Latest Release: Latest Release: 3rd Edition of Huios - TopicsExpress


Latest Release: Latest Release: 3rd Edition of Huios Magazine by Dr. Shawn and Annie Smith (4$) Homolegeo by Dr. Annie Smith (10$) Of His Fullness by Dr. Shawn Smith (8$) Experiencing The Powers of the Ages to Come Version Française by Dr. Shawn Smith (8$) Burning with Purpose French Version Française by Dr. Annie Smith (5$) Tres cher (e) Adelphus, Méditons avec les Drs Shawn & Annie Smith : In Christ Devotions vol 23 13ème jour La loi n’est pas pour vous. « Or, nous savons que tout ce que dit la loi, elle le dit à ceux qui sont sous la loi, afin que toute bouche soit fermée, et que tout le monde soit reconnu coupable devant Dieu. Car nul ne sera justifié devant lui par les œuvres de la loi, puisque cest par la loi que vient la connaissance du péché.» Romains 3:19-20 (KJV) L’une des raisons pour lesquelles l’Eglise n’est pas encore dans sa pleine position d’influence dans le monde aujourd’hui c’est parce qu’elle n’a pas encore compris la différence essentielle entre la justice personnelle qui provient de la loi de Moise et des œuvres de la chair, et le don de la justice qui s’obtient par la grâce de Dieu à travers la foi en Christ Jésus. Nous devons comprendre la justice qui dépasse celle des pharisiens pour hériter du Royaume de Dieu. Il est d’une importance capitale que nous comprenions que la loi de l’Ancien Testament n’a jamais été donnée aux païens et n’a pas été prévue pour les chrétiens. La loi a été donnée uniquement aux juifs, non dans le but de produire la justification, mais bien au contraire, pour produire la culpabilité afin que quiconque renonce à sa culpabilité devant Dieu puisse connaitre l’effet condamnateur de la loi. Elle a été donnée pour fermer et clouer la bouche de toute personne qui se présentait devant Dieu. Aucune défense ne pouvait être présentée devant le verdict coupable de la loi. Christ est venu accomplir la loi afin de pouvoir la terminer et la remplacer. Ainsi, quiconque croit en lui reçoit la justice divine. Dieu ne nous a pas donné la loi afin de nous fortifier dans sa justice « car nous ne sommes pas sous la loi mais sous la grâce » (Romains 6:14). La loi à laquelle Paul fait allusion ici est les dix commandements qui furent gravés sur des pierres et ordonnés par des anges entre les mains de Moise comme médiateur. Si vous servez avec le paradigme de la loi de Moise, vous hésiterez toujours à croire la parole de Dieu. Ceci parce que la loi n’est pas de la foi (Galates 3:12). Nous qui sommes la justice de Dieu nous réjouissons en Christ Jésus. Notre confiance ne repose pas sur nos performances mais plutôt sur l’œuvre de Christ accomplie pour nous. Confession de foi Père de grâce, je te remercie de ce que la loi ne m’a jamais été donnée. Merci pour la justice divine que j’ai reçue par la foi du Fils de Dieu. Ma confiance ne repose donc pas sur ma performance mais sur ce que Christ a fait pour moi. AMEN Pensée du jour En tant que croyant en Christ, votre confiance ne repose pas sur votre performance, mais elle est établie sur l’œuvre que Christ a accomplie pour nous. Day 12 Sons Placed in the Son. “We have known that every one who hath been begotten of God doth not sin, but he who was begotten of God doth keep himself, and the evil one doth not touch him;” 1John 5:18 (YLT) Many believers want to prove their sonship by works of righteousness which they perform on their part. As a believer in Christ Jesus, you are born of God. To be born of God means to be regenerated, to re-originate in God; to be fathered by God. By virtue of your union with Christ, the seed of God abides and remains in you and due to the divine residence of the seed of God, you are characterized as having no relationship whatsoever with sin (1Jn 3:19). This means there is no consciousness of sin, whatsoever, in the believer who is aware that the seed of God divinely resides in Him. Through your union with the only begotten of God, Jesus Christ who is the ‘monogenes’, you are begotten of Him and have partaken of the begetting and eternal generation. You are a son in the Son. All that Jesus is you are because He has become your life. ‘He who is begotten of God (He who is the Son of God) will keep Him and guard Him’. You are so one and intertwined with Jesus Christ that the begotten of God in keeping you it implies that He is keeping Himself. As a believer in Christ, you are a son in the Son. You need to take hold of whatever is in Jesus and make use of it because what is in Him is now yours. He has become your life. Once you do this, the Word of God says He gives unto you power to become; power begins to operate in you. This power that begins to operate in you is called the ‘exousia’ power of God. Power begins to flow out of your being and you begin to exercise authority and have dominion