Last summer I adopted Uhura, a 1yo, 12lb Italian Greyhound/ JRT - TopicsExpress


Last summer I adopted Uhura, a 1yo, 12lb Italian Greyhound/ JRT cross who is extremely afraid of everything. One thing she is especially terrified by is the act of peeing and pooping, I suspect she was punished harshly for an accident at one time and now every time she pees and poops, no matter where she is or who is around, she cringes and looks terrified. In the beginning she would just always hold it as long as she was physically capable, so she was only peeing and pooping about once every 24 hours. It took me 4 months of constant crate, tether, go out every hour, click and treat, ect to get her housebroken, but Ive now had her on a good routine for about the last two months and she has had no accidents. When I call lets go outside! she (and my other dog, Aldo) run to the door and I put their collars/ sweaters on and let them out and tell Uhura to go potty and she potties on cue and gets a treat. She goes out 3x a day unless she asks for an extra let out, which she will if she needs one. However, this week on Monday morning when she was given the lets go outside! cue she reacted with extreme terror, ran away, hid, rolled on her back and peed. The incident did not repeat so I brushed it off as a fluke, but this morning she did the same thing but worse, this morning she was actually so terrified she was screaming. I am totally baffled. I dont know if she is afraid of the cue, going outside, getting dressed, going potty, or something else. And I have no idea why. Any ideas on what to do?
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:59:35 +0000

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