t want to know” I replied, trying to keep the car on the road when the angry wind tried to throw us over the edge of a cliff down onto the sand. “Something has happened to you” she reached her hand towards mine on the steering wheel, but I moved it out of her reach. “You have changed and I would like to know what that is, as your friend Felix” I started to melt, still keeping my eyes on the road as I battled the wind to get Alyssa home to safety. “Ok I will tell you” I sighed deeply. “I killed three humans tonight and I am not going to lie to you, because you are my friend, so I am not going to tell you I didn’t like it, because I loved it” “How can you of all people even say that” she snapped at him, but I knew it was more out of shock than her actually being angry with me. “First of all I am not a real person, I am a vampire and you already know that, so it really shouldn’t have come as much of a shock to you” I told her careering to the left when a gust of wind tried to take the front of the car away from me, righting it back up I spoke quickly and clearly. “You wanted to know and I told you I was going to tell you the truth and the truth of the matter is I loved it, I didn’t enjoy killing the girl as she was an innocent, but that doesn’t mean I enjoyed it any less then the first time” “You know what I meant” she spat at me. “You are not like those fictional vampires you see in movies or read about. You are good, you are not a monster” I felt her hand touch my arm lovingly, but I couldn’t bring myself to look her in the face, so I kept my eyes on the road. “I know I am not like them, they do not exist and I am real” I bit the back of one of my hands to stop myself from screaming out in frustration. I didn’t want to scare her; she was my only friend in the whole world since Teddy had been murdered by that drunken idiot. “Listen Alyssa, what I am about to say might shock you into never want to speak to me ever again. But maybe that is for the best, I know I have been selfish these past fifty years” I suddenly couldn’t speak past the lump in my throat. “Please don’t say that” she begged me. “But it is the truth” I tell her, stealing a little look at her and I saw her watching the wind rolling past her window, sweeping waves more than ten feet high. “You shouldn’t be friends with me, but that you already knew from the start of this friendship. Alyssa I am a monster, why have you never been able to see through that?” “Shit I have to go back” I told her standing back up again quickly. “I left the blood stained t-shirt on the floor of the hotel room in my panic to flee” “Oh Felix” she whispered past her hand that covered her mouth. “What you did was completely rash and unlike you, but you cannot go back now” she was forceful, but I knew she was right even though I still wanted to go back. “Felix, pull the car over to the side of the road” she told me out of nowhere and I shook my head, refusing to do as she told me too for the first time in fifty years. “Felix please” her begging voice made me start to slow the car down to twenty miles an hour, but still I refused to allow her the chance to get out to be blown to her death. “I just want to talk to you” she giggled. “I am not planning on running out of this car and most certainly not in this weather” I chuckled with her when she caught on to my wave length and pulled the car over to the side of the road, turning off the ignition I turn to face her. Clutching at my hand, she started to talk more softly. “Felix I know you and I know what kind of a person you are, a vampire you may very well be, but I also know that you are a person too and a very good, kind, caring and incredibly decent. Please don’t allow the animal trapped inside you to start winning after all these years you have kept it at bay” Closing my eyes, my breathing turned rapid and I opened them again and looked at her. “But what if I have already allowed it to win, what then?” “Then I cannot allow you to ever get involved with my niece” she turned her gaze out of the windshield watching a tree being uprooted. “Then maybe it is a good thing that my inner beats has finally been released” starting the car I drove her towards her home in complete silence, I didn’t even bother to look her way when I heard her quietly sobbing in the seat next to mine and then before either of us knew it, I was pulling up outside her home. Climbing out of the car I rushed around to the passenger side and opened the door for her, helping her out. My heart was sore when I took her to her own front door, my body protecting her from the horrendous storm. “I do love you” I told her when she stopped inside her doorway and she spoke without turning to look at me. “I know” she said sadly. “I love you too my dear friend” then she closed the door and that would be the last time I was ever going to see my friend alive. If I had known that night my friend would be taking her last ever breath then I would never have walked back to my car and drove away from her, thinking it was for the best. I would have beaten the door down, kidnap her and kept her safe. But I also knew deep down that that was the time that she was meant to have died, but it didn’t make the pain of losing her any less soul destroying. Pulling the car back into my parking spot, I jumped out, taking my bag with me as I made my way back into the enterance of my apartment building, heading for the stairs, I bound up them like cat being chased by a huge dog. Unlocking my apartment door my stomach dropped in a way I hadn’t felt in a long time, but I ignored the feeling and walked inside my home, closing the door behind me. I was so relieved to be back at home, even if I had only left for a few hours. Those few hours had been worse than a few hundred years of my life, not only had I killed three humans, two of them innocent, but I also lost my only friend in the process. Dropping my bag down onto the floor I flopped down onto my favourite chair, closing my eyes and I must have drifted off into a dreamless state because a few hours later there was a loud banging on my friend door. My heart started to beat faster when I climbed to my feet to go and answer it. “Are