over every sphere of life and overcome the world in which you live. Nothing will be able to defeat you or stand against you because you do not get your origin from blood, which speaks of biological origin, nor from the will of the flesh which speaks of our power, decisional faculties and achievements in life; nor from the will of man which speaks of the will of other people. You are born from above; you are born of God. God chose you in Himself before the world began and you have chosen Him because He first chose you and has made you the son of God now revealed in the world in which you live. Confession of faith Gracious father, I thank you that by the faith of the Son of God, I have been made a son. My sonship is not dependent on what I can do but on what Christ has done in me and is doing through me and as me. I count it a privilege that I am your son, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Thought for the day Your sonship is not based on what you can do but what Christ has done for you. In Christ Devotions Day 13 The Law Is Not For You. “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:19-20 (KJV) One of the reasons why the Church has not had its full influence in the world today is because she has not yet understood the essential difference between self-righteousness which is of the Law of Moses by the works of the flesh, and the gift of righteousness which is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We must comprehend the righteousness which exceeds that of the Pharisees if we are to inherit the Kingdom of God. It is vitally important for us to understand that the Old Testament law was never given to the Gentiles, nor was it intended for Christians. The law was given uniquely to the Jews, not for the purpose of producing justification, but rather to produce guilt in that anyone who denied his guilt before God could profit from the condemning effect of the law. It was given to shut and hush the mouth of every man when he came before God. There was no defense that could be given against the guilty verdict of the law. Christ came to fulfill the law that He might terminate the law and replace it. Thus, everyone who believes in Him receives God’s righteousness. God did not give the law in order to strengthen us in His righteousness ‘for we are not under the law but under grace’ (Romans 6:14). The law Paul is referring to here is the Ten Commandments, which were engraved in stones and ordained through angels in the hand of Moses as a mediator. If you are serving with the paradigm of the Law of Moses, you will always hesitate to believe the Word of God. This is because the law is not of faith (Galatians 3:12). We who are the righteousness of God rejoice in Christ Jesus. Our confidence is not in our performances but our confidence is established in the work Christ completed for us. Confession of faith Gracious father, I thank you because the law was never given to me. Thank you for the righteousness of God which I have received by the faith of the Son of God. My confidence is therefore not in my performance but in what Christ has done for me. AMEN. Thought for the day As a believer in Christ, your confidence is not in your performance but it is established in the work Christ completed for you. Vous êtes merveilleusement bien et bénis et hautement favorises du Seigneur. Programme à Douala: ° DIMANCHE : 7H30; 9H30 et 17H30 (3 cultes). ° MERCREDI : 17H30. Nos différentes branches au Cameroun : BUEA : Quiferou Building, Bonduma Pasteur ANDERSON 79 98 95 09 / 77 24 57 49 LIMBE : M & B Tower, Church Street Pasteur WREN 77 01 57 04 YAOUNDE : Biscuterie Biyem Assi Pasteur CARMEL 99834099 = Dr SERGE 74978568 BAMENDA : Mugfic Building, Commercial Avenue Pasteur DERRICK 79 52 40 75 § 99 25 36 86 BAFOUSSAM : Ministre GISLAIN EMERY 99 94 80 45 AVEC CET EVANGILE, VOUS NE SEREZ PLUS JAMAIS LA MÊME PERSONNE. Our Program in DOUALA : Sunday 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm (3 different services). Wednesday 5h30pm Our branches in Cameroon: BUEA : Quiferou Building, Bonduma Pasteur ANDERSON 79989509/77245749 LIMBE : M & B Tower, Church Street Pasteur WREN 77 01 57 04 YAOUNDE Biscuiterie Biyem Assi Pasteur CARMEL 99834099/Dr SERGE 74978568 BAMENDA : Mugfic Building, Commercial Avenue Pasteur DERRICK 79 52 40 75 § 99 25 36 86 BAFOUSSAM : Ministre GISLAIN EMERY 99 94 80 45 Please meet us after the next service (Pastor Mathurin Blaise TCHOUMEN 75562886 / 9026 6992 / 3360 3916) YOU ARE BLESSED WITH ALL BLESSINGS. COMING EVENTS @ GOSPEL OF CHRIST MINISTRIES: 0000adpastorsconference Shalom, Drs. Shawn and Annie Smith, Apostolat, Gospel of Christ Ministries. Notre mandat : Présenter la Révélation de CHRIST JESUS , la Bonté de sa Personne & la Perfection de son Oeuvre avec Excellence & Clarté pour la Levée de lEglise Glorieuse. 