Lately it has been on my heart to share my testimony, and what - TopicsExpress


Lately it has been on my heart to share my testimony, and what better way to tell it than through where everyone posts their stories anyway. So here I go, bare with me: I grew up in a divorced family. My biological father was never really around. Most of the time it was just mom and I, which was fine by me. Mom didnt always go to church, but in my grandparents made it a point that I was in church EVERY Sunday. Going to church was the norm for me. It was revival week at church, and the pastor told the crowd if you dont know Jesus you are going to die and go to hell. At the age of 7, that was the scariest thing I had ever heard. I ran up to the alter and told the pastor I wanted to accept Jesus into my heart, not really knowing at all what I was doing. I just didnt want to die and go to a scary place. Things pretty much were fine from then until the 6th grade. My 6th grade year my biological father filed for full custody of me. I had not even spent the night with him before, and now he wanted to take me away from my mom. I didnt know what to do. The lawyers decided that it would be a good idea for me to go to some counseling to prevent me from acting out. The couselor suggested that I go to some type of summer camp. I really wasnt for it, until my uncle told me about this camp called hunting for Christ. It was a camp that was about hunting and fishing, and of course Jesus. I was WAY into hunting at the time (not anymore) so I was all for it. So we went to camp (mind you, I was the only girl from my church that went) and I was shooting better than all of them too haha! Saturday night during the service the speaker came and talked about giving everything to Jesus. Well in my mind, I had been saved so yeah, I had given everything to him. But all in one instant it seemed like Jesus, myself, and the speaker were the only people there. The speaker looked out into the crowd and said if you are not able to give all your troubles and frustrations to him you do not know him I then realized every time I thought I had given the situation to him, I had just picked it right back up. I started crying my eyes out, because I knew that I didnt know Jesus. I ran to my Uncle Sandy and asked him to pray with me, because I needed to give my life and my burdens to Jesus. That night I felt a peace that is everlasting. I know that when I do die, I will be with my Heavenly Father. Even though the situation seemed terrible at the time, I might have never accepted Jesus if I wouldnt have gone through that situation. My life, even though at times may be difficult, it will never be as horrible as being apart from my Jesus. Thank you to those who read, I leave you with this word of encouragement. No matter what is going on in your life, God can make the darkest moments into light. Lean on him, and he will tell you what to do next. That is all I know now. Love you all, thank you for your continued prayers.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 03:33:55 +0000

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