Late last night, while rinsing my equipment, I found my Gopro - TopicsExpress


Late last night, while rinsing my equipment, I found my Gopro camera and equipment missing from my dive bag (lost a lot of sleep over that) and literally ran (ok, it was only 100 yards, but it was dark) back to dive facility and searched, but failed to locate the equipment. I was back at the shop at 6:00am (they dont open until 7:30 am EDT, but it was found by the crew and held for me), so I walked across the Taveneria key bridge in the very early light watching a few large barracuda and snapper swim with the outgoing tide of water flowing the 1/2 mile from the Gulf of Mexico side to the Atlantic Ocean, the same channel our dive boat took out to the Atlantic dive spots ) and thinking I havent seen an Atlantic a Sunrise in several years. I Continued searching through the clouds on the horizon for the sunrise, and giving into failure and blaming the clouds. I continued to enjoy the abundant sea life, and increased light, when the sun finally broke through the clouds, over my left shoulder (I thought that was north by north west) Honestly, I didnt consume any liquids but water (both fresh and ocean salt), and diet Pepsi. I can NOT edit videos until I return home to Texas, but here is some raw and uncensored (Sorry) video of a Harassing Tarpon and small baraccuda. I am Not expecting any calls from National Geographic society :), but I enjoy it.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 01:52:49 +0000

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