3rd Edition of Huios Magazine by Dr. Shawn and Annie Smith (4$) Homolegeo by Dr. Annie Smith (10$) Of His Fullness by Dr. Shawn Smith (8$) Experiencing The Powers of the Ages to Come Version Française by Dr. Shawn Smith (8$) Burning with Purpose French Version Française by Dr. Annie Smith (5$) Tres cher (e) Adelphus, Méditons avec les Drs Shawn & Annie Smith : In Christ Devotions vol 23 13ème jour La loi n’est pas pour vous. « Or, nous savons que tout ce que dit la loi, elle le dit à ceux qui sont sous la loi, afin que toute bouche soit fermée, et que tout le monde soit reconnu coupable devant Dieu. Car nul ne sera justifié devant lui par les œuvres de la loi, puisque cest par la loi que vient la connaissance du péché.» Romains 3:19-20 (KJV) L’une des raisons pour lesquelles l’Eglise n’est pas encore dans sa pleine position d’influence dans le monde aujourd’hui c’est parce qu’elle n’a pas encore compris la différence essentielle entre la justice personnelle qui provient de la loi de Moise et des œuvres de la chair, et le don de la justice qui s’obtient par la grâce de Dieu à travers la foi en Christ Jésus. Nous devons comprendre la justice qui dépasse celle des pharisiens pour hériter du Royaume de Dieu. Il est d’une importance capitale que nous comprenions que la loi de l’Ancien Testament n’a jamais été donnée aux païens et n’a pas été prévue pour les chrétiens. La loi a été donnée uniquement aux juifs, non dans le but de produire la justification, mais bien au contraire, pour produire la culpabilité afin que quiconque renonce à sa culpabilité devant Dieu puisse connaitre l’effet condamnateur de la loi. Elle a été donnée pour fermer et clouer la bouche de toute personne qui se présentait devant Dieu. Aucune défense ne pouvait être présentée devant le verdict coupable de la loi. Christ est venu accomplir la loi afin de pouvoir la terminer et la remplacer. Ainsi, quiconque croit en lui reçoit la justice divine. Dieu ne nous a pas donné la loi afin de nous fortifier dans sa justice « car nous ne sommes pas sous la loi mais sous la grâce » (Romains 6:14). La loi à laquelle Paul fait allusion ici est les dix commandements qui furent gravés sur des pierres et ordonnés par des anges entre les mains de Moise comme médiateur. Si vous servez avec le paradigme de la loi de Moise, vous hésiterez toujours à croire la parole de Dieu. Ceci parce que la loi n’est pas de la foi (Galates 3:12). Nous qui sommes la justice de Dieu nous réjouissons en Christ Jésus. Notre confiance ne repose pas sur nos performances mais plutôt sur l’œuvre de Christ accomplie pour nous. Confession de foi Père de grâce, je te remercie de ce que la loi ne m’a jamais été donnée. Merci pour la justice divine que j’ai reçue par la foi du Fils de Dieu. Ma confiance ne repose donc pas sur ma performance mais sur ce que Christ a fait pour moi. AMEN Pensée du jour En tant que croyant en Christ, votre confiance ne repose pas sur votre performance, mais elle est établie sur l’œuvre que Christ a accomplie pour nous. Day 12 Sons Placed in the Son. “We have known that every one who hath been begotten of God doth not sin, but he who was begotten of God doth keep himself, and the evil one doth not touch him;” 1John 5:18 (YLT) Many believers want to prove their sonship by works of righteousness which they perform on their part. As a believer in Christ Jesus, you are born of God. To be born of God means to be regenerated, to re-originate in God; to be fathered by God. By virtue of your union with Christ, the seed of God abides and remains in you and due to the divine residence of the seed of God, you are characterized as having no relationship whatsoever with sin (1Jn 3:19). This means there is no consciousness of sin, whatsoever, in the believer who is aware that the seed of God divinely resides in Him. Through your union with the only begotten of God, Jesus Christ who is the ‘monogenes’, you are begotten of Him and have partaken of the begetting and eternal generation. You are a son in the Son. All that Jesus is you are because He has become your life. ‘He who is begotten of God (He who is the Son of God) will keep Him and guard Him’. You are so one and intertwined with Jesus Christ that the begotten of God in keeping you it implies that He is keeping Himself. As a believer in Christ, you are a son in the Son. You need to take hold of whatever is in Jesus and make use of it because what is in Him is now yours. He has become your life. Once you do this, the Word of God says He gives unto you power to become; power begins to operate in you. This power that begins to operate in you is called the ‘exousia’ power of God. Power begins to flow out of your being and you begin to exercise authority and have dominion over every sphere of life and overcome the world in which you live. Nothing will be able to defeat