you Felix Sampson?” one of the four police officers asked me and I nodded my head with a grin expression on my face. “Then you are under arrest for the murders of Jamie Lewis, Lisa Jackson and Daniel Martin” he told me while another placed a feeble set of handcuffs on my writs. “Anything you do or say can and will be used against you in a court of law, do you understand?” I nod at him again while two of them walk me away from my apartment. I heard one of them close my front door before following us down the stairs and out into a waiting police van, where I get thrown into the back and they pull away. I could have busted out of the handcuffs and kicked the doors off the back of the police van, but I don’t, I sit back and think about accepting my fate as a murderer. The van slows down to a stop a few miles away, I hear footsteps walking towards the back and then the doors open again. “Come on” one of the police officers says kindly to me as he helped me to step out of the van again. “This way” he leads me in through the back of the station and up to the desk where sat a huge mean looking desk Sargent. “Name” he barked at me. “Felix Sampson” I tell him just as sternly. “Date of birth” he shouts at me, hating the way I just spoke to him, not even realising that I could snap him with my little finger and be gone before anyone else would see him dropping onto the counter. “Shit” I think to myself, what can I tell him, my real age and risk getting locked up in a mental institute somewhere in the middle of nowhere. “Date of birth, are you stupid or death” he bellowed at me and I watched his face going read. “Nineteen ninety two” I lie smoothly. “So that makes me twenty one” I snarled at him. “Strip” he barked and I did as I was told and stripped down to my boxers. “Turn” I stood there glaring up at him. “If you want to stare at my naked form then you had best have paint brush in your hands. “Turn” he barked at me again. “I don’t find you very amusing and if I don’t get your distinguishing marks or any tattoos written down then you are going to be held in custody until you learn to cooperate” “Fine” I hissed. “No marks or tattoos of any kind, all real, all natural” “Get dressed” I started to dress quickly, before being lead into a different room so that my fingerprints could be take down and kept on record. “Open your mouth” one of the officers who had picked me up asked me and I shook my head, refusing to open my mouth. “We need your DNA samples too, come on dude” he said holding out the swap, his hand starting to shake. “The weather is atrocious and I am dying to get home to my family, please don’t make this more of an ordeal than it needs to be, please” How could I give him my DNA, what would they even find. Would it come up in the sample when they ran it through the lab that I am not human? Would they want to do more experiments on me to try and determine what I was? This was starting to feel like a mistake, a huge one. I had to get out of there, but should I really be running away from something I had done and something I more than deserved punishment for. “I cannot allow you to do that” I told him, feeling the beast within me grab a firm hold of my mind again. “Why not” he balked, shaking his head, still holding the swab towards me. “Because I am not what you think I am” I replied advancing on him and he started to back up away from me, hitting the wall. “Then what are you” he stammers, frantically trying to press the emergency button at his side, but I break his arm and it falls lifelessly to his side, my hand covers his mouth before he can let out a faint scream of pain. “This” I tell him, my teeth starting to grown and sharpen. “I am your worst nightmare come true” I tear into his throat, ripping out his jugular and he falls down onto the floor. “Try getting my DNA from that dude” I mimicked him, before heading back out of the room, snapping off the handcuffs from around my wrists as I went up to the desk. “What the hell” the desk Sargent started to back up, but I leapt the short distance behind the desk. “Ah” I mocked him. “Are we afraid of the little murderer” I walked up to him, pushing him back into the wall. “My real date of birth is unknown, but I am more than two thousand years old” I stare into his frightened face and he starts to shake his head. “Oh but it is true” I snap his neck and he falls at my feet. “Stupid humans” the beast inside me starts to roar edifyingly loud when he hears more police officers running towards me. “Freeze” I heard one brave officer call out to me, holding onto his gun with shaking arms and I quickly realise he isn’t long in the force. “Give me one good reason why I should” I place a hand on the little wooden door, leaping over it and landing in front of him. “I will shoot you” he shouts, his voice shaking more than his hands. “Put your hands up above your head, now” “NO” I whisper to him, walking towards him. “No I will not, you put your hands up” “I have a gun and I am not afraid to use it” he told me, sweat starting to form above his lip. “If you are going to shoot me, then I think you should” I stop a few inches in front of him, grinning down at him. “Go on, make my day” “I will shoot you” he starts to shale even more now. “Oh for heaven sakes just fricking shoot me then” I pinned him against the wall, a firm grip on his hand with the gun, holding it to my temple. “Go ahead pull the trigger little boy” He cries out just as another five police officers come running into the little booking room. He pulls the trigger and the gun goes off in his hand and that was the moment he started to scream out in pain when the shell hit the side of my head, ricocheting back long the barrel of the gun before exploding the gun in his hand, talking most of his palm and his fingers along with it. “I told you to make my day and I have to thank you, because you just did” I allowed him to fall onto the floor. “I am going to let you live, but don’t make me regret that decision” Walking back out of the police station ten minutes and another fourteen dead police officers later I look up at the dark grey skies. I knew I was covered head to foot in innocent blood, but I felt good, no