Last weeks posting started the theme of being thankful! Wow, - TopicsExpress


Last weeks posting started the theme of being thankful! Wow, pretty cool, right?! BUT..... funny thing is, I didnt even realize we were this close to Thanksgiving. I know, sounds crazy (as usual!), and I certainly get where you are coming from. But I didnt send out the last posting because Thanksgiving was near; no, I posted it because thats what felt good to me at that moment. Thats what was in my heart and I wanted to share it. So with that said, there are a few things I want to share tonight. The first is, please dont wait for a holiday to stop and be thankful for whatever makes your heart smile. Take the time everyday to reflect and be thankful for your surroundings (whatever that may be). Its remarkably rewarding and uplifting when you do so. Second, I have to laugh at myself (which I do often.... great medicine in and of itself, BTW), because I really had no clue that Thanksgiving (the holiday that brings THANKS to the forefront) was a week from my last posting. Im bringing this to your attention because it hit me pretty hard tonight.... we (humans) so often get hung up in the future - in a very unhealthy way. What the future holds; where the future is going; what we can / cannot control w/the future; what we think we should prepare (or not) for the future; will it be good or not-so-good; do we have everything in its perfect (lol!) place to plan for the future; will our dreams come to fruition? etc. etc. Our lists are as long as the ocean is wide (yikes!). But, please tell me whats the point in the focus of the future? Truly, whats the point? We absolutely CANNOT control the future (even though we think we can and we attempt to do so). For me, I dont often think about or look in to the future (and boy I wish I could say never, but thats a work-in-progress). No way jose!! What Ive come to realize is... why should I waste my energy worrying about the future? I may not be here tomorrow, so why would I want to release myself to something that doesnt even exist yet? Doesnt make sense to me, so Im not going to do it. Instead I focus my energy, my heart, my being on today. The here and now. I live for the moment because each moment is beautiful. And I have faith that my tomorrows will bring with them happiness, love, light, health, joy, fun, peace, harmony, grace, ease and so much more! And let me tell you, Im good with having faith and believing that something greater than me has it all figured out; Im good with believing that the how of everyday life is already resolved by my greater power. Im good with letting go and letting God handle because that frees me up to enjoy the moment. Every single second of it! :)) Im truly grateful for it all. I want to leave you with this.... please do NOT spend so much time in the future. Worrying about this, that and the other thing. OMG -- who are we to know what this, that and the other thing should be?!! Allow it to unfold as you follow your heart. If you dont, you set yourself up for missing the beauty of the here and now. I say No Thanks to worrying about and focusing on the future; Instead, I say Bring it on for living in the moment! Choose what feels right to you. Many thanks to you all for being here and for providing me your support, guidance and overall love. You all rock. THANK YOU for YOU!! :) Many hugs and blessings.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:36:49 +0000

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