you or stand against you because you do not get your origin from blood, which speaks of biological origin, nor from the will of the flesh which speaks of our power, decisional faculties and achievements in life; nor from the will of man which speaks of the will of other people. You are born from above; you are born of God. God chose you in Himself before the world began and you have chosen Him because He first chose you and has made you the son of God now revealed in the world in which you live. Confession of faith Gracious father, I thank you that by the faith of the Son of God, I have been made a son. My sonship is not dependent on what I can do but on what Christ has done in me and is doing through me and as me. I count it a privilege that I am your son, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Thought for the day Your sonship is not based on what you can do but what Christ has done for you. In Christ Devotions Day 13 The Law Is Not For You. “Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.” Romans 3:19-20 (KJV) One of the reasons why the Church has not had its full influence in the world today is because she has not yet understood the essential difference between self-righteousness which is of the Law of Moses by the works of the flesh, and the gift of righteousness which is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ. We must comprehend the righteousness which exceeds that of the Pharisees if we are to inherit the Kingdom of God. It is vitally important for us to understand that the Old Testament law was never given to the Gentiles, nor was it intended for Christians. The law was given uniquely to the Jews, not for the purpose of producing justification, but rather to produce guilt in that anyone who denied his guilt before God could profit from the condemning effect of the law. It was given to shut and hush the mouth of every man when he came before God. There was no defense that could be given against the guilty verdict of the law. Christ came to fulfill the law that He might terminate the law and replace it. Thus, everyone who believes in Him receives God’s righteousness. God did not give the law in order to strengthen us in His righteousness ‘for we are not under the law but under grace’ (Romans 6:14). The law Paul is referring to here is the Ten Commandments, which were engraved in stones and ordained through angels in the hand of Moses as a mediator. If you are serving with the paradigm of the Law of Moses, you will always hesitate to believe the Word of God. This is because the law is not of faith (Galatians 3:12). We who are the righteousness of God rejoice in Christ Jesus. Our confidence is not in our performances but our confidence is established in the work Christ completed for us. Confession of faith Gracious father, I thank you because the law was never given to me. Thank you for the righteousness of God which I have received by the faith of the Son of God. My confidence is therefore not in my performance but in what Christ has done for me. AMEN. Thought for the day As a believer in Christ, your confidence is not in your performance but it is established in the work Christ completed for you. Vous êtes merveilleusement bien et bénis et hautement favorises du Seigneur. Programme à Douala: ° DIMANCHE : 7H30; 9H30 et 17H30 (3 cultes). ° MERCREDI : 17H30. Nos différentes branches au Cameroun : BUEA : Quiferou Building, Bonduma Pasteur ANDERSON 79 98 95 09 / 77 24 57 49 LIMBE : M & B Tower, Church Street Pasteur WREN 77 01 57 04 YAOUNDE : Biscuterie Biyem Assi Pasteur CARMEL 99834099 = Dr SERGE 74978568 BAMENDA : Mugfic Building, Commercial Avenue Pasteur DERRICK 79 52 40 75 § 99 25 36 86 BAFOUSSAM : Ministre GISLAIN EMERY 99 94 80 45 AVEC CET EVANGILE, VOUS NE SEREZ PLUS JAMAIS LA MÊME PERSONNE. Our Program in DOUALA : Sunday 7.30am, 9.30am & 5.30pm (3 different services). Wednesday 5h30pm Our branches in Cameroon: BUEA : Quiferou Building, Bonduma Pasteur ANDERSON 79989509/77245749 LIMBE : M & B Tower, Church Street Pasteur WREN 77 01 57 04 YAOUNDE Biscuiterie Biyem Assi Pasteur CARMEL 99834099/Dr SERGE 74978568 BAMENDA : Mugfic Building, Commercial Avenue Pasteur DERRICK 79 52 40 75 § 99 25 36 86 BAFOUSSAM : Ministre GISLAIN EMERY 99 94 80 45 Please meet us after the next service (Pastor Mathurin Blaise TCHOUMEN 75562886 / 9026 6992 / 3360 3916) YOU ARE BLESSED WITH ALL BLESSINGS. COMING EVENTS @ GOSPEL OF CHRIST MINISTRIES: 0000adpastorsconference Shalom, Drs. Shawn and Annie Smith, Apostolat, Gospel of Christ Ministries. Notre mandat : Présenter la Révélation de CHRIST JESUS , la Bonté de sa Personne & la Perfection de son Oeuvre avec Excellence & Clarté pour la Levée de lEglise Glorieuse.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 12:22:22 +0000

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