I felt amazing. Each new kill brought me even closer to the vampire I was born to be. I turn and walk back out of the compound, not even caring where I was going anymore. I longed to go and see Alyssa, but that part of my life was now over with. I needed to clean myself off so I started to run down to the beach, the wind already starting to die down again and I jumped straight into below freezing water, the blood washing away from me, already starting to tarnish my soul. I couldn’t die, but others could and I loved every minute of their deaths, brought about by my own hands. “Felix” I heard a voice, whipping my head around me I couldn’t see anything except the wild thrashing sea. “You know you are growing feral and there is nothing you can do to stop you from becoming the beast now, you have gone too far” “So what” I said aloud to myself, standing waist deep in the surf. The water was slowly starting to calm down a little and I knew it was the calm before the storm started to get worse, like it was lying in wait to fool the unsuspecting before rioting again, killing all in its path and that thought made me realise that I was like the weather who had been lying in wait for two thousand years and now was the time that my storm acted up. I hear an awful noise and before I turned my head to the right, looking back up the beach to the little rows of neat houses, I knew which house it was. Wadding quickly back out of the sea I flew up the beach as fast as my speeding heart would allow. Alyssa’s house was starting to cave in, the huge tree in the garden being uprooted and was now trying to crush the house in its attempt to lie down flat. I heard her start to scream and I gathered up more speed, my feet hitting the sidewalk, causing little dents to appear under my feet. She was in trouble and I would have given anything to save her life. Nothing entered my head as I started to climb up the huge thick truck off the tree within seconds, leaping into the attic and immediately dropping through the huge hole and straight down to the first floor and that is when I spotted her. Laying half under the enormous tree, her face pale, but she was still alive. “Felix” she calls out to me faintly and I rush to her side, grabbing a firm hold of her hand. “Lyssa” I cried out dropping down onto my knees at her head. “Please tell me you can feel me” I could feel the first flow of tears in a long time start to emerge and I clutched onto her hand even more tightly when she shook her head, her own tears starting to fall. “Don’t you dare leave me, you promised me you wouldn’t leave me until you were old and grey” I held her hand close to my face, closing my eyes. “You promised me” I told her again, my heart standing still in my chest. “You promised me” “Listen Felix” Alyssa said, her voice hard for even me to pick up, so I leant closer to her face. “I want you to do one thing for me” “Anything, I will do anything for you” I told her, my tears falling onto her face to mingle with her own. “Please give into love” was the last words she ever spoke to me. And then she was gone. Leaving me all alone with the tree and I hated that tree. I kissed her cold cheek before I stood up again when I heard the emergency services pulling up outside and I leapt up the trunk of the tree until I got to the attic again, curling up into the corner of the room I broke down, my sobs taking me down within them deeply. Nothing in my life would ever be the same again. I saw her smiling face on the beach that first time I had ever seen her and I swear I had never before in my life seen anything so beautiful. Her long dark brown hair with its natural golden highlights hung in lose curls down her back, her deep brown eyes with the deep green and amber flecks seemed to shine brighter than any of the stars in the sky. She was exquisite and nothing in the natural world ever could compare to her. Closing my eyes tightly I lay back on the floor of her attic, trying my best to ignore the fire crew working two floors underneath me, trying to cut free her body. I felt the happy moment from a time lost to the present slipping its warm fingers around my arm to transport me through time and space and I allowed myself to sink back into that memory that nudged at my heart. “Hey can you throw back the ball” she called out and I ran down the beach to retrieve it, throwing it back and almost braining one of her friends because my eyes could never leave hers. “Thank you” she grinned at me trying not to laugh when the little blonde girl with short straight hair started to rub at the back of her head. “Don’t mention it” I called back to her, picking up my book again, watching her over the top of it. “What are you reading” she asked me, grabbing hold of the book and read the cover. “Beyond good and evil by Friedrich Nietzsche” she smiled up at me, sitting down on the wall next to me. “So” she said, still smiling and I could hear the little thrum her heart made whenever her eyes lit up in her excitement. “You’re a deep thinker then” “You can say that” u held my hand out to her. “Felix” “Alyssa” she took my hand and went to shake it, but I brought hers to my mouth and kissed the back of hers. “And a gentleman” “So say some” I grinned at her, liking the feel of her aura brushing against my own. “And what do the others say” she asked me wide eyed. I leant in towards her, whispering in her ear. “Get away” she giggled and the sound was amazing to my long forgotten ears. “You are not like other boys are you” in all my years of living, she was the only one to notice that. There was a loud noise pulling me back out of the trance and I sat up in the dark attic, knowing that the tree was almost gone. Creeping towards the front of the house I saw numerous activity. Making my way to the back of the house I climbed up onto the roof and ran across the buildings, before dropping down onto the floor again. There was only one place I could go to now that my own apartment was off limits. So I made my way there slowly, feeling the non-existent hole in my chest expanding.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 13:30:25 +0000

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